Breakfast foods you should eat, according to the USDA

All you have to do is set up the appropriate plate.

Although there are many different types of diets, you can try there, the truth is compared to all these other diets, there is really only one way to succeed to eat that can help you not onlylosing weight, cornKeep your weight loss. All you have to do is follow this particular directive.Fill out your plate with the appropriate nutritious foods will help you maintain good healthandLet your body feel fully and satisfied throughout the day. That's why the United States Department of Agriculture frees a set ofDietary directives every five years that focus on the best nutritional practices for people to follow. One of their most recommended practices is their "My plate ", which shows you how to install a suitable plate for any meal, including breakfast. In order to determine the best breakfast foods you should eat, we watched the guidelines of my USDA plates to repair the healthiest breakfast you can have every day.

Here's what these guidelines recommend for the healthiest breakfast foods you should eat every day and for moreHealthy food tips, make sure to consult our list ofThe 7 healthiest foods to eat right now.


Fruits or vegetables (or both!)

fruits vegetables

If half of our plate in mylaplate guidelines should be composed of fruits and vegetables, the USDA sends a fairly clear message:fruits andvegetables are important for our regimes. However, everyone is not subject to eat vegetables first in the morning, unless they are stuffed in a delicious cheeseOmelette. So, if you have more than one sweet tooth in the morning, a cut of fruit to flow with your eggs could be an excellent alternative. Eating a variety of fruits and vegetables is an easy way to give our body a variety of vitamins and minerals at the beginning of the day.

here are the12 foods for breakfast to get a flat belly, according to experts.




Unless you eatCereals or pastries every day for breakfast, without surprise,protein Is not it difficult to enter in the morning.Eggs Are an easy-to-make breakfast in the morning, but you can also try to prepare meals with breakfast sausages and turkey bacon. Or if you prefer a bowl ofgroatsWhy not throw in a spoonful of nut butter for some proteins or even mix in a spoon of protein powder?

Why eat protein in the morning? With the recommended guidelines of the USDA, theAmerican nutrition company Says that a high protein breakfast has been proven that muscle health has muscle health, weight loss, gives you energy and you feel combined and full for long periods. This means that if you eat your protein, you are less likely to collapse throughout the rest of the day!

So cook these eggs with one of these71+ Best healthy egg recipes for weight loss.


Fiber-rich grains

pomegranate seeds oatmeal

You want a slice of toast with your eggs? Go for that and load thefiber! The addition of your favorite fiber-rich grains in the morning, not only helps the overall energy of your body and operate throughout the day (including going to the bathroom), but eatfibrous food can also help you lose weight.

That's right, eat carbohydrates. And grab your favorite fiber fibers! This can includegroats, Total or sprouting grainbread, rich in cereal fibers with low sugar, even muffins of oats. And if you feel extra adventurous, why not make abreakfast bowl With brown rice or quinoa? Like one of these20 delicious quinoa bowls for breakfast!



blueberry yogurt granola

While thedairy The part of the mylaplate guidelines is technically not on the "plate", it is always a recommended part of each meal. Indeed, dairy products can provide your body with the grease needed to keep you in its own right and add even more protein to your morning meal.

USDA says that low-fat dairy or fatMilkCan be a great option for on the side, but you can also find ways to integrate these foods into your meals. Try to add a small amount of shredded cheese into your eggs or exchange milk and enjoy your sprinkled cereals on a bowl ofGreek yogurt! With a beautiful healthy amount of fruit on top to complete this perfect, of course.


The water


Good, this one may not be afoodBut it is certain that this is important to drink your water in the morning. Why? AlthoughMany claims have been demystifiated in terms ofdrink water The first thing in the morning, it is important to keep your body hydrated independently.

According toHarvard Health, Water is necessary to help "regulate body temperature, keep lubricated joints, prevent infections, provide nutrients with cells and keep the organs operating properly." A well-hydrated body can also help Improve the quality of sleep , mood and cerebral cognition.

So, while a cup of Java with your breakfast rings like the perfect way to start your morning (especially if it's one of these 9 tips for the best cup of coffee ), you should also pair it with a cup of water just to keep your body hydrated to start the day. Or even plan sipping a cup of water while you cook your breakfast in the morning!

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