Proven foods make bad things to your body, according to science

Studies have definitely linked these foods to serious health problems.

While most of us know theBasic to do and not to make a healthy dietit can be difficult to follow aBalanced diet When we are busy, stressed, or just sick salads and lean chicken. But what could shock you in taking care of what you eat is the fact that there are certain foods that have been definitely linked to a myriad of devastating consequences for your health. And you are probably delivered in these foods daily.

Some of them can be practical, other delicious, but the learning of science behind their bad reputations will help you understand how much you can do for your body just by reducing their consumption.

The following foods are scientifically proven to cause serious damage to your health. And do not missThe 7 healthiest foods to eat right now To start a better nutritional way today.


Canned foods

Canned Campbell's chicken soups

It is undeniable that canned foods are practical. They have a lot of us by the pandemic - aIncreased demand for canned soups and canned vegetables caused shortages on grocery shelves last year. But canned foods usually have a bad blow to be unhealthy and there is certainly something to this affirmation.

Canned foods can often be harmful because they are highly transformed. Although many canned vegetables are transformed little and can be part of a healthy diet, it is the type of meal products in A-Can products that really allow you to disturb you. (Think: canned soups, pasta, sauces, fruits in competition ...) They are generally high in sodium and sugar to preserve their flavors.

"When [canned) commercial soups are cooked at a high temperature for a long enough time to kill potentially harmful bacteria, some of the natural flavors evaporate. Salt is an inexpensive and practical means to compensate for the loss , Let's say to the experts of theCenter for Science in Public Interest (CSPI).

A high sodium intake over time can increase your blood pressure and increase your risk of heart attacks or favorites, according to a review published in the newspaper.Nutrients. So, if you frequently enjoy canned food for their convenience, try to make sure that you stay in the recommended daily sodium consumption, as indicated by theCDC. To learn more about the risk associated with canned foods, checkWhat happens to your body when you eat canned foods.

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Microwave dinners

frozen dinner in microwave

Another super practical way to avoid cooking is in the form of frozen dinners and hyperfections. Unfortunately, the experts say that when they can be delicious and prompt to prepare, they often cause more harm to your body than good.

A 2015 study ofThe British Newspaper of Nutrition I have shown that the consumption of prepared foods, including microwave meals, on a daily basis can cause global poor diet. The daily consumption of "heat-and-eat" meals was associated with increased fat consumption,Decrease in fiber consumptionand occurred higher of abdominal obesity.

Abdominal obesity, aliases The accumulation of belly fat, is strongly correlated with premature mortality. In reality,A recent study has shown that each 10-centimeter increase in belly fat has generated the risk of death from 8% for women and 12% for men. To learn more about how microwave meals could affect your health, seeDangerous side effects of eating microwave meals, according to science.


fast food

fast food and chips

An inevitable fact on rapid restoration is that it is mass produced and what it usually means to be transformed. Processed foodAre foods that have been chemically modified and manufactured from only refined ingredients and artificial substances (as opposed to whole foods). And a major side effect of regularly eating highly transformed foods is an inflammation.

According toWebmd Medical Reference, inflammation can be triggered byrefined carbohydrates (like white bread), sweet drinks, processed meats, margarine / shortening, and of course, fries-aka foods all that is fast food. In fact, fast food can cause a similar type of inflammatory response in your body, which occurs when your body fight diseases, according to a study published by the newspaperCell across the University of Bonn.

When this type of inflammation is endured by the body over a prolonged period, it can cause serious health problems, including heart disease, arthritis, depression, Alzheimer's disease and even cancer, according to Hope Ricciotti , MD and Toni Golen, MD, Chief EditorsHarvard Women's Health Watch.


Sweet foods


The sugar is found in all that day, not just visible places like desserts. Drinks, sauces, condiments and even bakery bread and products are generally responsible for added sugar, contributing to the overconsumption of Americans of this dangerous nutrient.

One in four American consumes much more than theSugar cap recommended by the USDA of 50 grams, taking amazing105 grams of sugar added a day. (TheGuidelines of the American Heart Association Suggest more than 24 grams of added sugar for women and no more than 35 grams for men.)

The delicate on the overconsumption of sugar is that its consequences for your health can not be noticed before years later, explains Elizabeth Spencer, MS, RDN, LDN, Dietitian inscribed at the Hospital Dupage of North West Medicine . "These include the risk of type 2 diabetes, foie gras, heart disease and articulation inflammation," she adds. Not to mention a more immediate weight gain.

To keep a better trace of knowing if you ingest too many gentle things, you must learn to decode the messages your body sends you. For more information, checkThe biggest sign of danger you eat too much sugar, say dietitians.


Red meat

sliced steak topped with compound butter

The high daily consumption of red meat, including beef, pork and lamb, has been linked to higher bodies of colon cancer, according toHarvard Medical School website.

A seminal study of Europe followed 478,000 men and women in good health for a period of five years in which 1,329 were diagnosed with colon cancer. Those who were eating the most red meat (5 ounces per day or more) were about a third more likely to be diagnosed with colon cancer than those who have eaten the least red meat (less than 1 oz per day). The consumption of other types of meat, such as chicken or fish, has not affected their risk.

The scary thing? The average American consumed 222.4 pounds of red meat in 2018 - the equivalent of nearly 10 meatballs hasdaytime (or about 10 ounces per day), according to theUSDA. A quarter of adults in this country even more untreated red meat than the recommended level according to the data published in theJournal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics In 2019.

To find out if you are one of them, check6 subtle signs that you eat too much red meat.

For healthier food tips, be sure to re-read the108 most popular sodas classified by how toxic they are toxic.

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