Drinking this popular drink can damage your heart, the study says

Moderation is the key to prevent potentially dangerous side effects.

Energizing drinks containing large quantities ofcaffeine And other ingredients designed to put a "PEP at your step" can also give your heart a jerk, but not a good way.

Newresearch Ready to publish next month in the newspaperFood and chemical toxicology found that cardiac cells exposed to certain energizing drinks had adverse effects,including speeding up heart rate and negatively affect cardiac function. Looking at 17 widely available marks, researchers used cardiac cell samples, called cardiomyocytes and treated them with each beverage to observe the differences in the cell reaction. (In touch:15 underestimated weight loss tips that actually work)

Believe it or not,Caffeine was not the biggest problem. Cardiomyocytes had the most unfavorable reaction to three common ingredients in these drinks:Theophylline, adenine and azélate. Becauseenergy drinks Are not regulated, manufacturers can use these ingredients in any degree they want - and it is difficult for consumers to know how much they have been ingested since this could be grouped in the category of "Exclusive mixing "

Although the recent study used cells rather than man participants, other studies have discovered similar results with people. For example,a study published in theJournal of the American Heart Association Recruited 34 healthy people aged 18 to 40 ages and gave half of them 32 ounces of distinct three-day energizing beverages.

Compared to the placebo group, energy drink participants showed higher QT intervals - the time it takes the lower rooms of your heart to prepare a four-hour beat later. It's important becauseIf the interval is too short or too long, it can cause arrhythmia, a condition where the heart beats abnormally. Those of the group of energizing drinks also have a significant increase in systolic and diastolic blood pressure, researchers noted.

"The effects we saw were temporary and not enough to shock the heart," says the author of this study, Sachin Shah, Pharm.d., Professor of Practical Pharmacy at the University of the Pacific. "But that said, drinking an important quantity in a short period should be avoided, especially if you have underlying heart problems."

This advice is saved by theWorld Health Organization, who called energizing drinkspotential danger for public health Even when sales have climbed. An occasional energy consumption, especially in a modest amount, is not likely to make your heart in Haywire, says Shah. But if you drink them regularly, you may want to rethink your energy patch.

Now, make sure to read12 dangerous side effects of energizing drinks, according to science.

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