The easiest way to reduce your blood pressure, says science
No, you will not need complicated gym equipment.

Hypertension is incredibly dangerous because it can increase your risk of heart disease and cerebral accident. Now, however, during the Pandemic of Covid-19, hypertension is even more threatening because studies show that it canconsiderably increase your risk to die of the virus.
You can already implement some of the necessary habits to combat the potentially fatal condition, such asEat foods rich in vitamins andExercise 30 to 40 minutes a day. Now, researchers have found a way to reduce your risk of hypertension that does not involve additional cardio-cardio effort or complicated changes in your diet. (In touch:15 underestimated weight loss tips that actually work)
As it turns out,Stretching for half an hour a day is even more efficient to reduce your blood pressure than walking.
A recently published study in theJournal of physical activity and health Tracking the blood pressure of two groups of 40 elderly with high blood pressure, dividing them into two groups. A group was quickly walking for 30 minutes a day, five days a week and the other group performed a program of 21 stretching exercises at the same time. At the end of the eight-week study, the stretchers had livedLarger reductions in arterial pressure than fast walkers.
"I hope people can eliminate the message that stretching is not only good for the heating or prevention of muscle injuries, but may also improve your cardiovascular health," the corresponding author of the study , Philip Chilibeck, Philip, Professor at the University of Kinesiology College of Saskatchewan, saysEat this, not that!
"When you stretch a muscle, you were also the blood vessels in the members you stretch. Stretch these blood vessels over time reduces their stiffness, improves blood flow and thus reduces blood pressure."
If you want to add stretches to your exercise routine, the Chilibeck recommends: "You can add a stretch routine from 10 to 15 minutes a day where you were large groups of muscles (ie quadriceps , hippoters, calf muscles) with stretching that lasts 30 seconds, two to three times, with 15 seconds of rest between stretching. "
He points out that you would better add stretches to your exercise routine than to completely replace your aerobic exercise because the combination will give the most benefits.
For more things on how to change your behavior to maintain your healthy blood pressure level, be sure to checkAll you need to know about the dash regime.

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