The same way as the sitting position is too damaging your body right now, say experts

If you have a "pandemic posture", here is what to do about it.

Even if you have not heard the term "pandemic posture"Yet there is a good chance that you can feel its effects. After all, a full year lock, gyms mass pane, shuttles to the bedroom and the dining room, and the accumulated effects of the movement restricted on a scale never progress has certainly taken toll on our whole body.

According to a new article inCharm, "Pandemic posture" is an "epidemic" that occurred secondary to all of us working at home. It is basically defined as slouching in front of our computers with rounded shoulders "in the dining room chairs that would have screaming chiropractors." If this sounds familiar, take care.

"Pandemic posture may also be excessive pressure on the spine, causing nerve damage, tense muscles and weakness in the lower back"Gbolahan okubadejo, M.D., a spinal and orthopedic surgeon based in New York, told the magazine.

This bad sitting posture also adds stiffness and pain in your hips. "A back hunchi can also cause poor circulation; this affects the supply of oxygen and can lead to blood clots and high blood pressure," said Okubadejo further. "The long-term effects of the pandemic posture include, without limitation, arthritis, circulation problems, temporomandibular joint syndrome, fatigue, headaches and mild to moderate depression."

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The report also notes that you can not simply fight the pandemic posture trying to work hard on the weekend. "There are many people who will sit all week and on weekends, they want to be the warriors of training," Ileana Piña, MD, professor of medicine at the University of Wayne State University of central Michigan, told Glamor. "It's all of the activity that counts."

When you sit too every day, theSide effects Include everything from weight gain to muscle pain poor sleep to a greater risk of heart disease down the road. This affects your mind too. According to a new study by researchers at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and published in theInternational Journal of ObesityYou'll hurt your attention and you become much more vulnerable to distraction.

According to the health experts ofYale medicineIt is important that you have an ergonomic office setup. To start, your computer screen should be at eye level, so you do not look down and adding that extra strain on your neck. You should sit with your feet flat on the floor, your arms and your legs must remain at 90 degrees. If you are not so lucky to have perfect office chair with lumbar support, "you could simply roll a small towel and place it along the" small "in your lower back while sitting for comfort . "

For a few ways to make sure that you move a little more and do not cause lasting damage to your body, read it. And for more ways to become a faster form, do not miss this list of50 amazing workouts that you can do in 5 minutes.


Do not use a chair at all

sitting on yoga ball in office

If you are ready to use a batch office, great. Otherwise, you're just sitting on a bale of yoga. As Jill Koegel, RD, a registered dietitian certified athletic,once explained For us, sitting on a bale of exercise can burn 100 extra calories a day.

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Break your day with squats

arms up squat

Squats are one of the best exercises there - you can do them anywhere without any equipment, and they use the largest muscle group in your body, which makes them enormously effective. "Squats are great for toning your thighs and booty", tones founders Karena Dawn and Katrina ScottExplainours. "Just make sure your feet are hip width and knees do not exceed your toes throughout the move. This will help prevent injury." And for larger efficient workout tips that you can use, see our roundSimple ways to start losing weight immediately, say experts.


Climb the stairs at home

walking up stairs

"An amazing way to burn more fat easily all day is to search for your metabolism at short intervals of the day," says Alicia Damny, PT, a physical therapist and founder ofHealthy hiker. "Doing this throughout your day, it's easy without doing formal exercise."

It recommends taking the stairs wherever you are at work or in a parking garage during your shopping exit - and if you stay at home, climb the stairs there. "Do this several times a day bumps your heart rate and will bring you more calories," she says.


Walk for at least 20 minutes each day

Woman walking dog

A quick 20-minute walk should transport the distance of about one mile and require you to take somewhere in the field of 2,000 and 3,000 stages. It can burn up to 110 calories. A major study published in 2015 inThe American Journal of Clinical NutritionI noticed that a 20-minute walk every day (again, it should be a quick walk) could reduce your 30% death risk. According toresearch by the University of Georgia and published in the newspaperPsychotherapy and psychosomatic, Go a 20-minute walk for only three days a week for six weeks can result in 20% of more energy and less fatigue. For more good exercise tips, make sure you are aware ofThe best way to work every day, according to psychologists.

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