50 things you can do for better cardiac health

Keep your heart healthy with these smart strategies, you can easily add to your daily life.

You only have a heart, but many of us do not take very good care of our tickers. In fact, cardiovascular disease is the number one cause of death in the world,According to the World Health Organization. In the USA,die about 610,000 people heart disease each year. Yikes.

But here are some rejoice: you can protect against cardiovascular diseases by doing simple and small changes to the way you eat. After all, food is medicine. Here are 50 ways to stimulate your cardiac health in the comfort of your own kitchen.



Assortment of seeds

"In charge of fiber and healthy fat, seeds likechia, Linen and pumpkin are an excellent addition to oatmeal, perfect yogurt, cold cereals and salads. Adding a few tablespoons to different meals and snacks can stimulate the health of your heart "Said Amy Goodson, MS, RD. Goodson says that the fiber in the seeds can bind to cholesterol. Because your body does not digest the fiber, it goes through your system by taking cholesterol with it.


Eat your fatty fish


The fish is not only a good source of protein, it is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, too.According to the American Heart Association, Omega-3 fatty acids decrease triglycerides and plaque accumulation in the arteries and reduces the risk of abnormal heartbeat. Aim for two portions per week of fatty fish such as salmon, tuna and mackerel.



Whole pistachios

"Nuts, in addition to a healthy diet, have been shown to reduce the risk of coronary disease.Studies have also shown that pistachios can help improve blood lipid levels, lower the "bad" LDL cholesterol and elevate "good" cholesterol HDL, "Said Mia Zarlengo, MS, RD. "Pistachies are the filling due to the protein and fats content, and will not cause a large peak in blood sugar levels that may occur treated snacks. »


SIP Green Tea

Green tea

Green tea is known for its health benefits, including a decreased risk of heart attack and stroke and a better function of the immune system. It is also rich in catechins,antioxidant and helps reduce inflammation. In reality,According to a recent studyRegular green tea drinkers had a lower 29 percent risk of cardiovascular disease.


Steam your kale

Kale on a plate

You know that curly cabbage is a nutrient power plant, but here is another reason to love it, it can help reduce cholesterol. It's because the leafy green containsIndividual compounds which prevent grease and cholesterol from being reabsorbed by the body.Researchers have noticed that steam cabbage increases this effect.


Up your pasta game

Banza Chickpea Shells

More bang your pasta to a plant-based paste base of chickpeas. "The amino acids in beans can help healthy cells full in the body, which can help to ward off the disease, improve heart health and reduce inflammation,"Tracy says Lockwood Beckerman, MS, RD, CDN. The one she likes:Banza, Which is made from chickpeas and packaging in large amounts of protein. "It is low in sodium, which can contribute to protection against the development of high blood pressure, a condition that is known for negative impact cardiac health," she says.


Your lawyer obsession are you pleased

Avocado no pit

A recent study revealed that the lawyer regularly improved cholesterol levels, increasing levels ofCholesterol HDL (Good kind), and the decrease in LDL cholesterol levels (bad kind). Toasts Lawyer, Everyone?


Repense your croutons


You can love crunching croutons in your salad, but these little pieces of toast are not the healthiest. Try walnuts or pecans instead,said Marisa Moore, MBA, RDN, LD. You will get the crunch, in addition to fat, protein and fiber. More,Studies show What regularly eating nuts each day, with a weak saturated fat and cholesterol diet, can reduce the risk of cardiac disease.


Swap breadcrumbs for crushed nuts

Crushed nuts

"Instead of panure yourchickenor fish with breadcrumbs, try using crushed or pistachio nuts to increase the fat content and healthy fiber for the heart of your protein choice "which can help reduce inflammation at the cellular level, said Goodson. In addition, he adds more flavor and requires less oil. "


Add some spices


While you can recognize curcuma for its golden hue, its superpower comes from curcumin, an anti-inflammatory natural.Studies have shown than the reduction levels of the curt-α curcumin of tumor necrosis in the blood, which ignites inflammation in the body (which can increase the risk ofheart disease) Sprinkle curcuma on grilled vegetables or stews.


Eat your Yolks

Egg yolk

The egg yolks have long been associated with a high cholesterol - but it changes. They made a total of 180 years now. "These are a source of healthy grease, vitamin D and choline, and they can raise your good cholesterol"says Anne Danahy, RDN, a registered dietitian based on Scottsdale.


Read nutrition labels

Serving size on nutrition label

The sugar seems to hide everywhere in our food. "You would be amazed at hidden sugar in foods such as fruit juice, granola bars, cereals, sauce, vinaigrette, low fat yogurt, spaghetti sauce, jams and frosts," says Colette Heimowitz, M.Sc., author ofATKINS: Eat well, no less. "With chronic exposure to excess sugar, it can finally lead to metabolic syndrome (obesity, high blood pressure and insulin resistance), diabetes, heart disease and more."


Upgrade your sandwich gap

Hummus and vegetables

You can not eat a sandwich without Mayo? Try Hummus instead, says Moore. A study in the newspaperNutrients I found that eating hummus can help eliminate the development and progression of cardiovascular disease.


Swap in beet juice

Beet juice

A study in theNutrition log I found that the bottom of a glass of beet juice decreased systolic blood pressure. Arterial hypertension is related to heart attack and cardiac insufficiency. Researchers believe that nitrates found in beets, which naturally relax your blood vessels, improve blood flow and lower blood pressure.


Replace refined carbohydrates


Refined carbohydrates could actually be worse for your cardiac health than most types of fat. Yikes! "People who eat many refined carbohydrates tend to have small dense LDL particles (bad cholesterol), which can block your arteries and cause inflammation more than large LDL particles associated with fat of meat and dairies," explains Danahy. Instead, get touched with less treated,High fiber foods Like whole grains, vegetables and beans.


Do not merge complete dairy

Dairy products

While complete dairy has got a bad rap, a recent study in theAmerican Journal of Clinical Nutrition suggests otherwise. Researchers at the University of Texas Health Sciences in Houston watched fatty acids associated with heart disease and mortality at all 22-year periods and found that the consumption of dairy products Full fat like milk, yogurt and butter did not increase the risk. Cardiovascular disease. So go ahead and lie down!


Start your day with oats

Rolled oats

Oats has long had a healthy cardiac reputation, thanks to their high fiber content, particularly soluble fiber. "The soluble fiber can bind to cholesterol and excrete body with it. So, regularly eating a soluble fiber can almost work as medicines to maintain low cholesterol levels," says Goodson. You will want to serve a bowl of oats orNight oats for breakfast.


Cooking with olive oil

Olive oil
Roberta Sorge / Beldshshshsh

You know that olive oil is part of a healthy Mediterranean diet, and it is one of the best healthy fat. "The diets that include high quality extra virgin olive oil are associated with a reduced risk ofMultiple diseases, including cardiovascular disease. High quality extra virgin olive oil is high in monounsaturated fatty acids and other known anti-inflammatory compounds to enjoy the health of our heart and brain, making it an excellent basic state " , said Zarlengo.


Tas on garlic

Garlic bulbs and cloves

The garlic is not only effective for organizing vampires, but it can also reduce your risk of heart disease. Studies have found that small keyboards canhelp reduce blood pressure andImprove total cholesterol By lowering the "bad" type LDL.


Swap chips for walnuts

Bowl of nuts

If you demolish a snack, jump the chips and take a handful ofnuts. "The nuts contain different mixtures of good fats and help you avoid grasping these bad fats or trans fat often used in packaged goods," says Heimowitz. "Because the body can not break them, trans fat (or transmitted fat) attaching the arteries and can cause plate formation, which can be related to cardiac disease, diabetes, breast cancer and asthma, as well as other diseases. "


Charger on black beans

Black beans

Not only black beans are packed with protein and fiber, but they also contain saponins, a phytochemistry thatThe search found To help move cholesterol from your body. Try to add beans to your salsa for a healthy snack.


Jump the rice


Cooking barley instead! "Barley is one of my favorite grains because it is full of lowering cholesterolsoluble fiber. This adds a beautiful, soft, hazelnut with soups and stews and works perfectly like a dish of accompaniment, "says Danahy.


Shaker show

Salt shaker spill

According to a study in theNew England Journal of Medicine, Reduce salt consumption to a half-teaspoon per day would significantly hate the number of coronary disease cases. Not only look at the amount of salt you add to your food, but check the sodium content of packaged foods andrestaurant meal, too much.


Concentrate on herbal protein

almond cashew walnut hazelnuts in jar

A recent study inAmerican Journal of Clinical Nutrition Saved that people who regularly ate nuts had lower inflammatory markers such as C-reactive protein and interleukin-6, predictive of future cardiovascular diseases. The researchers believe that this is due to fat, fiber and unsaturated antioxidants. An easy switch? Exchange the meat for healthy nuts. "Chopped and grilled nuts and pecans are also part of a delicious meat substitute in tacos and can be added to the soups and Chile for an additional horizon," says Moore. "If you have not tried this one, definitely give him an alley!"


Do not neglect your condiments

Condiments in jars

Want to add a healthy cardiac flavor to your meal? Evolution of condiments such as salsa, hot sauce, mustard, pesto, lemon or lime juice, and soy sauce or Tamari, explains Heimowitz. But make surewatch the sugar content. "When you eat a food containing sugar, it triggers the release of a cerebral chemical called dopamine, which makes you feel good. Like feeling stops, you want more sugar. It begins a vicious circle of cravings sugar, blood glucose tips, mood swings and weight gain, "says Heimowitz.


Enter your sweet tooth, naturally

Mango chunks

If you need something sweet, have a mango. The juicy tropical fruits are full of nutrients and healthy antioxidants. A cup of mango offers 20% of your recommended needs on daily folate, a nutrient thatSupports healthy cardiovascular function. ChineseThe researchers also found This mangiferine, a phenolic compound found in mango, can help reduce triclyceride and free fatty acids in the blood.


Say yes to edamame

Edamame beans

This Japanese soy is not just a good application of pre-sushi. They are also rich in polyunsaturated fats. "[These fats] can specifically help the lower triglycerides and booster HDL (your good cholesterol). The two things help protect your heart from potential heart disease," says Goodson.


Cut saturated grease

Saturated fat sources

All fats are not created equal. Sauffer your five percent saturated fat consumption of your daily calorie consumption and polyunsaturated fat exchange and monounsaturated can be cooled with cardiovascular disease, according to the USDA.



Raspberries, blueberries, and blackberries in crates

These small soft beams are full of phytonutrients like anthocyanes.The researchers found that people who have eaten 35 mg of anthocyanine-rich foods on the REG had 18% lower protein protein levels C-reactive-a biomarker for inflammation in the body and predictor ofheart disease. Add bays to your morning oatmeal or smoothie for a health boost.


Cool your potatoes


All starches are not bad. In fact, the resistant starch is a special form that is not decomposed by your digestive tract and acts as a soluble fiber.A recent study found People who regularly consumed a resistant starch improved their cholesterol profile after 12 weeks. While cooking typically destroys resistant starch in foods such as pasta and potatoes, cooling your food allows the resistant starch to reform.


Nosh on the grapes


If you are looking for a soft snack, take grapes. "Grapes can support a healthy heart by promoting the relaxation of blood vessels for blood flow and healthy function," says Moore. "Healthy grapes are perfect on their own washing and add them to your autumn or vacation table. Collate fresh, or add grapes to all kinds of salad recipes, salsas, smoothies and even sweet and savory aperitifs. "


Strengthen with vitamin D

Vitamin D

This essential nutrient is not just good for bone health.Researchers in Brazil have discovered that menopausal women's vitamin D women were more likely to have metabolic syndrome, a risk groupIncreases your risk of cardiovascular disease twice.Other studies have found that higher levels of vitamin D are associated with a risk of 33% reduction in cardiovascular disease. Look for dairy products in vitamin D fortification at the grocery store.


Stay your freezer

Healthy food stocked in freezer

While thefreezerPerhaps a maintenance area for food just in case of puzzles, such as pizza and chicken nuggets, it's time to rethink your frozen foods. Many convenience meals are full of extra greases of sugar, sodium and unhealthy. Heimowitz suggests storing on frozen broccoli, cauliflower, pepper and spinach so you still have colorful and rich fiber vegetables ready to leave.


Hide your vegetables in the foods you like

Pre cut store bought veggies

You know that fiber can help reduce cholesterol and isGood for your heartBut if you have trouble hitting your fiber goals, it's time to become sneaky. Puree cooked vegetables (like sweet potatoes or cauliflower) in your culinary robot and add them to the sauce and pasta stews.


Go crazy for hemp

Hemp hearts

Hemp seeds, that is to say. "They are easier to digest than fatty seed seed seeds of omega-3 healthier, more fiber and a good dose of protein," says Danahy. Sprinkle them on your salad, your oatmeal or your smoothie.


Do not lift the pulp

Pouring orange juice

A freshly squeezed orange juice fan?Researchers believe The rich antioxidant content of the OJ can live in the development of atherosclerosis. More,Another study found which regularly drinking orange juice lowered blood pressure. And do not empty the pulp! It contains pectin, a soluble fiber that can help reduce cholesterol levels.


Rethinking your hydration game

Water filter pitcher

Sweet sweet drinks such as soda, sports drinks and sweet teas have been in titles because of their high sugar content added. Not only are these drinks full of empty calories, but they can also increase yourTriglyceride levels, which can lead to the hardening of your arteries and, in line, heart disease.The American Heart AssociationRecommends the limitation of sugar added daily to 100 calories for women and 150 calories for men. Paste with flat water (sparkling is ok, too!), Or add fruits or herbs for natural flavor.


Supercharger your calcium supplement


For women who take a calcium supplement, Danahy also recommends adding a vitamin K2 supplement. "Vitamin K2 helps calcium come out of your blood and in your bones," she says. "Too much calcium supplements can increase your risk of heart disease by relying in your arteries."


Have an after-dinner chocolate

dark chocolate

We admit that we like a place ofdark chocolate At night, and now you do not have to feel guilty. A study published in theAmerican Journal of Clinical Nutrition I found that chocolate can help improve blood flow and lower blood pressure, which means that your heart does not have to work as hard.




Blueberries can add extra boost to other healthy healthy activities such as exercise.A studyI found that the regular exercise and the consumption of blueberries reduce triglyceride levels and an increase in "good" cholesterol HDL more than exercise only.



Ginger root

Ginger has long been considered a super healthy food and a traditional and alternative medicine staple to treat nausea, colds, flu and even menstrual pain. But researchers also emphasize the powers of lowering Ginger cholesterol.A clinical trial Discovered that in people with high cholesterol, three grams of ginger powder decrease sharply decreased by cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Do not be shy add ginger to your tea, tea and vegetables!


Say Cha-Cha-Chia

Chia seeds

"You should aim to consume 25 to 38 grams of total fibers a day and do a good amount of the soluble type," says Goodson. To have problems? Addchia seeds to your diet. An ounce of chia seeds has 9 grams of healthy fat, including omega-3 healthy fatty acids and 11 grams of fiber, which can help stabilize blood glucose, keep inflammation at the bay and help your heart to to stay healthy.


Pour a glass

Couple cheers red wine

And make red wine.A study in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that drinking a moderate amount of wine increased HDL cholesterol levels from 11 to 16%.



Cocoa dusted almonds

If you are in the mood to nibble something crispy, nosh on some cocoa dust almonds. "Everyone will love the crunch, but almonds provide many nutrients that help support a healthy heart. And a high quality cocoa powder has been shown to reduce blood pressure levels, so that the CI is dual service! " says Moore.


Snack on low fat yogurt

Flavored yogurt

Here is another reason to add yoghurt to your diet:Researchers from the University of Madison I have seen that 12 ounces of low-fat yogurt remained for nine weeks lowered chronic inflammation measures related to cardiovascular diseases in women and improvement of overall health.


Spice up


"Try to aromatize and season your food with herbs and spices like rosemary, clove pod and basil to reduce salt consumption and sodium intake. Reducing sodium can help reduce the Arterial pressure, "says Goodson.


Skip snacks purchased in store

Various snacks

While these snacks are tasty (and practical!), They are often made with partially hydrogenated vegetable oil or other trans fat, which can ruin your cholesterol "bad" growing cholesterol and decreasing the "good" cholesterol HDL, according toAmerican Heart Association. Choose fatty foods and paste with mono- and poly-unsaturated greases.


Stick with whole grains

Whole grain bread

With the Paleo and Keto regimes getting all the buzz, you can think that carbohydrates and gluten are bad for your health, but present. Whole grains areWell For your heart. A 2016 journal in theBritish medical newspaperfound that three servings of whole grains per day were associated with a lower risk of coronary heart disease and cardiovascular disease. Opt for versions of whole grains of pasta, breads and cereals on their more processed cousins.


Fill on the pineapple

Pineapple chunks

NosHing on pineapple will not remind you of the beach, but it will also give you a boost of vitamin C, which can reduce your risk of heart disease.Researchers have found that people who have had more than 700 mg vitamin C had a lower risk of coronary heart disease.


Do not neglect canola oil

Canola oil

When you think of omega-3 fatty acids, you're probably thinking of fatty fish and nuts, but canola oil is the second highest omega-3 oil, says Goodson. "It's cheaper and very available. The kitchen with canola oil can really reinforce the health of your heart for less money," she says.

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