20 Fuel eating habits that ruin your weight loss efforts

We are here to help you learn totally correct carbohydrates, as long as you choose the right.

Crabs. Whenever some people hear that word, they feel scared, guilty and overwhelmed.

Even ifcarbohydrates Myths remain in an image-rehabilitation campaign, and the old habits die strong. If you bought too many of them, you are seriouslystifle your weight loss progress.

To make sure that you consume good carbohydrates, appropriate sources, in good quantities, and for good reasons, it is the worst habits of carbohydrates that anyone who can fall in you will want to avoid and what you should do instead. .


You go low carbs

Woman staring at cupcakes

Spanish researchers have found that eating a high carbohydrate diet can cause long-term weight gain. Their conclusions revealed that those who follow high protein diets have a 90% risk of more than 10% of their body weight over time as those that do not appear the meat. Simply put: You need carbohydrates to burn body fat. They are fuel. You need this fuel so you can have a great metabolism!


You are too refined

white rice brown bowl

White pasta, pasta and grains are fossil fuels. They give carbohydrates their bad reputation - simple and refined, they burn quickly, passing your sugar into the blood and crashing them, leaving you carbohydrates for more carbohydrates! For slow combustion energy sources, choose complex carbohydrates such as whole-grained bread; grains like brown rice, quinoa and triticale; and cruciferous vegetables and fruits. Speaking of fruit, do not miss these17 amazing things that arrive at your body on bananas!


You fear big

avocado halves in bowl

You have to eat fat to lose fat. Our bodies need food fat to lose weight and work properly. Healthy greases - those with omega-3 fatty acids, monounsaturated fats and oleic acids - satisfying hunger and revive your metabolism. But when you have crossed all the fats, you end up replacing with carbohydrates, which are less filled. This will lead you to consume more and more calories looking for satiety. To make sure that you eat the right kind of fat, check out our report on the20 Best Complete Foods for Weight Loss!


You do not eat carbohydrates before training

Older man eating protein bar

Remember: carbohydrates are energy. Entering a workout without them is like setting up a mountain hike with an empty fuel tank. Take too few carbohydrates will make it almost impossible to overwrite an intense and calorie workout. So whatshould you eat? To verifyThe best fuel for each workout.


You do not joke with carbohydrates after workouts

after workout foods

Although having a Post-sweat session Shake protein, is the gospel for a good reason, if you leave it there, you are absent about gains. You need a dose of carbohydrates to restore your glycogen stores and resume muscle recovery. Recommendations of Experts Plans: A glass of 1% chocolate milk, a portion ofHoummous and pita, or a banana and peanut butter.

And for healthier advice, make sure youSubscribe to our newsletter for daily recipes and new foods in your inbox!


You eat bagels

According to Manuel Villacorta, Rd, author ofEat for free: the friendly way of ice losing inchesTo be nutritionally useful, eat a bagel must be paired with something else: a run of two to three hours. Even before treating it with butter or cream cheese, a bagel could pack 250 to 300 calories and a size of 50 grams of carbohydrates. It's more than a portion of white flour pasta! Unlock the power of carbohydrates into oatmeal for breakfast and be smart on the bindings. Get healthy ideas for these50 night oat recipes for weight loss!


You drink fruit juice

Unhealthy orange juice bottle held in front of fridge

You tighten carbohydrates from your diet by choosing a cool apple on an apple muffin, but you are not going quite erase the number of carbohydrates. Believe it or not, all fruits and vegetables include carbohydrates. An apple has 34 grams of carbohydrates-more than you will find in two slices of whole wheat bread! And because the judge eliminates entire fruit satisfaction fiber, a cup of fresh fruit juice can do more harm than good. Researchers atHARVARD SCHOOL OF PUBLIC HEALTH I found that people who have consumed one or more portions of fruit juice every day increased their risk of developing type 2 diabetes up to 21%. And a second study in the magazine Nature found liquid carbohydrates of 17% less filling with solid carbohydrates. As a rule: Do not drink your fruits. And stay away from one of these50 drinks with more sugar than the bar of Hershey While you are there!


You drink smoothies you do not make you

Collection of bottled smoothies

As a coffee, the smoothie is a nutritional Trojan: a nice package that will dechie your nutritional goals. Avoid the Smoothie bar at the gym or everything you will find at the mall. Too often, they bury fresh fruit under syrups and sugary fruit juices and can overcome a number of brushing carbohydrates. A strawberry from Hulk to Smoothie King has 145 grams-one day and a half things! Instead, mix your smoothies at home. A good basic rule is to include two vegetables for each fruit, in order to keep the carbohydrate profile. We have rounded these53 Smoothie Recipes Best for Weight Loss!


You wrap things


If you think these carbohydrate covers are better for you than bread, you are not alone - that's another common misconception. But there are 35 grams of carbohydrates in a 10-inch white tortilla envelope. Look closer to the nutrition label and you will find that many varieties are loaded with calories and chemicals such as l-cysteine, a "dough conditioner" made from human hair and poultry feathers. Your best bet: Do not fall for these fragile excuses for bread.


You drink beer

drinking beer

Here is the ultimate intestinal check: most brewers have 10 to more than 20 grams of 12 ounce glass carbohydrates. Beer is not much more than liquid carbohydrates. If you are going to hit a back, choose a Stout Guinness. Despite its dark appearance, it has 20 calories less than 12 oz serving a bud. A recent study by the University of Wisconsin revealed that the moderate consumption of Guinness worked as aspirin to prevent blood clots that increase the risk of heart attacks. This is because the antioxidants it contains are better than vitamins C and E to maintain bad cholesterol LDL fouling arteries. See where your favorite infallible lies in our report ofThe best and worst beers for weight loss!


You do not get the good bread "healthy"

whole wheat bread

The "whole grain bread" is not always what it is cracked to be. Look closely with the label. All of which the fructose corn syrup is high belongs to the shelf. We love Germiné Ezekiel grain bread, which increases the bioavailability of vitamins and minerals. For more options, see these10 healthier bread options for weight loss!


You will go to drink "Coffee" drinks

The coffee is excellent for health and weight loss: it stimulates your metabolism, is rich in antioxidants against the fight against disease and reduces the risk of diabetes, colon and hepatic cancers, gallstones, cirrhosis of the liver and disease of Parkinson. But all these health benefits are offset by specialty drinks of coffee chains, including cream, sugar, aromas create the same calories and carbohydrate profile that a dessert. Some of these can easily reach 60 to 80 grams of carbohydrates by portion-more than half of your recommended quantity daily! Stick to Black Coffee-it is not calorie - and low few cups before your workout.


You drink frozen margaritates


Make a frozen margarity at home is not as bad as getting it from a bar (400 calories vs 700), but it's always the worst cocktail for your size. Made with a mixture of neon and a tequila with sugar and tequila, the summer clip overload your system with more sugar that you will find in nine donuts of Dunkin 'Apple N "and up to 84 grams carbohydrates.


You eat too many star vegetables

corn on grill

While foods like pasta, bread and grains are often disassembled for their carbohydrate accounts, vegetables also have a nutritional fracture. They can be divided into two categories: starchy and non-starchy. And if you eat the starches, you may earn more weight than you want. Your vegetables-corn corn, potatoes, green peas and beets - are simply higher in carbohydrates and calories. Meanwhile, non-starchy vegetables are lower in carbohydrates (about 5 grams per serving) and lower in calories (usually about 25 grams per serving). Check theseLow carbohydrate vegetables for a flat stomach!


You eat fries

Potatoes and fries

Believe it or not, the potato is an incredibly nutritious vegetable, rich in fiber, protein and vitamins. But remove the skin (where many nutrients and fibers live), greatly increase the soaking surface in fat by cutting it in long thin pieces, remove it into the oil and boom, you have all the carbohydrates, all fats and little in the way of anything else. Switch to sweet potato fries, like these in these20 Feed potato recipes for weight loss. The part of the same size has a third of the calories, one-third of less carbohydrates and is significantly higher in fiber.


You eat tortilla chips, even the blues

Yellow corn tortilla chips with a bowl of salsa on a cutting board

Classic food often contains a list of laundry ingredients and none of them contain many nutrients. "In general, for most crackers and chips, a large part of the nutritional value of the grain has been eliminated during treatment - especially when these foods are white rather than whole wheat, because exterior chips and layers grain have been removed, "says Isabel Smith, MS, RD, CDN, Authorized Dietidian and founder ofIsabel Smith Nutrition. This goes for blue corn chips. For a denser alternative nutritions that always offer a crunch, try popcorn appearing in the air with herbs and added spices, or even crackers made with whole wheat that have four to five grams offiber per serving.


You eat a deep dish pizza

Deep dish pizza

There is nothing wrong with some slices of pizza from time to time, but if you are at the bottom of a deep pie, you may want to perform a cost-benefit analysis. Most pizza ills are found in the cull-calorie crust, rich in carbohydrates. Typically made from refined white flour, pizza dough offers a small nutrition and get out of your insulin levels, which requires you to need more. The worst crust than you give yourself, the better.


You eat pancakes

Plate of pancakes

White flour, salt, sugar, butter, eggs, milk. There are too many ingredients with low density of nutrients (and not enough eggs and milk) to make pancakes to something else than the large discs of empty carbon calories. Adding chocolate chips, syrup or more butter will certainly not help you. Make this dish less empty by replacing the white flour and the sugar with a mixture of whole wheat flour, oats, pecans and cinnamon, and youlose belly fat. Add bananas or blueberries as a voltage of vitamin UPS. If you use syrup, opt for a 100% pure maple syrup and not the fake tips derived from high fructose corn syrup.


You will never break your carbon curfew

Woman eating at night

The dietal boogeyman, nocturnal carbohydrates, has a frightening reputation among the people trying to lose weight. But there is a growing research corpus to suggest breaking your "carbohydrate curfew" can help your diet goals. A study of the Journal obesity put two groups of men on an identical weight loss regime. Half of the group ate their carbohydrates throughout the day; The other half ate the majority of carbohydrates in the meal plan in the evening. The result? Night carbohydrate eaters lost 27% of more body fat and felt 13.7% more complete than those of the standard plan.


You drink a diet of soda-even

soda in glasses

Cut Calories and Sugar-Spiked Soda Carbohydrates is a no-obvious: 150 calories and 35 grams of bobbin carbohydrates, these can be added to the serious inconvenience. But Diet Soda Packs on the books too - it's just more passive-aggressive about it. "Artificial sweeteners Assign our sense of satiety, "said Isabel Smith, Ms. Rd Cdn, from Isabel Smith Nutrition." Our body has grown evolutionally to expect a large amount of calories when we take something extremely sweet, and these artificial sweeteners are 400 times to 8,000 times softer than sugar. It can actually send some people looking for more food food, lack of satisfaction. »Translation: Diet Soda can make you eat more bourchons higher and higher in carbohydrates. If you are going to risk, make sure to see where your favorite falls on the list of108 most popular sodas classified by how toxic they are toxic.

Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Carbs
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