15 exercise errors ruining your workout

Do you really get the most out of your workout? Make sure you keep these tips in mind!

Got yourexercise Today? Great. We applaud your efforts. But do you get the most advantage out of time you put? If you do these 15 common exercise errors, you can waste your time - worse, you can prepare for an overused injury that can prevent you from getting out of the game for a long time. Fix these bad movements.


Skip exercise because you do not have time

Woman eating while talking walking on the go

Planning exercise as you would do a business meeting. Put it on your calendar and "plan it for the first time in the morning before the companies of the day interferes," suggests autumn Calabrese, Beachbody Super trainer and author of the new book,Lose weight like crazy even if you have a crazy life! When you can not tighten in a 30 minute drive session, build a mini fitness sessions during your day, she says. "You can do anything for 60 seconds," says Calabrese. Try this 60 second jump jump challenge: Start with 60 seconds of jump sockets, followed by 30 seconds of rest, then jogging in place for 60 seconds. "See how many times throughout the day you can do this 2-set challenge."


You ignore your warm up

Woman stretching arms

Never jump awarm up-Even before the shortest exercise sessions - or you will greatly stimulate your risk of injury. As you get older, your muscles and your tendons become less flexible. "The muscles can tear easily because they have less water content and they are fragile and less elastic," says Clare Safran-Norton, clinical supervisor of rehabilitation services in Brigham and the hospital of women. Good heating involves light cardio exercise, such as high knee elevators, jumping and a vigorous walk and dynamic movements such as arms, slits and burp. This type of heating increases your body temperature and raises your cardiac frequency on the blood shuttle to your members.


You do not check your pee


To be dehydrated can not only reduce the effectiveness of your workout, it is a major factor in pain after training and fatigue you feel. Check the color of your urine after an exercise session. It should be the color of the light lemonade. If it's the color of a post-it note, you mustdrink more water. The American College of Sports Medicine recommends you to drink 16 to 20 ounces of water 4 hours before the exercise and 8 to 12 other ounces 10 minutes before. Then sip water every 15 or 20 minutes while exercising. If your exercise session is a marathon of length - in other words, more than one hour long and quite intense, add a sporty drink to your hydration plan to add electrolytes that you will lose with perspiration.


You stretch before a race

stretching before run

Fold your leg and pull your heel to touch your buttocks is classic static stretching that everyone is doing before a 10k. But that could slow you down. In recentresearch, Static stretching - that is, holding a stretching for 30 to 45 seconds (think of gamous expanses, at the groin extends, etc.) - can alter your sports performance. Static stretching are better used as part of your fresh routine to prevent injury.


Do not put to "play" in your fitness plan

zumba class

"The physical form is great, but it should not always be the goal of exercise," says David Jack David Jack, a major fitness consultant like Reebok andThe health of men. "It's important to put to" play "in your exercise to make it fun, keep your motivation with strong and win the powerfulBoosting of the mood endorphins in your brain resulting from the loss in the game. "


Your workouts are too difficult

Woman drinking water

Impatience often leads to an injury. "Trying to make stimulating workouts on a basis that can not argue that it will almost always lead to the fitness to steal your fitness, do not serve it," says Jack. "You have to build a good physical condition base before you can start growing your hard muscles, otherwise you can prepare for pain and injury, which will free you." Start slowly, rest at least a day between strength training and progress at a reasonable rate.


You do not lift weight for the fear of "swelling"

Woman weight lifting

Many women avoidStrength training Because they think about doing exercise with bars, dumbbells and machines will make them muscles and masculine. Do not worry, says the certified force and specialized packaging Holly Perkins, author ofWomen's health elevator to become skinny. "It is physiologically impossible for women to fly (a process called hypertrophy) in the first six weeks of a force training program. As a woman, you simply do not have enough testosterone to pack on big muscles of how your boyfriend can. Formation of the Force offers a weight loss of healthy health, protection against osteoporosis, a loss of muscle strength related to the age of reverse age, reduce the risk of insulin resistance - It should therefore be absolutely done by every woman. "


You reward you food

eating dessert

After a difficult and sweat workout, you might think that you have won the right to engage in a triple spoon of ice cream. Sorry. This attitude can be the reason why you do not put the books. In a madness, you will probably consume a double, even triple, the number of calories you have engraved by exercise. "People think they can eat more if they exercise, and it's a negative mentality you need to get rid of", advises Ilaana Muhlstein, RD, author ofYou can drop it off! How I lost 100 pounds and you can also. Instead of rewarding food, tap on your back for your efforts with non-calorie processing as a manicure or buying sports goods.


You do not breathe properly

woman plank

"Do not understand or practice appropriate breathing techniques when implementing mobility or training of strength and packaging may affect overall performance," the owner of the RVA OCR of RVA, Midlothian, Virginia ,Spartan.com. Do not make common mistake to remember your breath when you lift weights. And do not "the chest breathe." Instead, breathe diaphragm to use all the lungs.

  • Right up or position yourself to breathe "belly", not the chest
  • Relax and open your chest
  • Lift your chin
  • Breathe and breathe uniformly and deeply
  • You will know that you breathe correctly if you see your belly to your chest.

You eat most of your proteins after your workout

eating after exercise

The protein is the muscle building block. So, make sure you eat enough (that you canCalculate correctly here) But be sure to distribute your protein during the day. A study at Skidmore College has discovered that men who have divided their proteins among six smaller meals instead of three bigger tend to build muscles faster.


You do not care properly

woman working out in summer park

The squats are perfect for the construction of your legs, buttocks and even your back, but most people hurt them, putting the weight of weight on the front of the feet, which adds excessive pressure to the knees. For best squat results and prevent injury, correct this common mistake with the exercise of the cup squat, declares physical expertBj gaddour. "The goblet holding position automatically corrects your squat shape and takes the pressure of your knees and lower back," he says. "It also smokes your shoulders, arms, abs and upper back, and the position of the vertical path crushes your quads."

How to do correctly: Enter a vertically dumbbell, hold it under the upper weight against your chest. Extend your feet to the shoulder on the shoulder, toes pointing slightly outward. Now, you slowly rest your hollow as if you are sitting on a chair. Make believe that you close a door with your buttocks to get the movement. This will make the weight securely on your heels, force you to use an appropriate form and protect your knees.


You chase representatives, fatigue and clock, at the place of quality

sit ups

"The fitness is supposed to serve you, so do not let these many representatives be hit or push more than 30 seconds become your success metric," says Jack. "Concentrate on quality, honor movement, shape and intent. If you work so intensely that you have to get out of the gym, you miss the miracle of fitness."


You do not get enough rest


Muscular growth occurs, not when you exercise, but after your workout when your body is resting. If you do not let enough time for your body to retrieve after an intense workout, you will not harvest the complete advantages of muscle protein synthesis (MPS), the increased growth period when your body repairs the microtrears your muscles caused by highlighting your body. Typically, deputies last between 24 and 48 hours for most people. If you are untreated and simply start a training routine, you will want to leave at least 48 hours between your workouts to rest and recover.


You do not have a foam roller

foam roller

A foam roller is a length of closed cell foam - about six inches in diameter and one foot at 4 feet long. The exercisers use them to make self-massage as part of an heating or recharge routine. Several studies have shown that the roller of pre-exercise and post-exercise foam or using roller massage bars and sticks can improve the performance and recovery of the exercise. Researcher David Behm A teacher at Memorial University in Canada led 14 rolling studies and the formation of foam force. In four recent studies using a foam roll specifically after exercise, BEHM found that it increased the joint range, reduced muscle pain and accelerated muscle recovery. "Even five seconds of foam roller can increase the moving range, but 30 to 60 seconds would be better," he says. You do not need a roll of official foam to get the benefits. You can even use a drug bullet or a lake ball to ride a better flexibility. Hit your calves, quadruples, kitchens and slips, especially your piriff, then work up to your back and shoulders.


You milkee on bicots loops

Woman holding dumbbell bicep curls

If you can not make a loop biceps with a good shape, you probably use too much weight. "The wild background brushes of your body and an uncontrolled swing of your arms to get the weight do not at risk of injury," says Jack. "Use less weight, focus on a good shape, lift up and reduce weight slowly and control, and you will be stronger."

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Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: tips / Workouts
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