What happens to your body when you drink white wine

Is it different than red, or the same? We asked the experts.

There is nothing like a glass of pinot crisp Grigio to wash a light pasta dish or a butter Chardonnay to complete a seashell feast. Whether appreciated on a romantic patio, a summer barbecue with friends or a solo on the couch after a long day of work, a refreshing whitewine Descends as simple as water, which, let's be real, can be a little dangerous. It's time to ask you: What happens to your body when you drink white wine? What types of effects can they have a drink? Or three?

"White wine can certainly be part of a healthy diet, especially in moderation," says Sandy Younan Brikho, RD ofThe dish on nutrition. It also adds that the American Heart Association does not recommend more than one drink a day for women and no more than two glasses a day for men.

According to Dr. Amy Lee, responsible for nutrition forNucifical, White wine even constitutes a small dose of vitamins and essential minerals: 3% of your GDR for magnesium, vitamin B6, vitamin B2 and niacin, as well as 1% of your RDA for riboflavin and traces of iron, calcium, potassium, phosphorus and zinc.

Yet, although there are many potential advantages if you drink white wine, there are just so many traps to be aware. Here's what you need to know before you connectbottleAnd for even more useful alcohol tips, make sure you check our list of108 most popular sodas classified by how toxic they are toxic.


Antioxidants will protect your heart and lungs.

Woman pouring glass of white wine

"The red wine tends to attract most of the attention of its antioxidant content, including resveratrol - which offers the body of radical and cardioprotive free benefits," says Lisa Richards, a nutritionist and an author ofThe candida regime. "However, white wine should not be too quickly ignored not to have similar advantages. While theantioxidants May not include resveratrol, there is still a high antioxidant load in many white wines. "

According to Dr. Rashmi Byakodi, an expert dentist, health and well-being, and publisher ofBest for nutrition, unlike red wine, white wine is made without the skin of grapes - which tends to be packed with antioxidants, likepolyphenols.

"However, white wine phenols have a comparable antioxidance capacity," says Dr. Byakodi.

More specifically, the Brikho says that the white wine contains a phenol called coffee acid, which can helpLimit the progression of cardiovascular and renal disease.

Research has shown that daily white wine consumption is associated with bothAntioxidant and antithelor effects.A study Published in the Journal of Agriculture and the food chemistry revealed that the grape pulp extract and the grape skin extract actually have the same level of antioxidant activity, although the extract of the skin contains high levels. Anthocyana. Another2019 study I revealed that the elderly white wine consumption offered cardiac protection by helping to repair endothelial cells that put on the blood vessels.

All this suggests that white wines could be as effective as the red to protect your ticker and preserve cancer. Even better-a2002 study Realized at the University of Buffalo suggested that white wine could have a red advantage to improve pulmonary health.

here isWhy do you need antioxidants in your diet and how to eat more of them.


Your sleep could suffer.

Woman drinking white wine at sunset

Think a glass or two of Riesling will help you get a better rest night? Still think. As you can pass more quickly, alcohol will disturb the length of your sleep cycles, which means you are more likely to feel tired and lethal rather than refreshed in the morning.

"There is a common misconception that alcohol will improve sleep when it actually does the opposite," explains the best Trista, RD toBalance a supplement. "Alcohol interrupts the REM cycle, which means you will get a lower quality sleep when you drink."

By the way, all you really need is a glass of wine to sabotage your sleep. A2018 Finnish studyrevealed that the consumption of moderate alcohol (a single drink for women or two for men) reduced the quality of their rest of 24% and even small quantities of reduced alcohol of 9.3%.

Make sure to read onWhat happens when you drink a glass of wine every night.


Your body could enter fat storage mode.

Woman looking at wine bottle label to buy

While an occasional 5 oz white wine steal can not have this effect, the bottom of a few glasses in one session on the REG can contribute to weight gain, according to Dr. Lee. It's not just because of the consumption of excess empty calories, but also because it frees hormones that deceive your body to think that you need to store fat. For example, sugar in wine can cause aInsulin spike-The fat storage in the main body.

"On average, the amount of calories in a glass of white wine is 120 calories," says Brikho. "Therefore, if you had to consume three glasses, you have consumed 360 calories in the white wine alone. In excessive amounts, which could lead to weight gain. »

Dr Lee also emphasizes that alcohol in white wine reduces your inhibitions, which can lead to more healthy eating or ingurgizing choices.

If you want, you can try to cut calories when you drink white wine with these8 The best low calorie wines to lose weight.


Your acid reflux can be triggered.

White wine

It is not surprising if you feel a bit of heart burn after hitting a Zippy Sauvignon or Chablis white return. Some white wines are super good acid than their red counterparts. That's why, likeresearch has shown consistently, white wine can cause gastroesophageal reflux. In reality,studies indicated that it is just as bad as beer in this regard.

Note that sweet whites, like riesling, tend to beplus acidity. So, if you know that white wine is a trigger element of your acid reflux, then you might consider moving to a dryer and limiting your consumption to a single glass.


You can increase your risk of skin cancer.

Toasting with wine

We know what you think. What link could there be between sipping white wine and skin cancer? But research has shown that there is, indeed, a potential link between the two. A2016 study Leaded by Brown University revealed that white wine has been associated with a higher risk of the most murderous melanoma type of cancer than red wine, beer or alcohol. More specifically, each glass of white wine a day was associated with an increased risk of 13%.

Although the researchers are not quite sure of the reason behind this regard, they hypothesized that this may be due to the fact that the white wine contains more acetaldehyde and a lower concentration of antioxidants than the red. As a result, white wine drinkers can be more sensitive to sunburn.


Your brain can benefit.

White wine glass table

A glass of white wine a day can very well keep neurological disease away, as growing research has shown that its antioxidants can help protect against cognitive decline. For example, a2018 study Posted in the Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry have shown that mice that have consumed polyphenols extracted from white wine for two months had a lower risk of developing cognitive problems leading to Alzheimer's disease.

Another study published in the 2018 scientific reports have shown that low levels of alcohol consumption can reduce inflammation while helping the brain cleave the toxins, including those associated with Alzheimer's disease. Remember, the keywords are here "low levels"-Overdoing on the wine could have the opposite effect. Researcher Maiken Nedergaard, MD, noted that excessive amounts of alcohol over an extended period of time can actually cause damage to thecentral nervous system.

Now that you know everything that happens when you drink white wine, here's12 Surprising Benefits for Red Wine Health.

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