The 50 best foods for your penis

It turns out that some foods can increase your endurance in the bedroom.

Research indicates that some specific nutrients - vitamins common to less known plant extracts - have demonstrated positive effects on very specific aspects of penis performance.Do not eat that! has rounded the best examples of thesesuperfeument who also makes your little bigger guyFlatten your belly! Here are the best foods for your penis - Foods that help you stay erected.

And after reading this, make sure you check out our list of15 underestimated weight loss tips that actually work.



Business man drinking coffee in a cafe

The recent conclusions of the University of Texas suggest that men drink two to three cups ofCoffee One day or 85 to 170 milligrams ofcaffeine Other drinks - are 42% less likely to have erectile dysfunction than those that consume up to seven milligrams of the stimulant daily. And those who throw four to seven cups were 39% less likely to have the disease as their less gigantic counterparts. The trend is faithful among overweight, obese and hypertensive men, but not for those with diabetes, a condition that often causes the issue. So, how is the coffee consumption going to keep things going on? Scientists say that the stimulant triggers a series of reactions in the body that finally increase the blood flow to the south.

here is14 side effects of coffee drinking each day, according to dietitians.




Hard men have healthy hearts, so eatbanana For potassium, which is ideal for your heart and traffic. To have enoughpotassium Helps keep your sodium levels under control, stop your blood pressure to hit the roof and reduce your risk of cardiac problems. If you eat too much salt and you do not like bananas, get your potassium oranges or potatoes from the jacket (mineral in the skin).

here isWhat happens to your body when you eat a banana every day.


Hot sauce

How are you alpha? Well, how many hot sauce shakes can you manage? A recent study of France has found men who have a taste for spicy food tend to haveHigher testosterone levels that those who can not handle heat. Of the 114 male participants surveyed, researchers recorded a clear correlation between frequent use of hot sauce and higher upper levels. The authors of the study suggest that the results can be due in part to capsaicin-the ardent compound in the chilli that previous studies have associated with an increase in testosterone levels. In animal studies, capsaicin also showed an increase in the size of certain organs, while simultaneously decreasing belly fat.

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Green tea


Green tea is rich in compounds called catechins, which have been demonstrated to eliminate belly fat and accelerate liver capacity to transform fat into energy. But that's not all: catechins also stimulate desire by promoting blood flow to your regional.

"The catechins kill free radicals that damage and influence blood vessels, which increases their ability to transport blood," said Cassie Bjork, RD, LD of simple life. "The catechins also cause blood vessel cells to free up nitric oxide, which increases the size of the blood vessels, which causes an improvement of blood flow."

The blood flow to the genitals means having the feeling of excitement, if you sip stuff, well, you will want to get it. Bjork suggests drinking four cups a day to feel complete effects. Pick up one of our5 favorite teas for weight loss.


Dark chocolate


There is a reasondark chocolate has become a given gift in front of a love activity. Cocoa increases the levels of theBoosting of the mood Hormonal serotonin, which can reduce stress levels, enhance desire and facilitate access to orgasm. And that's not all: cocoa also increases blood flow in the arteries and relax the blood vessels, sending blood to all appropriate regions, which can stimulate pleasure.




CherriesAre rich in anthocyanas, plant chemicals that clean your plate arteries, prevent them from opening business. This has a direct effect on blood flow under the belt. So make them a steady snack: a cup of clocks in less than 100 calories and houses vitamins B, flavonoids against cancer and three grams offiber.




If you are looking for a way to simultaneously stimulate your libido and calm these pre-date jitters, I send you a glass ofRed wine. According to a printed study inNutrition log, Vino could raise your testosterone levels. In laboratory tests, researchers have discovered that quercetin, a wine compound, blocks an enzyme that causes the excreity of testosterone, thus increasing the amount of traffic in the blood. The rich antioxidant profile of the wine also triggers the production of nitric oxide, which relaxes the walls of the artery. This increases the blood flow in the south, creating feelings of erotic excitement. For some great choices for your next Tipple, check out our list of30 best wines you can buy at COSTCO.



Darling, Unlike the sugar of the table, is packed with beneficial compounds such as quercetin, which has been demonstrated to help sport endurance and depression depression. Honey also has a less dramatic impact on your blood sugar than ordinary sugar, so it will not send your body in grease storage mode, how white stuff can. Try to add honey to tea from your afternoon or at the morning bowl ofgroatsbut does not go too far; The sweet nectar has 17 grams of sugar and 64 calories by tablespoon, so that too much honey can make you heavy, rather than cornea.




Some learned spirits believe that it was not an apple, but aGrenade With the watch attempted Adam in the Garden of Eden. She was intelligent: a study published in theInternational Research Journal on Impotence Discovered as the pomegranate juice, rich in antioxidants that support blood flow, can help improve erectile dysfunction. Although this study has been funded by POM wonderful, animal studies have also shown that the elixir improves the erectile response in the long run, so it's worth it to be cut - literally. Knock a shot or sprinkle your juice a little: a cup of pomegranate juice packs in about 31 grams of sugar.




In addition to being raised in B12,Oysters Contains more zinc than any other food source (almost five times your daily value). This nutrient is essential for testosterone production and when your levels fall, your business too. Like other bivalves, oysters are high in aspartic acid, an amino acid that has been demonstrated to temporarily increase the low level of testosterone and improve the quality of sperm in sterile men.


Enriched cereals


If seafood is not your thing, be aware that fortified breakfast cereals are also good sources of B12. According to the USDA,Healthy cereals Such as Kellogg's All-Bran's All-Bran, K, Smart Start and Total Total Grain offer a full day allowance. Check nutritional events and opt for whole grains, which can help reduce cholesterol levels. Having a high cholesterol can result in atherosclerosis, or dirty and contracted arteries, which inhibits blood flow, which can be dangerous for your heart. It's time to start consuming a bowl of one of the best foods that help you stay erected in the morning!




Maybe some chocolatestrawberries For romantic time, is smart after all, especially because it's one of the best foods that help you stay erected. Once the race of your heart, strawberries can help get the blood flow where he has to go. They are packaged with anthocyanas, colorful plants chemicals that help keep your arteries off, stimulating traffic. In addition, they are rich in vitamin C, which has been linked to the number of higher spermatozoa. Or try to do thatA grilled strawberry shortcake with balsamic.


Peanut Butter

Turns out that it's goingPeanut Butteris an aphrodisiac in disguise. It is rich in two nutrients that are essential for a good performance of the room: Niacin (with a quarter of your recommended daily value in two tablespoons) and vitamin E (75% of your daily value in this same portion) . In a study printed in theSexual health newspaperMen with impotence that took a niacin supplement reported a significant improvement in their bedroom feat compared to men who took a placebo. The peanut butter is also a good source of folate, which improves the quality of sperm. Click here to see our13 delicious snacks peanut butter you can do.


Pepper peppers


The ultimate example of the nature of nature in advertising,pepper peppers bring heat. They containcapsaicin, a natural chemical that lends spicy foods its pleasant pain and presents serious advantages and benefits of libido. Research has shown that it increases testosterone and increases traffic - all good news for your erection and what you do with that. Capsaicin also stimulates the release of endorphins, which in turn stimulates desire.


Goji berries


"Energy-BoostingGoji berrieshave been used for thousands of years of Chinese medicine that help increase energy and reinforce the release of hormones, "says Dr. Lindsey Duncan, a celebrity nutritionist." Goji increases the body's ability to handle stress and support health, mind and memory. -All while giving you get-up-and-go energy needed to get your training at the next level. Goji is also beneficial to increase blood flow, which helps to oxygenate all cells and body tissues, which increases your reader, so they call Goji the "Viagra from China".



Washed baby spinach leaves

To eatspinach, a rich green inCompounds of suppression of the appetite, can not only make you look better naked but can also increase blood flow and is considered one of the best foods that help you stay erected.

"Spinach are rich in magnesium, a mineral that decreases the inflammation of the blood vessels, which increases the blood flow," explainsCassie Bjork, RD, LD of sound life healthy.

"The increase in blood flow causes blood to the extremities which, like Viagra, can increase the excitement and make things more enjoyable," saysTammy Nelson doctorate

Spinach are also rich inmadness, which increases the blood flow to the nether regions, helping to protect yourself from sexual problems related to age.

Do not miss theseBest foods for sexual stamina!




Double on the Marinara to protect your manhood. A study found that garden plant could improve the morphology of sperm (form); men with the highesttomato The contribution was between 8 and 10% "normal" more "normal" than those whose tomatoes are low to tomato, one of the best foods to help you stay erected. So why not whip one of these33+ recipes based on easy and delicious tomatoes?




Watermelon Is one of the richest natural sources of L-citrulline, an amino acid that can help bring up and stay up. Once it's in the body, he converts toL-arginine, stimulating the production of nitric oxide, which increases the blood flow.




If you like your food as you like your lovers - sweet and spicy, you're lucky.Ginger Another food can improve the life of your room by helping blood flow and improving the health of the artery. According to a study in theInternational Cardiology Journal, consuming a simple teaspoon of matter several times a week is all you need to harvest healthy healthy benefits. It has also been shown that the spice increases the levels of testosterone and sperm viability. So go ahead and place this second order of sushi this week, do not let ginger on your plate.



If you want to go long enough to help your date reach the Big O, reach somegroats. The popular breakfast cereal is a good source of L-arginine, a fluent amino acid used to treat erectile dysfunction. In addition, whole grains such as oats also help reduce cholesterol levels. Having a high cholesterol can lead to atherosclerosis, a condition that clashes and narrows the arteries, an alteration of the blood flow. This could possibly lead to heart problems, but you will probably notice problems under the belt first. The arteries surrounding the genital area are narrower than coronary blood vessels, so they are more sensitive to clots. Just put, better your cholesterol levels are, the better your erection will also be.

here are the7 Extraordinary Benefits of Eating Oatmeal.


Pine nuts

These underestimated cores are rich in zinc and people with higher levels in their system have been demonstrated to have stronger sexual conduct than those whose levels are lower. They are also a good source ofmagnesium, whoIncreases testosterone and keeps the sperm healthy and viable. Pine nuts are the main ingredient of the pesto, then go to the Italian in your next night or sprinkle on a salad with lawyer, tomatoes andSalmon.



This Amazonian aphrodisiac comes from a tree from Brazil, where the tribes use it traditionally to remedy indifference, impotence and nervousness (a well-known mojo killer). The active compounds of the plant, cartabine a and b, seem to act on some centers of thebrain, says Kilham, then you can feel erotic dreams by taking Catuaba.



It's not a secret that oily cold water fish like wild salmon, sardines and tuna are overflowing withOMEGA-3 fatty acidsBut here is something that you may not know: nutrient benefits not only to your heart, but also increases the levels of dopamine in the brain. This dopamine tip improves circulation and blood flow, triggering excitement.

"Dopamine will make you feel more relaxed and connected to your partner, making sex more fun," says Nelson.

Simply make sure you order the right guy by avoiding theseErrors you do when order salmon.


Brazil nut


Selenium is an oligoelation found in Brazil's nuts that plays an important role inThe health of the hormone. You only need a little bit for healthy sperm, but a small deficiency can be catastrophic for reproductive health. In a study, men who had lower testosterone and were infertile also significantly lower selenium levels than the fertile group. Completing with the mineral improved the chances of success of the 56 percent design. And a second study that included 69 infertile men with a low level of mineral, selenium supplementation found could significantly improve sperm motility by sub-associated with a testosterone deficiency. In addition, 11 percent of men successfully impregnated their partners during the trial!




Potatoes-What are the white or variety are-sweet a great source ofpotassium. This circulation of nutrients stimulates, which continues to flow the blood where it has to go and boost your room pleasure. (It also counteracts balloon linked salt, so you will look better bare too.) HereWhat happens to your body when you eat potatoes.




Incas old consumed this energizing Peruvian plant, says Chris Kilham, ethnobotanist at the University of Massachusetts in Amherst. Maca increases sexual appetite, endurance, endurance and fertility. A 2008 study conducted to the depression of the Clinical Program and Research at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston found that Maca has helped antidepressant-induced dysfunction to find their libido. Your body will also be the love of these8 superaliments you should eat every day.



A study published in the newspaperFertility and SterilityWho analyzed the effect of various fruits and vegetables on the carrots discovered the quality of the sperm had the best results all around on the number of spermatozoa and mobility - a term used to describe the ability of spermatozoa to swim towards an egg. The men who consumed the mostcarrots Improved saw Sperm performance from 6.5% to 8%. Harvard researchers assign carotenoid boost, powerful antioxidant compounds in the carrots that help the body of vitamin A. do here are41+ The best carrot recipes to try.


Serrano peppers

What is Mas macho? A recent study conducted by French researchers revealed that people who eat themore spicy foods tend to have higher testosterone levels than those with faster palaces. The authors of the study assign the t-stimulating effects in part to capsaicin, a compound that has chilis associated with previous searchIncreased testosterone levels. Serious spicy Serrano peppers are also packed with quercetin, a nutrient shown at testosterone levels to stimulate in the body by reducing the amount that is otherwise evacuated by the kidneys. Capsaicin, the compound that is hot tabasco sauce, chemicals releases that the heart rate increase, the signs of mirror of the excitement, and Rev things.


Pumpkin seeds


Not onlyPumpkin seeds One of the best foods that will help you stand up, but they are also one of the best food sources of zinc minerals and essential magnesium are presented at testosterone levels to stimulate and growth factor hormone. , especially when combined. In fact, college football players who have taken a zinc and magnesium surcharge showed a 30 percent increase in the testosterone rate and 13 to 16 percent increase in the force of legs, an eight test. Found weeks. The seeds are also a rich source of poly-unsaturated fatty acids shown to stimulate hormone - prostaglandins as substances that play a key role in the feeling activated. Take a little, or choose one of these50 best snacks to lose weight!


Chicken breast


Classic basic foods, like theChicken breast, May not have the presence of Instagram for example,macaBut they earn a place on plates much longer. In other words, their health benefits continue to stack. In addition to a large amount of arginine - turkey only to more - a 3 ounce chicken breast contains only 142 calories and 3 grams of fat, but a 26 grams of impressive protein. It's more than half of the recommended allowance of the day. In addition, it is rich in Vitamins B for rev your rate of metabolism and energy. (And if you are looking to treat erectile dysfunction, B vitamins does not hurt without a doubt.)




"Celery contains Androsterone, a male pheromone released by perspiration, which limited the research shown to increase the dredger behavior in women, "says Dietician Keri Gans, author ofThe small change.

Ingest the Androttosterone can also increase male excitement and bring a guy's body to send scents and signals that make it more desirable for women, according to Alan Hirsch, M.D., author ofSanctival sex.




Listen to us; The liver is loaded with zinc, which is essential to maintain the testosterone levels at the top and prevents your body from converting T to estrogen. The beef liver is also high inVitamin B12, of which a gap is linked to erectile dysfunction.



The booster ingredient ateggs ischoline, a powerful natural chemical that burns not only fat, but can help define your pants to fire, making it one of the best foods that help you stay erected. The cholin triggers the production of nitric oxide (NO), which relaxes the arteries and allows to make the blood flow to do its thing. Bonus: Eggs are bred in vitamins B5 and B6, which balance hormone levels and stress control, two factors without a doubt useful in the bedroom. Pack on more muscle, eat these essential elements20 foods with the highest amounts of protein!


Shiitake mushrooms

These unpretentious mushrooms are a triple threat: they have the highest level of choline of any portion of vegetables-a portion has almost double the amount found in an egg yolk. They are also rich in zinc andVitamin D, which maintains testosterone at a healthy level.


Fourte-fed oxen


In addition to being lighter and lower in calories than conventional cuts, grass-based beef offers a host of benefits, muscle building to fat burning with cardiac protection. You can add assistance in the room to the list of good qualities; This is an excellent source ofVitamin B12. A recent report from Harvard University highlighted a study that connected low levels of B12 to erectile dysfunction. So, eat! Bonus: it's one ofhealthy greases that make you skinny.


Muira Puama

A 2000 study conducted at theSexology institute In Paris, in Paris, Muira Puama, a Brazilian shrub traditionally used in South African popular medicine as an aphrodisiac, an increased libido in a majority of men who complained of impotence and a lack of desire. Other studies show that this Happy-Faking Grass also counteracts chronic stress, depression and nervous exhaustion.


White fish


Men seeking to strengthen their sperm quality should go to the fish counter, research suggests. The sperm and form-one marker used to evaluate male infertility - was better in men who have eaten the white meat fish compared to men who ate the least, a study published inThe Journal of Nutrition show. And the total number of spermatozoa was greater than about 34% in men who ate the darkest meat fish, such as salmon and tuna, that men who ate the least amount of fish. Meanwhile, men who reported having eats one with three portions oftransformed meat Wathered sperm morphology (form) that men who have eaten as fewer portions.




These "sea pistachios", as Kimmy Schmidt called them, are not a joke. They are one of the richest food sources of erectionVitamin B12 You can find and one of the best foods that help you stay erected. Bivalves Boner-Booster are also high in L-arginine, an amino acid that converts to nitric oxide (NO), the Gaye Marvin of gas naturally present: it causes blood vessels to relax and facilitate blood flow. , which helped you get and stay hard. In addition, clams are raised in the proteins of the muscular building. Try yourself with ourClassic linguine with clam recipe.


Turkey breast


The most associated poultry with belt loosening festivals is lean, high protein and the best food source of arginine, amino acid. Researchers at the NYU School of Medicine gaveL-arginine For a group of helpless men and found that six on 15 men receiving amino acid claimed an improved ability to perform erections, while none of the 15 men in the placebo group reported benefits. In addition, the bird is rich in DHA omega-3 acids, which have been demonstrated to increase brain function, improve your mood and extinguish fat genes, thus preventing fat cells from growing up! Just make sure you buy white meat only because dark contains too much fat. And extinguish the defeat of pre-packaged rain and trench - these turkeys are strictly Jive.




This IKEA-Cafeteria clip can actually help you put things together in the bedroom. In addition to packing four times your daily vitamin B12 requirement in a medium-sized net, herring is also rich inmagnesium, which stimulates testosterone and prevents sketchism healthy and viable. In addition to this, fatty fish like herring are high in vitamin D, making it one of the best foods that help you stay erected.

A study published in theSexual medicine newspaperItalian researchers examined 143 men with erectile dysfunction; 80% had suboptimal levels of nutrients and men with severe erectile dysfunction featured a lower level of 24% d than those with a light form of the disease. The theory is that low levels of D promote dysfunctional blood vessels and a shortage of nitric oxide.


Blue mussels

These brilliant-probes molluscs have the ability to heat things quickly, with more than three times the recommended daily value of vitamin B12. A 3 ounce maid also has 20 grams ofMuscle-boosting protein, with only 4 grams of grease and 150 calories. Like clams, they are rich in iron, which helps to ensure that your blood flows everywhere, it needs. They are also high in magnesium, a natural improvement; It has been shown that low levels of minerals contribute to Ed. Increase your levels even further with these high magnesium foods.



The pistachios, peanuts and nuts contain all amino acids L-arginine, which is one of the building elements of nitric oxide - a natural gas that helps guys maintain their hardware efforts. Speaking of becoming hazel, scoring these essentialsBest muscular weight loss nuts.


Damiana leaf

Because it reducesanxiety And inhibitions, this tonic nervous system helps you become more relaxed and likely to be excited for excitement, says Herbalist Roy Upton, R.h, Executive Director of the American Pharmacopoeia. The aphrodisiac capabilities of Damiana Leaf are also linked to a compound that it contains progestin.


Greek yogurt

You can not log in immediatelyGreek yogurt With sensuality, but once you have learned how this article is one of the best foods that help you stay erected, you can reconsider adding it to your daily meals. Just know that a container can provide 20% of your daily value of B12 and up to 17 grams of protein. It is also a good source ofpotassium, which maintains your heart in good health and the circulation of AIDS - two essential factors to become hard. And these are just some of the factors that make it one of our favorite foods; It is also decisive in weight loss and management.

You are not sure what Greek yogurts buy? Consider our list ofThe 20 best and most worst Greek yogurts, according to nutritionists.



The Aztecs evoked lawyers like testiculas because of their scrotum appearance. They were on something. Green fruits are rich in potassium, vitamin B6 and vitamin E, nutrients associated with increased libido. In addition, the good monounsaturated lawyer fats protect your heart and stimulate traffic, while their abundant minerals and carotenoids provide energy and endurance. For some creative ways to consume the fruit, consult our29+ Best avocado recipes for each meal (same dessert!).


Yohimbe Bark Extract

This Extract of African Tree Bark sends the blood flow to the genitals, declares Herborist Ed Smith, a founding member of the US Herbalist Guild, which adds a warning that Yohimbe can cause a nervousness and an already high increase.arterial pressure (So ​​avoid taking it if you have heart or renal disease) and can also negatively interact with antidepressants. So, while it's one of the foods that help you stay erected, you should consider having a serious moderation.




Peanut contain once the amino acidL-arginine, which is one of the building blocks of nitric oxide, which facilitates efforts under the covers. They also help reduce cholesterol levels. The least cholesterol you have in your system, the easier it is to circulate in the blood throughout your body and down, making it one of the best foods that help you stay erected.




This old whole grain is a great addition to your pantry if you have quinoa fatigue, but it will also help you if things fall into the bedroom. Rich in manganese and iron, it also contains the eight essential amino acids, which reinforceenergy levels- The manufacture of one of the best foods that help you stay erected. And for grains with so many protein as Teff and Quinoa, click here forPower grains packed in protein!




According to historians, ancient Egyptians used garlic to stimulate their stamina. Although they did not have modern science to confirm that it actually worked, they were certainly on something. The researchers confirmed that plant consumption helps stop the formation of new fat deposits, called nano plates, inside arterial walls. Yup, this also includes the arteries leading to your penis. Keep your heart in good health and strong erections by adding one of the best foods that help you stay erected with your weekly dishes.

I ate too much garlic before having it? here isHow to get rid of the breath with garlic quickly.




As the age of men, their estrogen levels gradually increase, while testosterone levels fall. The anticancer compounds called Indoles can help to find a balance. Cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli are rich in indole, which stimulate the production of testosterone by breaking and rinsing the estrogen excess system, which inhibits the production of male sex hormones. In a study, supplement with indole-3-carbinol ofcruciferous vegetables For only seven days, cut estradiol hormone estrogen in half for men. Another study revealed indole supplementation significantly increased the urinary excretion of estrogen.

Need to maintain it? here is20 foods that increase your sexual stamina and your sex drive.

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