This unexpected vitamin can help weaken the symptoms of COVID

Researchers are asking for clinical studies on vitamin B6, we therefore turned to health experts.

At this point, several published research documents and clinical trials have shown that vitamins D and C, as well as minerals such aszinc And magnesium can reduce the severity of symptoms in COVID-19 patients. Now a researcher calls scientists to explore another useful vitamin that could have been neglected.

In an article of opinion published in the journalNutrition boundariesLutchaporn Kumrungsee, Assistant Professor at Hiroshima University in Japan, proposed that vitamin B6 can play a central role in the fight against the new coronavirus. (In touch:Vitamin doctors exhort everyone to take right now.)

"There is increasing evidence that vitamin B6 exerts a protective effect against chronic diseases such as cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) and diabetes by removing inflammation, inflammasomasoms, oxidative stress and carbonyl constraint", binds the article. "In addition, vitamin B6 deficiency is associated with lower immune function and higher sensitivity to viral infection."

However, some health experts remain suspicious - and for good reason. Ali Webster, Doctorate, R & D and Director of Research and Nutrition Communications at theInternational Food Information Council, says it's still too early to determine if vitamin could help or not to reduce your risk of feeling unwanted CVIV-19 symptoms.

"There are plausible biological mechanisms for this and the low levels of B6 in the body are associated with an weakened immune system," she says. "But often the promise of a positive impact is there, but the result of well-designed studies is disappointing."

Webster explains that search on the intake of vitamin B6 inSupplement Form To reduce the risk of heart disease, a stroke, certain types of cancer, and even cognitive decline is a little inconclusive.

"More research is needed in each of these areas in addition to the work to determine its effect on the gravity of COVID-19," she adds.

Brittany Busse, MD, medical director associated with Workcare, agreed that more research is needed. However, Busse notes that vitamin B6 is known to have aanti-inflammatory Effect on the body, which could help you prevent and combat unwanted symptoms Covid-19.

"There are many vitamins that can help reduce inflammation, potentially," she says. "And B6 is part of it."

Busse also adds that the gravity of COVID-19 is largely based on the amount of inflammation of your bodyCreates in response to the virus.Thus, it is essential to keep the levels of low inflammation by eating a diet rich in fruits, vegetables and legumes; engage in regular and moderate exercise; have a lot of sleep; and manage stress.

"In a good state of normal health, we would like to have inflammation as little in our body as possible before becoming infected by Covid" she says. "So, we do what we can, once you've fallen ill, try to reduce the on-responsiveness of your body to the virus."

Similar to the vitamins D and K, Busse says that vitamin B6 can operate as an anti-inflammatory mechanism against thecytokine storm-What inflammation of Stokes - which occurs during infection. Having a good basic level of vitamin B6, in addition to vitamins C, D, K and minerals such as zinc and magnesium, could be really useful if you get the virus.

Until new research is done - and before buying a vitamin B6 supplement, it may be easier to turn to food to make sure you have enough vitamin. Found in animal protein such as beef and poultry, as well as plants such as potatoes and even fortified cereals, vitamin B6 helps the body of protein metabolism in addition to supporting cognitive development And the immune function, says Webster.

If you are going to take a vitamin B6 supplement, Busse says you should only take the recommended amount. Overdose on vitamin could result in poor health outcomes.

"Concentrate first on the diet," she says. "If you have a good well balanced diet, your body absorbs better vitamins and minerals better."

For more, be sure to check 5 grocery items that help you fight Covid .

Categories: Healthy Eating
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