Surprising side effects of eating biscuits, according to science

If you happen to give the Monster Cookie for his money, you will want to slow down a little.

If there is a food most people have no problem to eat, no matter what time of the day it is abiscuit. Think if you wantindulge in something sweet Next to your morning coffee, need a mid-day pick-me-up, or if you want a treat after dinner, a cookie does the trick. It is very easy, however, to sit down and eat a lot of witnesses at a given moment because they are not all that big and well, they are delicious.

If you happen to feel a deep link with the Monster cookie, you may be asking for what your habit of nibbling on cookies is doing to your body. Unveil the truth below and maybe once you dust the crumbs of cookies, you'll want to make provisionThe 7 healthiest foods to eat right now.


You can gain weight.

Female leg stepping on floor scales

This one should not really come as much of a shock, but it is always important to keep in mind. If you eat tons of packaged cookies, you can see the number on the scale are increasing. See, these biscuits purchased in the store are an excellent example of processed foods and contain a lot of high fructose corn syrup.A study actually found that mice that consumed high fructose corn syrup has gained considerablyFollowing Weight than those who have eaten sugar table, and both groups consumed the same amount of calories.

While a biscuit a day will not completely derail your diet goals, it's often easy to eat more than one at a time, and quite fast, swallowing a few cookies throughout the day could drive to unwanted books.


You could end up thinking anymore.

packaged baked goods

What you could not understand is that part of the reason you eat more cookies is that your body is actually their thirst. When you eat something like cookies that are loaded with sugar, there is an increase in your blood glucose. This leads peak sugar in the blood to an accident, and your brain then wants more of these types of foods,If you start with envy. A vicious circle!

If you are looking to reduce your sugar intake,The easy guide to cut the sugar is back finally there.


You will be hungry soon after.

milk and cookies on a plate with crumbs

A big problem with cookies? They are oftenfiber. A portion of Ahoy chips! Chocolate cookies that is original Chip three cookies has less than 1 gram of fiber, for example. And this lack of fiber simply means problems for you.

Foods that arefiber-rich keep you satisfied longer, which means you will not keep nibbling, and fiber intake has beenassociated with decreasing body weight.Eating a diet filled with fiber-rich foods Can also help fight the risk of developing heart disease and cancer, it is a win-win! Loading on cookies, which are devoid of fibers, just will find you in the kitchen again shortly after, still feeling hungry.


You are more and more your chances of developing chronic health problems.

chocolate chip cookies on a plate with two cups of milk in the background

Consuming a large amount of cookies every day will not hurt your long-term health.It has been proved that those who end up consuming too sweet foods can finish not only the development of obesity, but also type 2. diabetes another study in theAMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION JOURNAL Even discovered as those who get 25% or more of their sugar calories (which now, it's clear cookies are loaded with that kind of thing!) Are moretwice likely to die of cardiac disease. Anxious!


Your skin can suffer.

chocolate oreo cookies

If you try to keep the wrinkles to form (is not always the goal?!), Numping cookies all day are not necessarily the best shot. Your skin has collagen and elastin,but these can be damaged, Thanks to high amounts of sugar that you get foods like cookies.This harm can then drive to the development of wrinkles. All these cookies are just not the trouble saving skin!

So, what can you do? Well, make sure you enjoy a biscuit with parsimony, and avoid eating an entire sleeve of Oreo cookies in one session!

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