Laid side effects of soft drinks to drink every day, says science

Gaseous drinks have never been so popular. Here is what happens when you drink too many of them.

Gaseous drinks filled with CO2 gas have never been more popular. According to the commercial newspaperBeverage industry 2020 STATE OF INDUSTRY report,selTzer and foaming water sales represented a huge 1.8 billion units of all bottled water sales in the United States in 2019. The British market research companyMINTEL REPORTS noted that sparkling water is one of the largest non-alcoholic categories, as sales have regularly increased by 11% between the years 2013 and 2018. Whether you like Spindrift or Lacroix, Seltzer Polar or Topo Chico, Perrier or L One of the hundreds of hundreds of the flourishing shop brands, chances are, you make drinks more gaseous than ever before.

But is it healthy for you to drink so much sparkling drinks? Well, to start, if the drinks also contain alcohol, sugar or any other unhealthy ingredients, there is a short answer: no, but carbonation itself is bad for you? We decided to learn more and what follows are just some of the side effects we have seen to drink too much gaseous drinks that you should be aware. And if you feel like you drink too many soft drinks, specifically, do not miss these40 dangerous side effects of drinking too much soda.


Your acid reflux could worsen

woman having or symptomatic reflux acids,Gastroesophageal reflux disease, drinking water

Since gaseous water can be acidic in nature, it can cause problems for drinkers who are subject toacid reflux. According to health experts, when all these CO2 bubbles enter the stomach, they develop and can increase the amount of pressure put on theSPHINCTER OESOPHAGE LOWER, which connects your esophagus to your stomach. All of these added pressures can force the acids of the stomach to bring back into the esophagus, potentially intensify the symptoms of reflux. If you are among the millions of Americans who suffer from digestive disorders, you would be wise to turn the selidules, sparkling waters,sodaand other soft drinks.

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It could make your IBS worse


It is a known fact that the consumption of soft drinks can result in bloating and gases. (That's why at least one important nutritionist says thatThe worst time of the day drinking a soda is before doing exercise.) According to a study published in theGlobal Journal of GastroenterologyAmong the many recommendations of the diet for those who suffer from irritable intestine syndrome, including the creation of a firm food calendar and get enough fiber, avoid carbonation.

"Water and other non-caffeinated drinks, for example, herbal teas, are recommended as a drink for IBS patients," explains the study. "On the other hand, patients with gaseous water and other soft drinks should be avoided by ICS patients because they can cause symptoms. A study reported more symptoms [gastrointestinal] from Gas drinks among patients with IBS compared to controls. "


Yes, you could erode your teeth

Woman drinking soda

Many health experts remain divided on whether or not all gaseous drinks cause soft drinks. If you drink a carbon drink containing added ingredients such as sugar or citric acid, this is certainly the case. Search for theBirmingham Dental Hospital and Dentistry School In the United Kingdom, for example, has found that prolonged exposure to flavored sparkling waters negatively affected the surface of the teeth.


Your bones can lose the density

Digital composite of Highlighted leg bones of jogging woman on beach

If you regularly consume darker variations of soda - or non-alcoholic beverages, there is a lot of reason to stop. But there is at least one side effect to drink too much darker drinks than you may not be aware.

According to a study of theAmerican Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Beverage colas, more other forms of carbonate beverage - were associated with low bone mineral density in women. "The only drinks that cause bone loss are dark colas, which have phosphoric acid that leads to losing calcium in your bones"saidLori Weltead, MS, RD, LDN, the University of Chicago Medicine School. "Sparkling mineral water has calcium, which can improve bone health. And carbonated mineral waters with magnesium and calcium can have advantages to stimulate bones."


There is a small risk of infection

soda aisle with cans and bottles of soda

In 2017, medical experts from the popular television showThe doctorsTested the top of aluminum beverage cans collected in gas stations, automatic distributors and grocery stores. Although most of them are clean, some of the grocery store were positive for E. coli, which can cause diarrhea, respiratory disease and pneumonia.

In 2013, a CBS television channel in Texas took swabs of cants in service stations, restaurants, colleges and vending machines and found that they were infected with St. Stenrophomonas Maltophilia, Pseudomonas Luteola and Cloacae Enterobacter. Those NOCIFIC Pathogens May cause diseases and infections in immune compromised persons.

And for more news, you need to know, do not miss The danger sign # 1 you drink too much soda, according to experts .

Categories: ETNT Mind+Body
Tags: Diet Soda / News / Soda / water
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