A major side effect of drinking alcohol every day, says a new study

The use of alcohol has long been cancer related, but a new study shows how strong this link is.

The lastAmerican Dietary Directives, just released in December by the US Department of Agriculture and the Department of Health and Social Services, the "healthy" judge for women to avail himself of an alcoholic beverage per day and men to have two . But many major health experts have discovered theseToo generous guidelines for menand, according to a new study published last month in theEuropean heart newspaper, have one"Small" alcoholic beverage per day-Definite as 330 ml of beer (less than your 12-ounce box average), or about eight spoons of wine can have consequences for your body. Mainly, it could put you at risk over time to develop an atrial fibrillation or an irregular heartbeat.

Meanwhile, theHealth effects To drink excess alcohol are well known. Alcohol contributes to weight gain, a bad sleep, at a risk of infertility, organ damage, and, according to research published in the newspaper.Acta Psychiatra Scandinavica, if you drink so much that you were hospitalized for an alcohol consumption disorder, you could reduce your short lifeOver 28 years old. Since alcohol consumption has been rising during the Pandemic of COVID-19 - according to a study of 6,000 Americans led by the American Group of Rand Corporation and published onJama Open Open Network Last year, the consumption of consumption of the frenzy has increased significantly since the appearance of Covid-related locks, especially in respondent women - now is as good as ever to look more closely your alcohol habits .

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According to a new study, there is yet another major side effect of drinking alcohol every day that you should be aware of:You could arouse your risk of dying of cancer. Although the link between cancer and alcohol has long been established - theCDC notes Whether alcohol consumption specifically increases your risk of "mouth and throat, voicemail, oesophagiums, colon and rectum, liver and breast cancers" - a study published in January in the newspaperCancer epidemiology I found that an external number of cancer cases in each US state and Washington, D.C. were linked to alcohol consumption.

"The proportion of alcohol-related cancers was much greater for certain types of individual cancer," writing American Cancer Society researchers. "For cases of oral / pharygic cavity cancer, for example, it varies from 36% in the UTAH to 62.5% in Delaware and was 45% or more in 45 states and the District of Columbia. By sex , Cancer Cancer Related to Alcohol and Deaths For most types of cancer evaluated were higher for men, partly reflecting higher levels of alcohol consumption in men. "

Researchers note that this is the first study to attempt to take into account the number of cancer cases directly - and the deaths resulting from these cancers - in the United States. On average, over the years of 2013 to 2016, the study notes that "alcohol consumption accounts for 4.8% of cancer cases and 3.2% of cancer deaths, about 75,200 cases of cancer and 18 950 cancer death annually. "

If you or someone you know may have signs of alcohol use disorder, it may be time to search for professional help. If you are not confident whether your alcohol consumption increases at the level of a problem, know that the symptoms of the alcohol use disorder,According to the experts of the Mayo Clinic, include strong crawling, strong anxiety, sweating, trembling, nausea, give up the things you like to drink and develop a high tolerance. And sign # 1 your drink is uncontrollable, according toRobert Doyle, MD, a psychiatrist at the Harvard-Affiliate Massachusetts General Hospital and co-author of the bookAlcoholic, is if you try to stop you and you simply can not do it.

"Do not drink for a month,"advise. "If it's hard for you, then maybe it's a problem. Or ask people around you what they think. If it causes them distress, so it's an important problem."

For even more ways that alcohol has an impact on your body, read it, because we have included some of the surprising ways of alcohol that can cause complications to your body functions - all according toK. V. Narayanan Menon, MD, a gastroenterologist at the Clinic of Cleveland. And if you plan to reduce your consumption habits, a great way to start is to avoidThe most dangerous alcoholic drink for your body, according to experts.


Alcohol distracted your body other processes

Woman suffering from stomach pain,laying in bed at home

"Once you have a drink, your body facilitates the metabolization of a priority above something else," Menonexplains to the clinic of Cleveland. "Unlike proteins, carbohydrates and fats, your body has no means of storing alcohol, so it must move to the front of the metabolization line. That's why it affects your liver, Because it is the work of your liver to detoxify and remove the alcohol from your blood. "


You can develop a pancreatitis

Doctor examine an x-ray picture of pancreas

"People can develop pancreatitis or inflammation of pancreas, alcohol abuse," menu notes.

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Your immune system will take a shot

Sick woman with flu at home

"If you drink every day, or almost every day, you may notice that you catch cold, flu or other diseases more frequently than people who do not drink," Note Menon. "It's because alcohol can weaken theimmune system and make the body more susceptible to infections. "


It causes growth of bacteria

Weight gain

"Abuse of alcohol causes the growth of bacteria in your intestine," says Menon, "who can possibly migrate through the intestinal wall and in the liver, resulting in liver damage." And for more unhealthy habits, you should avoid, make sure you are fully up to the height of thePopular drinks that can cause lasting damage to your body, according to science.

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