7 teas that melt belly fat, say dietitians

We asked the experts you should sip to stay slim.

When it comes tolosing weightYou already know that what you put on your plate, you can make a big difference in your progress. But did you know that there is a drink in your pantry that could seriously help your efforts? Experts say that regularlydrink tea is an excellent habit of training if you aim to lose books. Not just a tea, however, you will want to go for the teas to be scientifically proven to help melt belly fat for the long term.

Of course, drinking tea alone will not melt as per magic. That said, some teas contain some ingredients and properties that can support your overall efforts to reduce.

"There are no shortcuts or magic pills for weight loss," says Michelle Zive, an authorized dietitian andNASM certified nutrition coach. "However, some research suggests that tea can help you lose a small amount of weight if you associate them with a healthy lifestyle ofEnjoy your food andphysical activity.Real tea can help you lose weight, it's if you replace your Mocha Modh, Soda Play, and / or your Martini after-dinner for a cup of tea.. "

In addition, Gina Keatley, a dietitian and a certified nutritionist atKeatley Medical Nutrition Therapy In New York, notes that drinking tea consumption can inhibit the effect of enzymes that facilitate digestion, reducing the rate ofsugar and grease absorption and reduction of the caloric load of a meal.

"Some of the sugars that are not digested will be transformed into short chain fatty acids by bacteria in the intestine," she explains. "These molecules have been known to prevent glucose in the blood from becoming grease."

With all this in mind, here are some of the teas that can help melt belly fat, and for healthier advice, make sure you check out our list of15 underestimated weight loss tips that actually work.


Green tea

Green tea

Without a doubt, the tea the most well studied for weight loss purposes isgreen tea. For example, a2008 study Obese individuals have found that when those who have regularly drank green tea have lost 7.3 lords more than those who have not consumed it.

According to Zive, a reason why green tea is a phenomenal choice if you try to lose weight is that it is packed with catechins - a type ofantioxidant This can increase your metabolism and help broke fats faster.

"The catechins are very good for activating the Kinase protein activated by the AMP (AMPK)-that helps the body to use fat as fuel," adds Keatley.

Not only that, but it also contains caffeine and a2011 study Determined that the blend of caffeine and catechins is particularly beneficial to decompose the calories of fat and combustion.

Note thatMatchtaA concentrated form of green powder tea can offer these same advantages. here isWhat happens to your body when you drink green tea.


Black tea

Black tea

Black tea Generally has the highest caffeine content of all tea, which gives a major advantage in terms of weight loss.

"Teas with caffeine can increase the use of body energy, which means your bodyburns more calories, says Zive.

In fact, a2014 study I revealed that the consumption of three cups of black tea daily over the three months has increased significantly weight loss, as well as reducing size size.

In addition to offering a heavy dose of caffeine, black tea is also composed of flavonoids - and a14 years study Of 4,280 adults have discovered that people who have consumed more flavas of food and beverages had a lower body mass index (BMI).

Convinced? here isThe 12 healthiest teas on the shelves of the grocery store you can buy.


Oolong tea

Oolong tea

Oolong tea Is made from the leaves of the same plant as green tea and black tea come from - and therefore according to Keatley, it offers many of the same benefits where weight loss is concerned. In addition, research suggests that polyphenols of this traditional Chinese tea canreopen your metabolism. Polyphenols have been shown to help your bodyUse stored fat for energy, which can obviously be a huge perch when you aim to reduce.

"A lot of polyphenols of this kind of tea are difficult for the intestines to bring in the body so they find themselves at our colon where they are used by the bacteria that live there," says Keatley. "Short-chain fatty acids are produced by bacteria that contribute to regulating fat metabolism by increasing fuel combustion and reducing fat storage."

A2009 studyOverweight Chinese women revealed that the topics that drank four oolong tea cups per day lost 2.2 livres over six weeks. The researchers have theorized that it was because caffeine at Oolong tea can increase energy expenditure for hours after its ingestion. And science supports this too: a2001 study I found that Oolong's tea consumption only three days increased energy expenditure of 2.9% compared to water - and it is the equivalent of burning about 281 more calories a day.

To find out more about the wonders of tea, start at a 7-day plan that will melt up to 10 pounds and buy the7-day flat-stomach tea cleaning now.


PU-ERH tea

Pu erh tea

This Chinese black tea is not just known for its distinct terrestrial aroma - it is also known for its potential benefits of weight loss.Animal studies Having demonstrated that Pu-erh tea can help burn more body fat stored while synthesizing less new fats. This could explain why a study has linked this tea to aslight reduction in body weight and IMC For people with metabolic syndrome. However, it should be noted that these effects were more important in the male subjects of the study than for women.

Not to mention, since it is a fermented tea, Pu-erh tea can offer a good dose ofprobiotics, who can enjoy your intestine in general while improvingGlucose control-Who is a crucial component involved in weight loss and management?


Dandelion tea

Dandelion tea

Did you know that the dandelion is anatural diuretic? This means that this can help you lose weight from water, which can certainly sabotage your efforts to reduce efforts. Not only that but a2008 study Discovered that the dandelion can operate as a lipase inhibitor by decreasing gastrointestinal fat absorption, making it a viable natural alternative to certain weight loss medications (such as Orlistat).

The dandelion was also found to haveAnti-inflammatory properties, which is remarkable sincechronic inflammation is linked toweight gain.

While dandelion tea is safe for most people, you should consult your doctor before drinking if you are taking prescription drugs to make sure there is no potentially dangerous interaction.

here is7 ways that tea can help you lose weight.


Peppermint tea

Peppermint tea

If you areSnacking In general Many of meals, you might consider pouring a soothing cup of peppermint tea, which can act as a natural appetite and a prejudice to envy. And as it turns out, just take a breath of tea can provide these advantages: a study conducted by a psychology teacher at Jesuit University Surie found that when people felt peppery mint every two hours. Throughout the day, they consumed 1,800 lower calories. What they did for days when they did not sniff the aromatic grass.

To start, the search has demonstrated time and again that peppermint tea can supportRegular intestinal movements- The things that move in this regard can help you avoid constipation, which can cause inflammation and bloating.


white tea

White tea

Since the white tea leaves are quickly dried as soon as they are picked, they are not only one of the least processed tea varieties, but also one of the highest micronutrients of the grease known under the name ofpolyphenols.

A2009 test tube study Discovered that the white tea extract has not only stimulated the ventilation of fat, but also prevented new adipose cells from forming. During this time, another exam concluded that white tea can helpIncrease your metabolism from 4 to 5%, resulting in a burn of 70 to 100 calories a day.

Do not forget: no matter the tea you drink,The best way to ensure that it supports your weight loss efforts is to appreciate it.

"Black tea and green tea are the most studied and have the largest amount of positive research behind them, but one thing all studies have in common are that there is no sugar, milk or cream Added, "Explain Keatley. "Because at the end of the day, the amount of calorie tea prevents you from digesting is not very high - and it is the regulation of calories that constitutes the most important aspect of any diet."

You do not like the taste of the tea plain? Try to add a lemon pressure or splash of unsweetenedalmond milk Whereoatmeal To improve the flavor without adding a lot to calorie content.

Now that you know what teas to sip to melt the belly fat, here'sWhat happens to your body if you drink tea every day.

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