8 errors you do during VEGGIES cooking

Are you accidentally ruining the nutritional properties?

Carrots? To verify!Broccoli? Understood.kale? No evidence! If the drawers in your refrigerator are filled with vegetables that find their way to your dinner, give yourself a tape at the back. All these moms of mom tell you to "eat your vegetables," finally pay - and it's probably so proud! But stimulating your health and the quality of your diet is not as simple as putting the fork to the salad in the mouth. If you want to get the most nutritional bang for your calorie oulcade (which you should), how you prepare and cook your vegetables makes a big difference. Here we reveal ways to take vital nutrients right away without realizing it. In addition, get easy ways to remedy each error so you can stay on good health and know how to cook vegetables, the right way.

Error: You do not know the recipe.

You may have followed the step by step recipe, but that does not mean that you have cooked your vegetables the right way. One of the most common culinary mistakes? Exposing vegetables to heat for too long. This destroys the majority of nutrients of vegetables. Boiling, it's also a non-GO. This method causes water-soluble micronutrients, such as riboflavin, folate and vitamins B and C to the inch in the water, which most people will then be in the drain. Another sure way of NIX all the nutrients of your vegetables? Throw them into a deep fryer. It does not matter how health of your vegetables, they can not cancel the damage that come with all excess fat. So forget the deep fryer and focus on these40 things that healthy cooks always have in their kitchen instead of!

The solution: Pass the boiling and long cooking times. Instead, vaporize your vegetables for five minutes, then finish in a saucepan over medium heat. If you want to do"Fries" house » Stay away from depth and cook your crunchy sticks on a metal tray.


Error: You smoke them.


While you like can like the flavor slightly burned that your grill ready for Veggie Kabobs, the hot and dry environment can exhaust the nutrients of your product. What is worse, if you leave them on the grill long enough that they develop a carbonal carbonaceous appearance, it is a sign that the vegetables could have been exposed to benzopyrene, a carcinogenic chemical found in the cigarette smoke. Another nutritional catastrophe recipe? Cut vegetables into the oil rather than cook them on an extremely high heat to try to sit at the dinner table earlier. When the oil is exposed to extreme heat, it creates smoke can decompose antioxidants into vegetables.

The solution: The next time you are outside, fosse the kabobs and cook your vegetables in agrill basket instead of. This tactic eliminates the risk of consuming dangerous loaders, while helping vegetables retain their moisture, vitamins and minerals. Whisk dinner inside? Paste on high strength cooking heat and jump the drizzle olive oil before heating your vegetables. Dry cook and add fat after help reduce antioxidant exhaustion smoke.


Error: You launch the right parties.


How many times have you cut the stem and leaves your broccoli and threw them into the trash? Or peeled cucumber and potato skins? Do not be embarrassed if you do it quite often - it's a common mistake. But it is now time to change your ways and stop throwing the healthiest parts of vegetables. The skins, leaves and stems have unique nutrients not found in other parts of the vegetables. They also have higher concentrations of vitamins than more commonly consumed parts.

The solution: Stay away from the peeler and cold with the Chop-N-Sort. Use broccoli rods and leaves in fries, soups and salads for a heavy dose of nutrients in health.


Error: You use them and abuse them.

Vegetables should be the star of your meal and not a vehicle for calorie and fat sauces. There are some people who think something is healthy simply because it incorporates vegetables when it turns on one of theWorst Snacks "Healthy" the low! All your lovers of cheese and onion sauce, know exactly what we are talking about! You may have convinced that your condiment choices are irrelevant when they are associated with something lower and healthy than vegetables, but that's just not true. Not convinced? Consider this:Marzetti Dill VEGGIE dip manages to pack 110 calories in a tiny spoon with two spoons. You probably take care of three or four times, which transforms your portion of 20 calories of pepper slices into a 470 calorie disaster charged with 48 grams of fat!

The solution: When you are numbling raw vegetables, opt forHoummous plus dips. Opt for Greek-inspired diffusion will save you 60 calories per serving, which really adds when you swallowing a lot. As for you cheese sauce lovers, look for sauce recipes as cheese simply not incorporating as the main ingredient. We love Parmesan pair versions with balsamic, garlic and lemon juice.


Error: You jump the sink.

Classically cultivated, vegetables loaded with pesticides such as celery, spinach, peppers, tomatoes and all appearances on theDirty Dozen Annual 2018 Working Group on the Environment List. If you tend to quickly rinse these vegetables or not wash them at all-probably residues that ingest you are chemical that can cause stomach, nausea and diarrhea. The worst is, these chemicals do not just come and go. They hide in our fat cells until we go on a diet and start losing weight. According to researchers, when books begin to come off, chemicals come out of their hibernation and shoot in the bloodstream, which slows energy and energy metabolism.

The solution: Even if you always buy Organic, soak your vegetables in a pot of water for 10-15 minutes before eating. Then give them a quick rinse under running water to make sure they are clean.

RELATED: Easy, health, 350 calorie recipe ideas You can do at home.


Error: You are not twinned with grease.


If you stick with a low-fat vegetable dip to keep fit, you can make your health a bad service. According toThe researchers of Iowa and Ohio State University, Twinning a little fat with red, yellow, orange and dark green vegetables helps the body absorb nutrients against cancer and heart health like lycopene and beta-carotene. The results of the studies show that you will need to consume six grams of fat added with your vegetables to harvest the maximum nutritional benefits. While if you consume a 1800 calorie system may seem a lot, the dietary guidelines actually suggest that healthy adults do not consume more than 35 percent of total grease calories that is up to 70 grams per day. .

The solution: Associate your vegetables with healthy sources of grease. Typically eat a salad for lunch? Add half a cup oflawyer (11 g of fat) or two tablespoons ofCucina Antica Vinaigrette Organic César (8 g fat) on your plate to hit the nutrition brand.


Error: You do not eat the raw.


There is nothing better than the sweet crispy crisis, a fresh carrot, but noticing on this first orange plant is not the best way to get your daily dose of vitamins. On aInternational Food Research Journal Report, boil the best orange vegetable retains its nutrients. If learning it was a bit of a shock for you, it is understandable; Many other vegetables lose their water-soluble vitamins once they are boiled. Tomatoes also get healthy under heat. ACORNELL University Study found that their cooking increases the amount of lycopene, an antioxidant to fight the disease in tomatoes. The researchers believe that heat softens the cell walls of the plant, which allows more nutrients to be released and absorbed by our body.

The solution:In the CORNELL University study, the absorption of lycopene increased by 35 percent after the tomatoes were cooked for 30 minutes to 190.4 degrees F. will follow suit if you want to harvest the benefits at home. If you prefer to add the carrots to your plate, boil, drain and transfer them into a bowl and mix with a net of olive oil, a little pepper and rosemary dried to pump the flavor. PREMIUM:20 great recipes for mason pot salads


Error: You are far from their fiber Judicing.

Yes, better than juice is not eating vegetables at all, but when the product goes through the juice making machine, its rich fiber and pulp skins that helps stimulate satiety to be distant. The good news is, vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients, vegetables still find their way to your cup. There is actually at least27 things that happen to your body on a cleansing juice!

The solution: Toss your juicer! After removing the seeds and fouennes, throw your vegetables in a blender instead. This method retains healthy vegetable fiber. There are many companies that bottle juicing mixed versions, so you can get a juice on the thumb without missing on crucial fiber. If your drink is too thick when mixing at home, add a little water to clarify it a little.

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