7 main conclusions of weight loss that you should know

Here are the latest sciences of this year, you need to know how to meet your goals.

If you try to lose weight, you know how much the large amount of information on this subject can be overwhelming. There is always a new feedback from the ADF or a new training trend that promises to help you melt books orbelly fat.

However, when you are to identify your weight loss strategy, it is better to talk to your doctor and follow the principles supported by research for the highest and healthy results. No need to protect the latest long studies because we have made the strong lift for you. here isThe main weight loss studies of 2020 you need to know and what they sign for you and your goals.And do not miss the21 best healthy cooking hacks of all time.


Fruits and vegetables Weight loss

fruits vegetables

The products are packaged with impressive advantages: a diet rich in fruits and vegetables can reduce your blood pressure, shrink your risk ofcardiopathy and reduce the risk of problems of the eyes and digestives, prevent certain types of cancer, and much more, by theHarvard T.h. Chan Public Health School.

Now the new search adds to a set of existing evidence that fruits and vegetables can also help you achieve your weight loss goals. During a review of prospective studies of June 2020 and randomized controlled trials published in the journalNutrientsResearchers have found likely proof thatThe increase in total fruit and vegetable consumption in women promotes long-term weight stability or weight loss compared to low-power consumption.

The authors of the study noted that fruits and vegetables can help lose weight because theirThe contents of the fibers help you feel full fasterThey make you eat more slowly and they are low in calories and fat.

"Food with low energy density such as fruits and vegetables tend to be more filled because of their high water content and fiber," saysJamie McDermott, MS, RDN, LD. "Eating fiber slows down digestion and makes you feel more complete with fewer calories, which facilitates weight loss."

A prospective study included in the examination revealed that theFive first fruits for weight loss were blueberries, apples and pears, prunes, strawberries and lawyers. HighFive non-legumes for weight loss were broccoli, peppers, summer squash, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts.

"We always hear that fruits and vegetables are good for you, but I really like this study because it shows that they can also be a strategy to contribute to weight loss," saysDawn Jackson Blamat, RDN, CSSD. "For me, it's a bit surprising because everyone thinks about their health for general health, but not always in terms of translating to help weight."

Only 12% of Americans encounter fruit consumption recommendations and only 9% of vegetable consumption recommendations, in accordance with the review. It should be noted that this research has been funded by the Hass Lawyer Commission, but it is importantBecause it is the first to specifically examine how the increase in fruit and vegetable consumption mainly affects weight loss in women.


You will see more books when you team up with your partner

couple cooking

Wheneverpartner is on board With your weight loss goals, it is likely that you will get more success. Innew search Presented at the European Cardiology Congress 2020 in August, researchers followed 411 participants who have adopted healthy lifestyle changes in addition to the usual care taken (although the same principles could apply to a Person who tries to lose weight) and 413 participants in a group control that has received only the usual care.

Participants in the intervention group were mentioned up to three lifestyle programs for weight reduction, physical activity and cessation of smoking. Their partners could also attend these programs for free and nurses have encouraged them to do so.

The researchers found that patients with a participating partner were more than twice as likely to improve in at least one of three areas of the year.

"Couples often have comparable lifestyles and changing habits are difficult when only one person makes the effort," said the author of the Lotte Verweij study, a nurse authorized and a doctoral student in Amsterdam University Applied Sciences in the Nederlands,in a report. "Practical problems come into play, such as grocery stores, but also psychological challenges, where a support partner can help maintain motivation."

Addressing your partner about how you can make your weight loss goals A fun experience together can be more effective than talking in terms of "diet" or "reduce".

"These words are triggers to someone who is not yet in," says Blagner. "I usually talk to spouses to have an attitude about how this process can be fun, for example, saying" Let's try a new recipe together tonight! "


There is more evidence that your intestine affects weight loss

stomach pain

The beneficial bacteria that live the intestine had a lot of attention in recent years and a small study of 2020 June in the newspaperCurrent developments in nutrition Shows that these bacteria can affect your weight loss success.

Researchers analyzed basic clinical and microbioma data to predict a six-month weight loss in 36 participants. These people were randomized to a training loss program led by training that involved diet and lifestyle changes.

After six months, 12 participants (or 33%) reached the goal of losing more than 5% of their basic weight. Researchers found that key weight loss predictors includedintestinal bacteria that Produce acids such as butyrate, secondary biliary acids and succinate. This current research research suggests that the unique composition of bacteria in your intestine can affect weight loss efforts.

"There are currently research currently related to the intestine microbioma and obesity, but it is currently not well understood," saidKasey Hageman, MS, RD, LD. "This study showed a promise to predict weight loss depending on the sequencing of the participants' microbioma."

Eating a healthy diet filled with a wide range of herbal foods canDiversify bacteria in your intestine. "If you have a wide variety of good intestinal bacteria, you may be more likely to lose weight," says Blagner. "One way to do it is to strive to adapt to a variety of 30 different plant foods per week."

A 2018 study published in the magazineMsystems found that it does not matter that the dietary participants followed (vegetarian, vegan, etc.), those who ate more than 30 different types of food plants per week had more intestinal microbiomas than those who have eaten 10 or less types Vegetable foods per week.


Lack of sleep can hit your IMC


The effect of the capture of too few Z has already been shown in several studies, but many of them rely on the participating memory to record the quality of sleep. More recently, a September 2020 study published inJAMA internal medicine Monitoring the quality of sleep of 120,000 people for two years using smartphone sleep tracking data.

The researchers have discovered that people with BMI of 30 or more, considered obese by theAmerican Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, slept for a little less time and had more daily variability in sleep patterns than those with lower IMC.

A limitation of this study, however, is that people who use sleep tracking devices are oftenyounger, healthier and come from a higherSocioeconomic status that those who do not do it.

"Results should be validated by appropriate FDA approved devices, and because the study is probably on younger people who are more economically extinct, does it really apply to the elderly we are afraid with bad sleep? "Raj Dasgupta, MD, Director of the Associate Sleep Scholarship Program at Keck Medicine from the University of Southern California Dasgupta, saidCnn. Dr. Dasgupta was not involved in the study.

Nevertheless, this study provides additional evidence thatSleep habits are linked to weight management.

"A reason for this involves a disruption of two hormones that help regulate the feelings of hunger and fullness," said McDermott. "With fewer hours of sleep, hunger can increase due to higher hormonal ghrelin. During this time, the hormonal leptin, responsible for feelings of fullness, drops."

It can in turn lead to greater calorie consumption throughout the day. Sleep deprivation has also been linked to desires of high fat and carbohydrates, adds McDermott.

Keep in mind, however, that there is more than this link than howlong you sleep.

"This search is a good reminder that it is not only on watchmaking in good hours of sleep, but avoid great variability," says Blamatier. "You can not decad on and then sleep to make up the next day. This is a consistent sleep at the right times, which is an interesting angle of this study."


Using an online weight loss program can help you stay on track.

lose it
Permission to lose it!

If you have trouble glue to certain weight loss habits, aOnline Weight Management Program can help. In a randomized clinical trial of November 2020 published inJama: the newspaper of the American Medical AssociationThe researchers divided 840 overweight or obese patients and had a diagnosis of hypertension orType 2 diabetes in three distinct groups.

Participants in a custom care group have been posted general information on weight management. Meanwhile, participants in an online program group and a combined intervention group have been recorded for an online program. Members of the combined intervention group also received weight-related health management - including additional support from non-clinical staff who have completed the progress of participants in the online program and maintaining regularly.

The researchers found that the combination of health management with aOnline program resulted in more weight loss but statistically significant after 12 months Compared to usual care or online program only.

"Every time there is accountability or increased support, the chances of long-term weight loss will increase," said McDermott. "The subjects of this study had both the education and structure of the online program, associated with personal support from program awareness staff to strengthen positive behaviors and face challenges."

The results of this study also have important implications during thePandemic of Covid-19.

"Virtual care will stay with us after the pandemic, and this study provides more evidence than even pre-pandemic, virtual care of certain conditions work", "correspondent Heather Baer, ​​SCD, associated epidemiologist in the division of General internal drugs and primary care at Brigham and Woman Hospital, saidin a report.

You can imitate this type of support using a free application or an online weight loss program and sharing your goals with dear beings.Eat this, not that!Recommend starting with the free app,Loose it!

"Sharing your weight loss course with other people and search for family, friends or mentors who can provide support is a strategy that has positive implications for most people," adds McDermott.


Losing excess weight could protect you from thyroid cancer

doctor examines with her fingers, palpates her neck and lymph nodes

Although several studies have confirmed that obesity is linked to a higher risk of cancers, including thyroid cancer, the November 2020 research published in the journalOral oncology found that losing weightcan actually help reverse this risk.

The researchers identified 31 studies with more than 24 million cohorts of three main published search databases. A group analysis concluded that overweight or obese people have a higher risk of thyroid cancer.and the risk is even higher for obese women. However, losing weight decreases this risk for men and women.

"Thyroid cancer has been on the rise since the 1970s, with an estimate of a 58% increase in thyroid cancer rates between the years 1973-1977 and 1998-2002," written researchers. "The transfer of our practice to include weight control strategies will help prevent cancer prevention."


Exercise is important but does not necessarily guarantee weight loss


You already know that exercise is extremely important for your physical and mental health, but that does not necessarily mean that it will make you fall from books - so do not be difficult on yourself if your ladder does not move after sessions Daily perspiration.

In a June 2020 study published in the journalCurrent developments in nutritionThe researchers gave randomly 383 participants in a calorie system reduced, diet and a moderate dose of physical activity, or to a diet plus a high dose of physical activity. While weight loss has been observed in all interventions,Physical activity did not seem to reinforce weight loss.

"It is important to realize that exercise does not help you lose weight, that this study shows - and at the end of the day, it is a weight maintenance tool," says Blamatner.

You should continue to work regularly - theCDC recommends at least 150 minutes a week Aerobic activity of moderate intensity and at least two days per week of muscle building activity. However, you should not rely on it as your main method of loss of books.

Work regularly will always give youMany other advantagesAs better cerebral health, a risk of lowered diseases, stronger bones and muscles, and better ability to do daily activities.

"I always say to my clients that any activity is beneficial, even a quiet walk or a few minutes of movement," said McDermott. "Too often, we think that if we do not exercise intensely, it's not worth it, but that's not true."

For more help to guide you on your weight loss course, do not miss these200 Weight Loss Tips!

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