50 ways to lose 10 pounds quickly

Read in the list below and choose a handle, you think you can engage.

To trylosing weight It looks a lot like cleaning the basement: it is overwhelming and almost impossible to know where to start - even when you are looking for only 10 pounds. But despite 10 pounds seeming like a relatively low number, it does not mean that it will be easier or easier to drop the weight compared toSomeone losing 50 pounds.

"As it is easy to lose 10 pounds depends on some 10 pounds: age, sex, level of activity, the basal metabolic rate and the weight it has to lose," says Kate Huether, MD, ofThe rekovery ®, who also holds a mastery in nutrition. "If someone is very overweight, it's easier to lose excess weight, as opposed to someone who is thinner," says Dr. Huether.

No matter where you are on your trip - you wanted to lose the first or the last 10 books, there are many ways to reach your goal.

To help you get there, we talked with a handful of the best industry experts in fitness and diet. Because falling weight is not a unique proposal - all proposals, we have rounded 50 of their tested tips on how to lose 10 books of 10 pounds.

Read through the list of 50 ways to lose 10 pounds quickly and choose a handle, you think you can engage. Some of them are related to work for you! And for healthier advice, make sure you check out our list of15 underestimated weight loss tips that actually work.

The top five tips recommend losing 10 pounds quickly:

  1. Eat fewer calories than you consumed. Putting your body in a calorie deficit is the key to losing weight.
  2. Focus on the consumption of healthy, whole, unprocessed, dense nutritious and reduced foods on refined and nutritious foods - devoid of nutrients and drinks such as candies and alcohol.
  3. Drink more water. Your body can fit on the weight of water and water consumption can help your body release these extra books.
  4. Exercise to build muscle mass of metabolism - strengthen muscle mass by lifting weights or through high-intensity interval training.
  5. Get an adequate night sleep (6-8 hours) to allow your body to recover and give you the energy to tackle your 10-pound weight loss goal.

These tips are strengths of what is coming. You will see that we decomposed on how to lose 10 pounds in four categories: eating habits, foods and drinks of weight loss, exercises and general lifestyle changes.

17 eating habits to lose 10 pounds quickly


Lose weight of the water.

Woman holding a bloated upset stomach

"Everyone has surpluswater weight Which is usually the first type of weight to lose, especially in shorter time frames, "shares Dr. Huether with us.

Its first three tips for losing 10 pounds of water weight quickly are:

  1. Drink more water. This may seem counter-intuitive but our body begins to remember the water.
  2. Concentrate on the consumption of whole and unprocessed foods
  3. Increase protein consumption,sodium andConsumption of carbohydrates (especially simple carbohydrates like sugar, pasta, bread)

"Most people will lose four to twelve books by doing this for a week. Combo with at least 30 minutes of exercise per day will result in a quick weight loss of 10 pounds, "says Dr. Huether adds.

here isWhat you need to know about the weight of the water and the way to lose it.


Try the intermittent fast.

Intermittent fasting

If you have more than a week to lose 10 pounds, Dr. Huether recommends trying tointermittent fast.

"For weight loss and long-term maintenance, I like to use an intermittent fasting where I choose an 8-hour window (for me from 1 pm to 9:00 pm). By doing this, your body learns to use the Grease like fuel (instead of glucose), it becomes easier and durable over time. "

here is7 Benefits of intermittent fasting.


Follow your power in a log or newspaper.

Keep a food journal to track diet

"Whether an application or paper feed logs, follow what you eat will certainly be an opening of the eyes. Almost everyone consumes more than they think. Write everything as soon as you have finished eating. so you do not forget anything. The simple act of saving what you eat will make you eat less. When the calories are in your face, it makes you think twice! "-Martha McKittrick, Rd, CDE

Allison Jackson, Personal coach certified by NASM and precision nutrition coach recommend using a free application asMyfitnesspal Take note of the total number of calories you have average in a week.

To lose 10 pounds quickly, Jackson explains that you will then want to reduce your calorie consumption by 10%. "For example, if you have an average of 2,000 per week, reduce this amount to 1,800 calories and you see if you lose weight. You will also want to take notification of the percentage of ventilation of proteins, carbohydrates and grease. Aim for a "Bodybuilder" failure that is 40% protein, 40% carbohydrates and 20% fat. You will start losing weight in no time! "


Cut on sweet sweet foods.

Sugar in coffee

"The American Heart Association recommends that men eat less than 36 grams ofadded sugar And that women consume less than 24 grams. However, for optimal weight loss, I say to my male clients to consume less than 20 grams of sugar a day and I say to women to consume less than 15 grams. The easiest way to reduce sweet stuff is to consume less sweet drinks and dressings. Cut the sugar, lose fat, find your health and your life. "- Dr. Sean Mr. Wells, DPT, PT, OCS, ATC / L, CSCS

here is14 sneaky sources of added sugars.


Replace refined carbohydrates with healthy alternatives.

Spaghetti squash

"Spaghetti Squash is an excellent alternative to pasta," saysShaun t, Celebrity Fitness Coach and Creator of Folie, Max: 30 and Hip Hop ABS. "I love to pair with a homemade spaghetti sauce so I feel like eating noodles but I get a dose of vegetables instead!" Simply make sure you do not associate them with theSauces of unhealthy pasta in America.

here isThe 9 best complex carbohydrates for weight loss.


Fosse La Junk.

Tortilla chips

"The best thing to do for your belly is to give upProcessed foods. A study in the newspaperSearch for food and nutrition I found that our bodies burn only 50% as many calories digesting processed foods as actual foods. So, it's like eating twice as much, even if the calories are the same! "-Mark LangowskiCelebrity coach, CEO and founder of the body by Mark


Do not jump breakfast.

Bowl of yogurt with chia seeds cashew and pistachio nuts and fruit

"Do not jumpbreakfast-It really is the most important meal of the day. Take breakfast within 90 minutes of awakening, then has something healthy to eat every three to four hours after that. When we jump for breakfast or wait for too long to eat in the morning, our bodies begin to conserve energy and our metabolism slows down. Skip breakfast also leads to too much eating throughout the day. "-Ilyse Schapiro, MS, RD, CDN, author ofShould I scooper my bagel?

here is21 things happening to your body when you jump breakfast.


Understand the size of the portions and hold them.

Ridge potato chips in bag

"Eating directly from a box or a bag (leads almost always to eat too much. Serve your food on a plate or in a bowl to keepPortion sizes in check and get used to what we mean. In addition, when we take the time to sit during meals compared to standing or driving, we tend to feel more satisfied with our meal. In fact, search shows that you will eat up to 30% extra food at the next meal if you ate standing! Use, sit down and enjoy! "-Jennifer McDaniel, MS, RDN, CSSD, LD, Food and Nutrition Expert

here is18 ways easy to control your portions.


Shrink your portion sizes.

Meatless monday grain bowl mint broccoli lettuce tomatoes

"One of the long-term and durable keysweightloss is to cut the total caloric intake, and there is no better way to do it than eating a little less from what you currently eat. Once you are in a habit ofreducing portions- Sweet, fatty food and other poor in nutrients - You can adjust your diet to integrate foods richer in nutrients. But portions of paring are always the best step [in an effort to lose 10 pounds]. "-Elisa Zied, MS, RDN, CDN, author ofYounger week the week



Burger and fries

"If you feel deprived of your diet, build in a cheating meal at least once a week in which you can admit without guilt. Do this will help you avoid visualizing certain foods like" out of bound ", which will help you to croute the least. "- David Zinczenko, author ofZero cooking belly

here is20 cheat tips to achieve weight loss.


Cut on alcohol if you have not already done so.


"Alcohol does not only offer additional calories, but often prevents the juice company, slows down the metabolism, hunger triggers and can lead to a bad judgment of food (drunk people order cheese cheeses , not salads). " A glass of wine "(or two) 5x a week is allowed definitely. It can fall to you to cold Turkey on Booze temporarily and see if it makes a difference. Plus, alcohol can be rather blocked."-Monica Austlander Moreno, MS, RD, LD / N, nutrition consultant forRSP Nutrition

here isWhat happens to your body when you give up alcohol.


Eating more often.

Snap peas

"AStudy of David Jenkins, MD, PhD-The University of Toronto Pioneer in a low blood glucose diet - demonstrates that eating small portions at frequent intervals is good for your health in several remarkable ways. In the study, they found that people who ate every three hours reduced their blood cholesterol of more than 15% and their blood insulin of nearly 28%. This is the key, because in addition to regulating your blood sugar level, insulin plays a central role in fat metabolism, inflammation and progression of metabolic syndrome. When your body produces less insulin, you are much less likely to convert food calories into body fat.

"Your body begins to work differently. This study proves that small amounts of food throughout the day are better than the same amount of food concentrated in three major sessions. If we infrish the body at regular intervals, we send a signal To the body he does not have to store calories. Conversely, when we ignore meals, we just send the opposite signal for the body to store calories, creating a negative effect on metabolism. "- Dr. Wayne Scott Andersen, Co-Founder and Medical DirectorTake shape for life

I do not know what for Nosh? ThoseBest snacks for weight loss Are all delicious and safe bets for your size.


Stop eating low fat.

Greek yogurt

"Do not buy low fat dairy products. They are usually loaded with sugar. Moreover, aAmerican Journal of Clinical Nutrition study revealed that the more the mostGreat Grease Dairy Products A person has eaten, they lower their risk of diabetes; Lower fat dairy products, the higher their risk.- Mark Langowski, Celebrity Coach and Author ofEat this, not that! for abdominals


Concentrate on food quality rather than counting calories.

Counting calories

"Stop focusing on calories and start focusing on the quality of the foods you eat. High quality diet options are natural, integers, transformed to a minimum, such as vegetables, fruits, nuts, nuts. or seeds offering much more nutritional value in the form of vitamins, minerals, healthy greases andfiber. These foods help to tame the hunger naturally and nourish our cells at the deepest level so that we are not left with constant cravings.- Michelle Loy, MPH, MS, CSSD, Certified Dietary Nutritionist and owner of Go Wellness in Orange County, California


Have a healthy appetizer.

Baby carrots

"Eat vegetables before or with meals. Whether you're hungry when you get home or right when walking on the door, snackgge snacks can help you keep your portions check once you're sitting at a meal . I also recommend you start your dinner. With a vegetable salad or a vegetable soup to fill you and avoid overeating.- Ilyse Schapiro, MS, RD, CDN, author ofShould I scooper my bagel?

here is24 easy and healthy aperitif recipes that are guaranteed to the pleasures.


Continue eating your favorite foods.

Vegan pesto pizza tomato arugula

"To lose weight, you should mainly eat whole food, but does not eliminate your favorites. Eat systematically a dense food in nutrients to a daily basis will improve the chances of regulation of metabolism and eliminate nutritional gaps. This could mean monitoring. What you eat in a way first, but that does not mean to exclude whole food groups or foods you like. Consistent quality nutrition while learning to enjoy Moderation treats will prepare you for long-term sustainable success.- Victoria Viola, PN certification coach, NSCA CPT, co-founder, excel well-being, LLC


Do not settle the diet.

Burger with lettuce wrap and no bun

"When the customers come to me, many of them have crossed the paper towel. They tried each ADF and gadget and, of course, they failed to maintain long-term success. The key to Losing 10 pounds and weight loss, in general, is never having the impression of being on a diet, because the diets do not work. If you feel private, you will never spend over a few weeks . The only way to obtain long-term weight loss is to learn to appreciate food as fuel and slowly replaced processed foods that can not properly boost the body with real food that can. After a moment, This will become a second nature and will not feel like a daily struggle. "-Laura Burak, MS, Rd, CDN

13 foods and drinks to help you lose 10 pounds




"If I had to choose a weight loss food, I would choose oatmeal. It's an entire grain, high fiber carbohydrates that keeps me on your rib, so that it keeps you complete and satisfied. Eating, it also leads to a slow blood rise sugar, which has been demonstrated to maintain insulin levels of the sting, leading to less fat storage. The key withoatmeal is the way to do it, so there is not a caloric bomb. I recommend doing it with non-warm milk instead of water, stirring in chopped raw nuts or natural walnut butter, and garnish with fresh or frozen fruit. If you need a added sweetness, a maple syrup drizzle should do it.- Jessica Fishman Levinson, MS, RDN, CDN, Culinary-Nutrition Consultant and Founder ofNutrit

here is11 healthy oat fillings that help you lose weight.



Mixed nuts

"The nuts are a superior weight loss food in my book. They offer a lot of protein, healthy fat and fiber that can really take hungry to any meal or snack. Nuts are also versatile and practical . They can be mixed withnight oats Or Yogurt at breakfast, paired with fruit as a snack, or thrown into a warm salad for a small crunch satisfying lunch.- Michelle Loy, MPH, MS, CSSD, authorized dietary nutritionist and owner ofGo well In Orange County, California


Hard boiled eggs

Hard boiled eggs

"Hard eggs are easy to cook In advance of the time, inexpensive, rich in the best quality, of sound protein, and they are good for a snack or meal the more they are portable. I recommend to include in any weight loss plan. "-Christine M. Palumbo, Rd, a dietician based on Chicago




"There are many foods that make it easy to lose weight, but I often recommend to my clients and I'm eating, it's grapefruit.Scripps Clinic ResearchersIn San Diego found that when obese people ate half-grapefruit before each meal, they dropped an average of 3.5 pounds over 12 weeks. Apparently, acidic fruits can reduce insulin, grease storage hormone, which can cause weight loss. In addition, since it is at least 90% water, it can fill you up for you to eat less. However, if you are on some medications, you should not have grapefruit or grapefruit juice, so check the label on all your prescriptions or ask your pharmacist or doctor. "-Patricia Bannan, MS, RDN, author ofEat just when the weather is tight.


Black tea

Tea pot and cup

"Oolong, or" black dragon ", is a kind of Chinese tea containing catechins, nutrients that help promote weight loss by increasing the capacity of your body to metabolize fat. A study in theChinese newspaper of integrative medicine found that participants who regularly sipped Oolong tea lost a book a week, without doing anything else to change their diet or exercise habits. "- Kelly Choi, author of7 days old flat belly tea

To discover more teas that will eliminate your fat, check thesebest teas for weight loss.


Vegetable protein

Baked navy white bean soup

"Research continues to support the role of a high diet and weight loss, however, we do not want to achieve these protein requirements exclusively with animal protein.Vegetable protein Found in beans not only help us feel fully and stabilize blood glucose, but beans are associated with longevity. Who cares about being skinny if you die young? "-Jennifer McDaniel, MS, RDN, CSSD, LD, Food and Nutrition Expert



Salmon carrots zucchini parchment packet

"Eat moreomega-3 fats Fat fish. You know they are good for your heart, but they are also good for your belly. They fight fat in four ways: they reduce inflammation, they control hunger, they turn off your grease storage genes and control blood glucose. "- Mark Langowski, Celebrity Coach and Author ofEat this, not that! for abdominals

here is43 healthy seafood recipes that are surprisingly easy to do.



Vegetarian meal prep with italian peppers zucchini mushroom

"It's not a big surprise, but my weight loss is to eat morevegetables. These are the lowest calorie foods you can consume and they are filled to strengthen health and natural nutrients. Smoothies and eggs with soups, main and lateral dishes, they can integrate anywhere and stimulate volume and nutrition. If you want to eat more while losing weight, vegetables are your answer.-Laura Burak, Rd, CDN


Water-based foods


"Nobody will help you lose weight, but eat more fiber andFoods rich in water As apples keep you hydrated and engraved. "-Elisa Zied, MS, RDN, CDN, author ofYounger week the week



Avocado toast seeds

"A study published inNutrition log Discovered that participants who eat foods rich in monounaturated fat for lunch (in this case, half a lawyer) reported a 40% decrease in eating for hours. Monoinsaturated sources such as olive oil, nuts and lawyers can reduce cholesterol, promote weight loss, even strengthen memory. "- David Zinczenko, author ofZero cooking belly

Here's why the lawyer isThe only food to eat to feel full, according to a dietician.


The water

Detox water

"Wood morethe water. This will keep you more energetic, hydrated, faster and can even strengthen your metabolism. Drink water before a meal to avoid overeating and replacing other drinks with water for immediate results, including weight loss. "- Dustin Hassard, NCSF, Head Coach, Modern Athletics

here isHow much water do you need to drink to lose weight.


High fiber foods


"Research shows that people who consume regularlyHigher amounts of fiber Have a lower risk of obesity by 30%, regardless of the number of calories they consume. "- Mark Langowski, Celebrity Coach

here is43 Best Fiber Foods for Healthy Food.


Sweet potatoes

sweet potatoes

"Sweet potatoes are a large post-training snack. They are low on the glycemic and fiber-rich index that helps to tame this appetite out of control of many people after their exercise."- Shaun T, Celebrity Fitness Trainer and Creator of Folie, Max: 30 and Hip Hop ABS

How to lose 10 pounds by exercising


Make a training schedule in advance and hold it!

Lay out workout clothes

"Note yourcoaching And planning the fitness class before starting the week and processes each training as an important appointment. This will help you keep you at a more coherent workout schedule, which can help weight loss efforts. "-Jim White Rd, ACSM HFS, owner of Jim White Fitness and Nutrition Studios


Do what you already know.


"People should choose activities that they appreciate and integrate into their way of life to increase their chances of losing the last 10 books. For those who hit a weight loss tray. And do not seem to lose this weight, you will need to mix things to see the results. Tabata style training, HIIT classes and resistance training can all be effective weight loss modalities for the right person. "- Timothy Lyman, ACE certified personal trainer and director of training programs atFoot of the pittsburgh fleet

here is20 ways to overcome a training crisis.


Maintain a coherent workout schedule.

Weekly planner with pen and camera
Jasmine Quaynor / Beldshash

"In order to increase your metabolic rate at rest, it is the consistency of the crucial exercise and not the intensity or duration. Concentrate on a coherent and quality movement (walking, cycling, climbing, edge of the paddle , etc.) every day, rather than kissing the mentality of weekend warriors. "- Timothy Lyman, ACE certified personal trainer and director of training programs atFoot of the pittsburgh fleet


Dead death.

Woman deadlifting

"If weight loss is the goal, I recommend learning to make death. The delay recruits more muscle fibers at once any other exercise. More muscle work is equivalent to more blood flow, a Increased heart rate, demand and more metabolic production. This is composed., multi-joints and more bang for your money, not to mention that you will develop an excellent posterior position. "- Victoria Viola, PN certified nutrition coach, NSCA CPT, co-founder,Excomat Wellness, LLC

here is18 simple training moves that the calories of the torch all day.


Work in burpees.

Man doing pushups or burpees

"Burpees are a great way to activate multiple muscles, get the heart rate and burn mega calories. In a single burpé, you work your legs, arms and abdominals and also elevate the heart rate to increase The cardiopulmonary force. If you "I'm trying to lose weight, incorporating them into your training routine is a must. "-Rich kitCelebrity coach and co-owner of in Perri

here are the3 healthiest workout habits for a flat stomach.


Try high intensity sprints.

Woman running on treadmill

"High intensity sprints are my n ° 1 going to exercise to burn fat. It maintains high heart rate and puts your body in what is called an oxygen debt. This allows you ofburn fat hours after the end of your workout. "- Alex Petecca NCSF, personal trainer based in New York


Incorporate intervals.

Woman with kettlebell

"Even if an intelligent diet is essential, the exercise can help strengthen the metabolism of your body to lose fat. Health care providers often recommend walking or jogging, these exercises may not help you. See the results you want. Instead, try the intervals formation. Actions Dr. Sean Mr. Wells, TPT, PT, OCS, ATC / L, CSCS Owner and PT,Personal Training of Naples, LLC

Here's how to use the interval workout to lose 10 pounds quickly:

When running your usual walking or jogring routine, Intersperse steps faster periodically throughout your workout. In other words, you can walk at your normal pace for 2 minutes, then start a slow jog or a quick walk for 1 minute.
After the speed faster, return to your slower speed and continue this alternation for 20 minutes. Research shows this type of exercise canstimulate metabolism, Melt fat and push your fitness status at the next level. "


Use a versaclimber.

Woman with abs

"Use a lock or take a Versaclimber class. These machines are still not so common, but in my opinion, they are much more efficient for weight loss than other forms of cardio. They require you to use much of you of your muscles and that it is functionally better for you than other forms of cardio such as spinning. Everyone is talking about the elevation nation at the moment because they are the first studio of Versaclimbing dedicated. He n n. 'There is no hard cardio workout that I tried. atlose fat You must put in the job.- Dan Roberts, Celebrity Coach and Methodology Creator X


Lift heavy.

Woman lifting

"The lifting of heavyweights is the best way to increase your metabolism, maintain long-term muscle growth and stay lean. If you make more than ten representatives with ease, your weight is probably not heavy enough, so vary your representatives and systematically increase the amount you raise "- Dustin Hassard, NCSF, Head Coach, Modern Athletics

here isSneaky small ways to burn more fat every day, according to experts.


Stop cheating representatives.

Man lifting weights

"When customers tear their representatives or do not complete their complete training routine, they only hurt their own results. No matter how long it takes or if you need to rest between exercises, what to plan to complete complete training "- Lori-Ann Marchese, Celebrity and Owner of Body Constret LLC

10 lifestyle habits for losing 10 pounds


Clean your home.

Woman looking in pantry

"That you have£ 10 Losing or 100, the first thing to do is create a successful environment. This requires removing any temptation from your kitchen andReorganize your pantry to lose weight. "Get all the processed, sweet and fat foods from your home and bring them to a local food bank to donate. Then restocate your kitchen with healthy grocery stores - real, natural, whole, like fresh fruit and Vegetables, almonds and vegetables, almonds and protein vegetables like Turkey, chicken, fish and eggs. "- Chris Powell, the trainer who has helped hundreds of overweight people to lose up to half of their body weight on the series of ABC realityExtreme weight loss


Hide your vices.

Candy and snacks visible in glass transparent containers on kitchen counter

"Keep foods like visible fruits on the counter and put everything away. Visible food will be eaten and those who will not be forgotten (or less likely to be eaten). Out of sight, out of sight.- Christopher Mohr, PhD, Rd


Get 6 to 8 hours of sleep per night.

Woman sleeping in bed

"I say to all my clients of the celebrity and professional athletes to have between 6 and 8 hours of sleep per night. Everyone is too focused on food, water and exercise, which are all extremely imperative To lose weight and optimal health. However, without sleeping properly, all these other factors are zero and nil. When you do not sleep enough, the levels of the drop of the hormone leptin, which increases the appetite. Increased appetite makes food comfort more attractive, which can derail weight loss. Efforts. "-Jay Cardiello, Fitness Expert and Celebrity Nutrition

Make your time between the leaves work at double-service with the help of these surprising means ofLose weight in your sleep.


Manage anxiety.

Woman timing on watch during run in woods

"When you're worried, your body looks like a huge amount of stress all the time. That's why anxiety is a powerful trigger for weight gain. Two of the moreProven remedies of anxiety are exercises and spend time in nature. Combine both with an outdoor ride or a bike ride and an anxiety race. Make a part of this habit of your lifestyle can help you stay skinny for life. "- David Zinczenko, author ofZero cooking belly


Move more.

older women biking outside exercising

"If a customer came to me seeking toLose 10 pounds, I would tell them just moving. Move more, and more often. Walking or riding the class or at work, even park further from your location on the car park. Take the stairs or walk during lunch. You do not have to spend hours every day in the perspiration of the gym, but you have to make a conscious effort to move more and sit less. It works well because it does not feel like working and get burned more and more calories throughout the day. "- Cherry Ajia, personal trainer and founderFunctional innovative training


Do not miss a day.

walking up stairs

"Every day, let's break a sweat, even if just for a few minutes - a little exercise is better than getting no at all. Regular physical activity and exercise is one of the best solutions long term to weight maintenance. "-Dan Roberts, Celebrity Coach and Methodology Creator X


Meal Prepare your food.

Meal prep breakfast lunch dinner salmon salad pancakes fruit

"It's a lot harder to eat a healthier diet and exercise exercises if you do not plan in advance. Plan your meals for the week coming and going to make groceries over the weekend To make sure you have the ingredients you need. If you can,make preparation meals In your fresh vegetables of downtime, marinate your protein, cook a lot of whole grains in advance. When you are prepared, you are much less likely to order take away.- Jessica Fishman Levinson, MS, RDN, CDN, Culinary-Nutrition Consultant and Founder of Nutritbioulicious

here are the30 healthiest foods in meal preparation.


Do you regularly.

Step on scale

"The scale on the scale often makes you aware of small changes and helps you react quickly to these changes. TheNational Weight Control Registry, a large group of people who have successfullylost at least 30 pounds And held it 5 years, I found that successful "losers" often weigh and make adjustments accordingly. When you start understanding that sodium taking, carbohydrate consumption, hormones and alcohol can have an impact on weight and it is not possible to win 2 pounds of fat overnight, you will start to better understand your body. The key is to pay attention to general trends; Do not prevent you from daily numbers!- Jennifer McDaniel, MS, RDN, CSSD, LD, Food and Nutrition Expert


Reassess the needs of your body regularly.

Woman thinking

"Keep track; Whether every day, every week or two to make sure you are on the right track and that otherwise return your action plan and change it; nothing is stored and it must work for You and not someone else! If it does not work, re-evaluate other alternatives that do. There are a lot of ways to the same destination. It does not mean giving up your goals, it means finding new ways of reach them that works for you. "-Eve Dawes, certified personal trainer, NASM, founder ofFITNESS BY EVE.


Enter a routine.

Plan life around restrictive diet

"While losing weight for effective long-term benefits takes time, there are some quick ways to help lose 10 pounds in about a month. It requires you to put you in a routine you know you'll know, make small nutritional changes so that you can stay with a plan and have a little patience before noticing changes. It takes 4 weeks for you to see changes in your own body, and sometimes up to 8 weeks for the Others notice! "- Nicole Houvig, AFPA certified personal trainer with theRockay team of experts

here is30 healthy habits adapted to people live by.

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