Covid-19 serious cases related to this other health issue, experts say

New research reveals a possible link between infectious disease and eye health.

The Pandemic of Covid-19 is far from remote and scientists and researchers continue to aggressively study infectious disease caused by the SARS-COV-2 virus. Recently, you are probably find out more about whichThe symptoms are known to linger as well as the different conditions of health that may occur post-recovery.

A new study published inRadiologysuggests that those who have suffered fromCOVID-19 extreme case May be at higher risk of eye health abnormalities. The study, which was conducted in March-May 2020 out of 129 subjects through the French society of Neuroradiology,found that nine of them had abnormal MRI conclusions in the ocular globe. It is important to note that eight of the nine had spent time at the ICU with a serious case of COVID-19. (In touch:Vitamin doctors exhort everyone to take right now)

The anomalies? One or more nodules have been found at the back of the eyeThis could possibly lead to blindness if it is not treated. The research notes, however, that there were other factors to play in the study. For example, seven of the nine people were in thesloping position (lying on their stomach) while in the ICU for a prolonged period. The researchers believe that this position could have made the nodules appear due to inadequate drainage of the veins around their eyes.

In addition, two people had diabetes, two people had hypertension and six obese, who can obstruct the health of the eyes. Always,Benjamin Bert, MD, ophthalmologist at the Medical Center of the Orange Memorialcare Coast in the Fontaine Valley, CA, said there is still a lot to study with regard to howCOVID-19 [Feminine can affect the eyes.

It notes that recent research "have shown changes to the internal tissues of the eyes, including the retina, which seem to be the most compatible with inflammation occurring in the blood vessels." This complies with the conclusions of this study, with experts saying a viral infection canAssign blood vessels, which could then lead to the development of nodules.He adds that the previous searches revealed a link between COVID-19 and conjunctivitis (pink eye).

However, neuro-ophthalmologistHoward R. Krauss, MD, which is a clinical professor of ophthalmology and neurosurgery at the Saint John's Institute of Cancer at the Santa Monica Providence Health Center, stressed some defects in the study. The biggest is thatMRIs are not designed to examine your eyes and inflammation could be caused by a number of things.

"With regard to the anomalies mentioned in this study, they are located at the optical nervous head or at the retina, but are not specific; they can represent the swelling zones of the reaction to the infection, the reaction of the system. immune, bleeding or circulatory insufficiency and they couldto be secondary to the treatment of the disease rather than the disease itself," he says.

Although this study has provided preliminary research on a possible link between serious COVID-19 cases and the deterioration of eye health, the two doctors stated that the main folding is that it is not a guaranteed association. In addition, the exams of the eye routine (even during the pandemic) are vital. It should also be noted that researchers who conducted the study pointed out thatCaring for IUSA patients with respect to COVID-19 has been hierarchical to make a deeper dive on how affected eyes were.

"What we definitely know is that during the pandemic, patients were concerned about entering their routine eye care," Bert said. This winter, sure to plan an eye exam and your consumption ofFoods that help improve your vision.

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