15 myths of food that causes weight gain

You can not believe everything you hear, especially when your health is at stake.

Being credulous can have the best of us in trouble. And when it comes to looking at your weight, if you have naturally confidence in each tip or trick, you hear knowing if it's your best friend or product label, you're preparing for problems serious. Blindly considering without asking questions or doing your own research is one of the easiest ways to define these figures at the stop or send them in the opposite direction.

Forget everything you thought you were to know because we have rounded some experienced weight loss hacks. For example, did you know that it is possible to do it too much about things in good health? It's just one ofstrange reasons why you gain weight so fast. Sometimes the secret of thinning is not based on what you need to do, but what you need forStop Do, then prepare for this reduced diet myths. Instead, focus on these21 best healthy cooking hacks of all time!


You count on the labels.

Woman deciding between two foods and reading food label

Do not let your guard at the supermarket, even if you shop at "health" stores. Thanks to sneaky marketing strategies, apparently nutritious stings can shake your weight loss efforts if you do not pay enough attention. We know that this may seem like a good idea to collalation on dried fruits or flavored yogurts, but simply because something seems healthy or is announced in this way that it does not mean as much damage as a bag of chip or one Couple of cookies. Look for low-fat findings that compensate for their loss with excessive carbohydrates and salt, as well as packaging gluten-free options in a more calorie way than you think. Better again, readThe 25 worst "healthy" snacks for weight loss and clean your closets.


You get rid of yellow.

Hold egg yolk in hand

Oppling only for egg whites does not mean that you have cracked the code. In fact, the opposite is true. By launching half of the egg, you are not just missing on half of the protein (yes, there isEgg protein in yellow), but on all healthy fatty acids and micronutrients likeimmune selenium and b-vitamins. We know that you may have heard that the yellow interior of this well-liked breakfast article is where cholesterol resides, but dietary cholesterol has no impact on cholesterol levels. blood. In fact, researchers fromWake Forest University found that there is no link between heart disease and egg consumption. It looks like you should say yes to yellow.


You eat a lot of protein.

Man pouring protein powder in blender bottle

Everything in moderation, right? True, but it's not just a rule of sugar and sodium consumption - it also applies to good things. So, instead of simply shoveling in proteins, think about it. Otherwise, you could eat aexcessive amount of protein This does not stimulate your muscle mass, but actually stored as grease. It could be why aClinical nutrition The study found high protein diesters of 66% more at risk of dying than those who eat fewer protein. Your body can only handle30 grams max proteins in one session, that you can easily reach with a shake, depending on the mark.


You drink only water.

man holding glass drinking water

It's not secret that when it comes to healthy hydration, H2O reigns in supreme on all drinks. That being said, do not miss a cup of morning joe or green tea because you are too busy dragging her a bottle of water. Green tea is a boosting drink of metabolism and, as long as you limit the sugar or sweetening you are on the spoon, the coffee can also be. A study inPhysiology and behavior Found higher average metabolic rate in caffeinated coffee drinkers on Decaf.


You will sleep on an empty stomach.

Woman looking in refrigerator late at night

There is no need to lock the fridge as soon as you have washed your dinner. Of course, we do not say you should tear a bag of chips or dig into an icebox for a midnight snack, but we say that you should not bash eat before you sleep. According to Cassie Bjork, Rd, LD of simple life good health, light hunger can lower your blood glucose and lead to a restless night. Not only will it be in your desires of carbohydrates the next day, but she says, "Eating the right snack can help keep the blood sugars stable, so that the hormon-burning glucagon can do its job." Cassie recommends that a mini-meal before lie down include glucidity and fat, such as a mandarin and a 1/4 macadamia nut cup.


You choose sea salt

Sea salt

Have you ever wondered why you are that you reach sea sea shakers at the grocery store on regular table salt? You have probably been informed somewhere in the line of a healthier option, but think again. The only difference, in addition to the higher price, is that sea salt comes from evaporated ocean water while the other type is undermined. Magnesium and iron in sea salt are only significant if they are consumed in dangerously high quantities, or that the two variations contain the same 2,300 milligrams of sodium by tea spoon. So save your money and get out with traditional stuff. It's fortified withiodine, which is essential for your thyroid gland to work properly; Otherwise, it can become inactive and lead to weight gain. It looks like the table salt is your best way bet, of course.


You count calories.

Man counting calories

With regard to weight loss, it's about looking at the largest image instead of shrinking on one aspect. You do not want your eggs in the same basket, so if you are the only goal is how many calories you consume, it's time to expand your range.Count the calories Can actually be counterproductive if you also take into account fat, sodium, carbohydrates, and the sugar level in each bite you are taking; 300 grilled chicken calories and 300 oreos calories will clearly do very different things for your body. Some foods are rich in metabolism - stimulating nutrients while others will simply turn your blood glucose and slow down your digestion. It's a lot to keep in mind, but it will benefit your body much more than calculating your daily caloric intake.


You opt for low fat products.

glass of milk

Fortify all fats are not the key to a better BOD. Yes, no one denies that trans and saturated fats should be avoided because they can increase your risk of heart disease and obesity, but there ishealthy fats There you should kiss. And we are not talking about low-fat labeled products, low-fat or fat-free comply with this fat loss by adding carbohydrates and salt, but products that are rich in fat. Do not let this name scare you. A study in theAmerican Journal of Clinical Nutrition have found that people who consumed dairy products that were rich in fat were less likely to have suffered diabetes.


You use artificial sweeteners.

Dana Leigh Smith / Eat this, not that!

Thissoda without sugars You drink do not do you good. It's not because you will not find the sugar on the list of ingredients does not mean that other things do not hide in its place. In fact, the artificial sweeteners used to replace sugar-K and think aceesulfame sucralose can enjoy your BOD even less. According to research conducted by the Purdue University, rats that have received artificial sweeteners before eating consume more calories with each meal. Other studies have led the researchers to believe that these additives could cause too much to eat and therefore a weight gain. But that does not mean that we encourage you to return to regular soda. Try to relax in selertzers and sparkling waters instead of carbonation in a bobbin that does not expand your size.


You do the gym your home.

Tired woman at gym struggling to finish treadmill workout

If you spend more time on the treadmill or in a tree pose that at home at home, believe it or not, it's a problem. Thisis Possible to have too much good thing and that you can prevent progress by exceeding it in the gym. Although a regular training routine is important for weight loss results, it is just as important as you give the time of your muscles to recover. It is not only that they will not be able to look with exercises without stopping, but they will be more likely to injury. If slow down and keep things stable; Your transformed torso will thank you in the long run.


You skip meals.

woman sleeping next to breakfast tray

There is no trouble skipping breakfast or lunch, right? Well, maybe one if you participate inintermittent fast. However, too many missing meals can increase the number on the balance bySlow down your metabolism. When you pate the food, you stick to fat and possibly too much eating the next time you sit at the kitchen table. It's never a good idea to deprive you, but it's particularly prejudicial at the beginning of the day. According to a study in theAmerican Journal of Nutrition, Missing your morning meal can lead to the opposite of what you intended to increase inflammation.


You do not eat before doing exercise.

Man running in a gym on a treadmill concept for exercising, fitness and healthy lifestyle

Fast before a workout is just downright dangerous. No food does not mean fuel, which could prevent you from becoming muffled, not to mentionhungrypost workout. Chances are good that you will cancel your gym by eating excess as soon as you come home. That's why you have to be smart on every sweat sweat and eat in advance. If you choose protein, you will find faster results when you train stronger and longer.


You eat with force.

eating mindfully

There is nothing wrong with paying attention to the food you allow in your body, but while murderer murdering is usually a good thing, it can be fire. Stress in any zone has been linked to weight gain due to the release of cortisol and insulin production that reigns, which slows down the metabolism, according to a study ofOrganic psychiatry. So, if you took your calorie counting too far and that you start to obsess, take a step back. You might simply make your body more harm than good.


You eat whole wheat bread without restraint.

Seeded whole grain bread

Are you wondering if there is a difference between the multigrain and the whole grain bread? Tip: It's a big one. The whole grain contains three parts of the grain, which are all rich and nutrients and full of fiber, but do not think that all the brown bread is automatically better. Multigrain is just composed of different types of refined grains and wheat bread often oftenhas the same glycemic load as the white bread. The glycemic load is the amount of food that pulls your blood glucose. The higher the tip and the fall, the more you will probably be hungry after missing, and the more likely you are to give you more food and gain weight. Because whole wheat bread is basically the same as the white bread but made without bleached flour, it's not much better for you. So do not be fooled. If there is no "whole wheat" label, it's a non-GO. To make your job easier, you can also opt for the nutritionist.healthiest breads.


You stick between meals

Woman eating candy from glass jar at work

Do not force food on yourself if you do not feel it. Bringprotein bar Or a walnut bag at work is fine if you start wanting to want a little something before your lunch break, but do not think it's necessary. Some people think that eating more frequently is the key to weight loss, but according to a study ofHepatologyPeople who divide their calories into three small meals with snacks between the two develop more belly fat than those who ate the same amount of calories in three meals.

Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Weight Gain
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