The only way to reduce your risk of diabetes 60%

An american in 10 will develop diabetes in their lives - lower your risk of doing the same thing with this effective tip.

Here are some good news if you are one of the 88 million American adults - it's up to 1 people - who have prediabrères (84% do not know, thenTake this test to see if you could):Losing a little weight can help you avoid getting type 2 diabetes, a chronic condition that affects how your body metabolizes the sugar. And diabetes is certainly something to avoid; It often worsens in other health problems such as cardiovascular disease, eye damage, renal diseases and dementia.

The good news is thatWith some simple life style adjustmentsIt is not too difficult to reduce your risk of developing diabetes. A big,long-term study Among people with prediabete have found that those who have lost only 7% of their body weight by eating fewer calories and exercising 150 minutes a week have reduced their risk of developing type 2 diabetes of 58%. Predianes aged 60 or older who have lost this amount of weight have seen a risk reduction of 71%. This is equivalent to only 20 minutes of exercise a week - and it is not necessary to be in a gym. Walk on a fast pace of 3 miles per hour can count on your exercise minutes. (In touch:30 tips when you walk to lose weight.)

The historical study suggests that the loss of a modest amount of weight thanks to the diet and exercise is one of the best movements you can make to significantly improve your health today. What is a modest amount? For someone who weighs 160 pounds, the weight loss of 7% represents about 11 pounds. You can lose that in two or three weeks of simple lifestyle changes. For someone to weigh 280 pounds, these are about 20 pounds to reap the effects of diabetes prevention, according to the study.

You can follow a curriculum approved by the CDC with lessons, documents and other resources based on theNational Living Style Change Program for Diabetes Prevention used by the study participants.

Examples of lifestyle changes to reduce your risk of diabetes include: dealing with stress, stop smoking, exercise and watching your alcohol consumption. And for some useful weight loss diet tips, checkThe 12 best dining carbohydrates for a flat stomach.

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