12 best foods for weight loss

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It's a problem that most people are confronted when they aretry to eat healthy: You are very hungry just before going to bed, but you do not want to eat something that will sweep your diet. Turns out, going to the hungry bed can actuallyto injure Your weight loss efforts. A roaring belly means a troubled sleep and a probability that you are going to wake up so hungry, you could thenMake unhealthy breakfast choices.

Moreover, sleeping is aessential key Toslim; The researchers discovered that five hours or less a night one night increases your chances of gaining weight! Worse worst, sleep deprivation stimulates hormones that govern hunger, which means you want high calorie junk food the next day. It is better to have a good night's rest and go to bed on a satisfied stomach.

Here is a complete list of foods that help you sleep, build meat proteins while you are snooze or you hold satisfied all night to avoid these morning hunger pain. And while you make healthier changes, here is the21 best healthy cooking hacks of all time.


Greek yogurt

Bowl of greek yogurt

The Greek yogurt is like the MVP of yogurts, thanks to its high protein content and the low sugar content (in unsweetened varieties). The protein is filling up and can help you build meager muscles while you snoke. A study published in theAmerican Journal of Physiology I found that eating proteins just before sleeping stimulate the synthesis of the night protein, which repaired and helps grow muscles. Since the lean protein helps your body burn fat, sufficiently that macronutrient is essential for weight loss.




Cherries respond not only to the post-dinner sweet tooth; They can help you better close your eyes. Cherries are a natural source of melatonin, the hormone that regulates sleep. Have a bowl or a glass of late cherry juice before going to bed; A study published in theJournal of Medicinal Food found that adults who drank Tart Cherry I have seen an improvement in sleep quality and duration. In addition, cherries are full of antioxidants, which can also help fight inflammation and move the scale.


Peanut butter on whole grain bread


The toast peanut butter is a delicious and filling snack at any time of the day, but especially before going to bed. This peanut butter contains tryptophan, an amino acid that helps you fall asleep, and B vitamins in whole grain bread will help you absorb it. In addition, there is a reason why peanut butter is one of ourBurning foods; It is an excellent source of herbal protein to help you develop healthy muscles and monounsaturated fat to keep you in its own right and explode belly fat.


Agitation of proteins

If you are one of those people who prefer to hit the gymnasium in the evening, recovery with a protein shake can help you build muscles while you catch your Zzzs. A study inMedicine and Science in Sport andExercise Shows that downing 40 grams of casein proteins before the bed increases the synthesis of muscle protein and lean muscle building is the key to getting rid of fat. Try to add a spoon of casein protein powder to make aagitation of proteins.


cottage cheese

cottage cheese in glass bowl

Cottage cheese is almost the ideal snack at bedtime. It is rich in casein protein, a slow relaxed protein that allows you to keep all night and will help you repair the muscles while you have your beauty rest. In addition, it contains the tryptophan inducing sleep to help you fall asleep.



turkey sandwich

There is a reason why you want to take a nap after Thanksgiving dinner; Tryptophan in Turkey makes you sleepy. So, for the perfect pre-bed snack, especially because the protein will help you develop a muscle overnight. Enjoy some slices of whole wheat bread or crackers; Fiber will keep you satisfied all night and B vitamins will help your body absorb tryptophan.




Did you know that bananas also have a tryptophan? The amino acid will help you fall asleep more quickly and the fiber will remain satisfied. At about 100 calories, this sweet fruit will help run the sugar desires you may have after dinner. Try to freeze a banana (not celebrated, of course) and crush it with a fork to create a delicious ice cream treat.


Chocolate milk


Chocolate milk may seem like a sweet indulgence, but it's actually an idealweight loss drink. Calcium can help melt belly fat; A study in the newspaperDiabetic treatments I found that when diabetics complement their diet with dairy calcium, it helped them lose weight. And the tale of the old woman is true: a glass of milk makes people sleepy, thanks to tryptophan. Simply make sure to choose a brand that has no sugar too added or using high fructose corn syrup as an ingredient.




The key to losing weight could be in your literally.Kefir, a fermented milk product, is packed with probiotics to keep your intestinal bacteria happy and retreat your stomach. As it is dairy, he also has tryptophan to help you fall asleep and thin the calcium.




If you want something salty, nibble on almonds. At 5 grams of protein, serving, they will help you repair muscle during the night and that the fiber will keep you satisfy. In addition, almonds are a burning superflander: a study ofInternational Journal of Obesity Discovered that overweight adults who have eaten 1/4 cup almonds, in tandem with a low calorie diet, a reduction of 62% of weight and BMI compared to those who have eaten a diet rich in carbohydrates complexes.


High fiber cereals


Complete your day like that started: with a bowl of cereals. The carbohydrates are good for sleep and fiber-rich whole grain cereals will allow you to fill while driving fat; Studies have shown that fiber consumption is associated with lower body weight, a study inEating behavior find. Enjoy a cup of low fat milk for the extra dose of tryptophan, calcium and vitamin D.



string cheese

You do not think that String Cheese is one of the best foods that help you sleep, but a portion has a natural grease and protein combo just 80 calories. In addition, it contains a decent dose of tryptophan; Partial mozzarella, for example, has more than 600 milligrams of the dormant inducing amino acid.

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