If you notice this on your solar bottle, discard, says FDA

Make sure you do not make any mistake when you let go this summer.

After more than a year lock and uncertainty due to the pandemic Covid-19, summer 2021 is now shaping to be learned. Many already provideTake trips and spend time in the sun with friends and family. But before you rush out the door, you may want to check your supplies. This is because the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) says that you should take your bottle of sunscreen if you notice it. Read on to see what is the sign that you should replace your SPF.

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If you notice the expiration date on your bottle Soleilscreen has passed, you should discard.

Girl putting on sunscreen in the park

Recovering your beach or your pool out of storage is the true sign that a new summer season began. But before entering the tote bag of last year and run for the sun, the FDA said it is important to check your SPF bottle to make sure it will still be able to protect you from harmful UV rays .

"To make sure your sunscreen provides sun protection promised in its labeling, the FDA recommends that you do not use sunscreens that havepast their expiration date (If any), "the agency said on its website." Solar expired screens should be removed because there is no assurance that they are safe and fully effective. "

If there is no expiration date, you have to throw the bottle after three years.

Woman applying sunscreen by the pool wearing a sun hat

While checking the date "Best By" may seem simple enough, some products are unfortunately less simple with life. But if your tube, spray can, or bottle of sunscreen is not marked by a specific date, there is always a rule to know when it's time toto throw.

"FDA regulations require that all sunscreens and other antidrogotes medications have an expiration date, unless stability tests performed by the manufacturer showed that the product will remain stable forat least three years"Said the agency." This means that a solar product that has no expiration date should be considered expired three years after purchase. "

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Do your research before using sunscreen other countries.

Woman buying sunscreen at the drug store

While most foreign trips may have felt like a distant memory after more than a year of life in the pandemic Covid-19, there may be a chance to hit a beach outside US borders to 'to come up. If you areshopping for your SPF When you land abroad, the FDA says it is important to take careful note of what you buy to make sure it will be up to protect you from the sun.

"In Europe and other countries, sunscreens are regulated as cosmetics, not as drugs and are subject to different marketing requirements. Any sunscreen sold in the United States is regulated as a drug because it makes a claim medication - to help prevent sunburn or reduce the risk of skin cancer and early skin aging caused by the sun, "said the agency" If you buy a sunscreen outside the States. States, it is important to read the label to understand the instructions and the potential differences between the product and the US products. "

You should also store your sunscreen correctly to keep evil.

A bottle of sun protection cream on an idyllic beach.

But it is not just how much sunscreen is how you store and handle the bottle before the finish, this can greatly affect how well it works. The FDA said that the best way to keep yourSPF in good condition is to avoid exposing it to direct sunlight for long periods, suggesting to "protect sunscreen by wrapping the containers in towels or keep them in the shade." If you're going to be outdoors for a day hot for a long time, the agency suggests keeping the bottles in a cooler between reapplications.

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