The worst brands of peanut butter and almond butter for weight loss

It's easy to get Nutty try to choose right nut butter. Although they are probably staples in the world of well-being, all butters are not created equal.

With regard to walnut butter, navigation on your options can be overwhelming. It can be difficult to settle on the type of nut you want - peanut, almond, hazelnut, even macadamia nuts, and companies now embark on all kinds of honey and chocolate add-ins to Linen linen and coconuts make your choice much more difficult. Although all walnuts offer similar health benefits, reduce your risk of heart disease to promoteweightlossThey are caloric even when they are consumed with moderation. With the addition of soft mix-ins, the number of calories of varieties of new varieties of Pimped can easily get in the path of these healthy benefits.

Fear not. We saved you to coat the tags of ingredients with our practical guide. Head of these seven butters if you want to stay on track with your weight loss.

Not that!

Skippy peanut butter reduces, 2 c.

Calories180Fat12 Gsaturet Fat2 GSODIUM170 mgcarbs14 gsugar4 gprotin7 g

"Curiously, reduced grease butters are generally not my favorite choice," says Angela Lemond, R.D.N., a spokesman for theAcademy of Nutrition and Dietary. "Per serving, they are pretty much the same as calories as the varieties of full fat, but in order to compensate for the loss of flavor in grease removal, they add in different carbohydrates. Some even add soy to strengthen the accounts Proteinés, "she explains. The added carbohydrates can negatively affect your blood glucose by causing spikes and dips, which can lead to an increase in desires. Worse still, you miss the healthy fat that could prevent you from feeling full, Lemond adds. Pass the reduced fat and go for the real thing. Thehealthy fats In full peanut butter, peanut butter will fight not only heart disease, but will also help you protect you from unhealthy snacks later in the day.

Not that!

Nutella, 2 c.

Calories200Fat12 Gsatured FAT4 GSODIUM15 mgcarbs21 GSUGAR21 GPROTEININ2 G

A container full of chocolate propagation was required to come with warnings. "The hazelnut propagation is marketed as a healthy, but it is loaded with sugar, pacing a reduction of 21 grams of the sweetener in 2 tablespoons," says Lemond. If you really like hazelnuts, you will better go for the nuts of its form. Hazelnuts offer healthy greases that increase feelings of satiety and are also rich in vitamin E, which can help reduce signs of aging. However, a dose of 21 grams sugar in a simple tablespoon is safe to send your blood glucose and loop desires. Added sugar can also contribute to weight gain if you are not careful. If you can not cut links with this type of propagation, turn to a mark with less sugar as the propagation of Justin's hazelnut, which has 8 grams of sugar per serving. But keep in mind that this is always considered high for a nut butter. Lemond recommends not more than three grams of sugar per serving. What he goes is: If you are really attached to your weight loss, it's better to move on.

Not that!

Maranantha Caramel Almond Spread, 2 c.

Calories190fat14 gsatures FAT4 gsodium40 mgcarbs13 gsugar11 gprotin4 g

Any food with "caramel" in the title probably does not integrate into your healthy eating plan, unless it is considered once a treatment. And with butter of fantasy nuts, it's easy to need a reminder - we are used to thinking about them as a routineSandwich Spread. A naked butter packs from 160 to 200 calories without any addition, so that the calories to add quickly after the caramel is mixed. Since your body turns in excess of sugar and fat calories, relying on this jar like your taste. lead to weight gain. Do not be influenced by its front panel, either. "It's easy to get up to health claims such as" bio "," not treated ", or even" non-GMO ", and neglects that there is something more added - as a biological cane sugar. Organic Or not, it's always sugar, "says Lemond.

Not that!

Roasted honey walnut with skippy peanut butter, 2 c.

Calories200Fat16 Gsaturet Fat3 gsodium125 mgcarbs6 gsugar3 gprotin7 g

Skippy Creanuters Butters can evoke memories of childhood, but most of them also include unnecessary and unhealthy ingredients. "When companies add calorie and sugar ingredients that offer a small nutrition like honey or chocolate, which potentially started as a nutskin butter can quickly go south," says Lemond. Roasted peanuts first appear on the label of this label, but they are quickly followed by two sweeteners: honey and sugar. You will also find a hydrogenated vegetable oil, a supposed stabilization agent that prevents you from being your healthier. The hydrogenated oil is just a word of fantasy fortrans fat, unhealthy fat that can lift bad cholesterol levels and promote inflammation in the body. Save your candies for dessert and choose a nut butter that contains only nuts (and maybe a little sea salt) for the clean spread that you can feel good.

Not that!

Peter Pan Creamy plus peanut butter, 2 tbsp.

Calories210Fat17 gsaturet Fat3 gsodium140 mgcarbs7 gsugar3 gprotein7 g

A serving, or two tablespoons of nut butter should not be more than the size of a golf ball. Most of the chosquins of unemployed nuts in about 180 calories per serving, but this pot will bring you on the mark 200 for a single spoonful. When you look at your weight, calories are crucial and every little bit adds. It also strikes the sugar quota of three grams max in the matter of nut butter, with sugar as a second ingredient. Many options exist with two grams or less in the alley of notewind butter, then spring for those who are instead. Moreover, while this pot boastsVitamins and minerals On the label, it does not emphasize the fact that it also contains hydrogenated vegetable oils and, while the quantity can be low, any trans fat added to your diet could harm your health.

Not that!

Peahrupt butter and Cinnamon Grape Swirl, 2 c.

Calories160FAT11 Gsatured FAT2 GSODIUM35 mgcarbs13 GSUGAR9 GPROTEIN6 G

Although deliciously, this propagation of PB has so much sugar as nearly three biscuits of Oreo and triple the amount Lemond suggests a butter of reasonable and healthy walnut. The dead gift: The second ingredient of the nutrition label of this pot is dried cane syrup - a fantasy way to say "sugar". So, although it can be non-GMO and be free from hydrogenated oils, trans fat, orFructose-rich corn syrup, this walnut butter always makes too much sugar.

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