The only food food to avoid heart disease, according to RDS

This tasty treatment is full of health benefits!

It can be difficult to believe, but one of the smallest foods you eat can be the only food that can helpReduce your risk of heart disease. So, what is this little food? Why is it humble blueberry!Blueberry Scientifically proven as a food to avoid heart disease because it is known to be a good source of polyphenols that can help with cardiovascular risks and disease prevention.

"I like to catch a blue boost with blueberries. A growing body of scientific evidence shows that blueberries can be part of the power models to improve cardiovascular health, especially as part of a healthy healthy lifestyle ", saidMaya Feller, MS, RD, CDN BrooklynNutrition Maya Feller. "Blueberries contain beneficial vitamins (such as C, K, manganese and potassium) and constitute an excellent source of fiber, contain 3.6 grams of fiber per serving. Blueberries are actually certified at the heart of food certification. Heart of the American Heart Heart Program. "

RELATED:here isThe 7 healthiest foods to eat right now.

Micronutrients andfiber are important health benefits from blueberries, as well as anthocyanas, a polyphenol that studies have proven to significantly improve your healthandMade of the best food to avoid heart disease. It is also the compound in the blueberries that give them this rich blue and black color that we know and we like.

"Beyond their acidic sweetness, blueberries offer a mine of health benefits," said Anya Guy, RD for the Mayo Clinic, in aOnline maintenance with the clinic. "The blueberries, in particular, have about 25 different anthocyanas; while other berries could only have two or three."

A study published byNutrition Reviews Shows the large amount of anthocyanas in blueberries and also proves how anthocyanas are an essential nutrient that can help at any cardiovascular risk that can have been. It's because anthocyanas are aanti-inflammatory and can helpLower LDL cholesterol, according to a newspaper studyNutrients.

In addition, anthocyanes in blueberries can help reduce blood pressure, depending onHarvard Health. Arterial hypertension has an important cause to develop a heart disease later in life, so that the snack on blueberries is probably one of the best things you can do for yourself. No wonder blueberries are consideredOne of the snacks to eat during a longer life!

So the next time you lie down a bowl ofgroats or you want ayogurt Perfect for breakfast, high this bowl with blueberries. Because they can be small, their health benefits can really affect your cardiac health and longevity!

here isWhat happens to your body when you eat a cup of blueberries every day.

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