The best healthy guidelines for 2021, according to dietitians

We asked six confidence-registered dietitians to share their best nutrition suggestions for the new year.

Take into a deep breath, it's officially 2021. Can you believe we can actually say that now? Here is a healthier, happier, and I hope you relax more.

To help you set your intentions for the coming year, we asked six registered dietitians to all the United States to share tips on how you can use.Healthy eating habits Currently.

Below you will see nine suggestions of this type and after, be sure to read theThe 7 healthiest foods to eat right now.


Say "No" to the plans to be done

Woman holding plate of keto foods at a table

"Especially since New Year's resolutions are in progress, many often turn to the DDPA and the restrictive regimes as a method to quickly see the results they desire. However, the restriction often leads to a suburb, followed by a continuous restriction limon cycle, resulting in feelings of guilt. Research shows that calorie deprivation can put additional stress on the body. This year, try to substitute an intuitive diet and the full awareness of the restriction . Focus less on the counting of each calorie and more on your signals of hunger and natural plenitude will help you to be more in agreement. With your body and feel less control with food. "

- Lauren Hoover, Rd, MS toGAP in Chicago


Make your colorful plate ... and balanced!


"Try filling half of your plate with colorful fruits and vegetables, a quarter of your plate with whole grains (bread, pasta, rice) and a quarter of your plate with protein (chicken, fish, eggs, beans ). "

-Sakiko Minagawa, Ms, rd, ld


Choose a meal where no case is involved

woman alone in kitchen looking at phone while eating

"Choose a meal a day to have without screens. Eating in front of mobile phones, TVs and computers prevent us from enjoying our meals completely. The distraction can prevent you from overeating or disrupting the pace of your digestive consumption. "

-Sydney Greene, Ms, rd

"We live in a fast seat, are you going to go to the company. Try using a meal a day to relax and slow down and limit distractions like your phone, computer and your TV."

-Ashley Kitchens, Mph, rd, ldn


Strive to appreciate food by taking the time to savor it

talking while eating

"Practice a deeper connection with the food in front of you and try to engage all your senses as you eat. This year, work to build a confident and healthy relationship with food."

- Cuisines


Introduce more sugar swaps

Yogurt fruit berries

"Everyone talks about cutting the sugar from your diet, but it's the deprivation and will make you check. The best way is to make sugar swaps, which means replacing traditional sweets with less sugar options, But always tons of enjoyment. "

- Dawn Jackson Blagner, RDN, CSSD

Blagner shared some useful examples:

  • Exchange regular chocolate on brands like Lily's candies for a sugar-free version
  • Swap ice cream with pretty frozen banana cream for a natural sugar solution
  • Exchange of sweet yogurt in the plain yogurt surmounted with mashed fresh berries
  • Exchange condiments to versions without addition-sugar like salad dressings, pasta sauce and ketchup
  • Exchange conventional plants with unsweetened versions

For more sugar swaps, check10 easy ways to eat less sugar a celebrity nutritionist.


Stock on frozen vegetables

separated frozen vegetables in bags

"It's a simple and quick way to eat more vegetables by eliminating the task of washing, peeling or cutting. Not a fan of Kale? ASimple vegetable mixture is a great option and can be appreciated as a side dish or added to a soup.Birds with steam steam Vegetables are particularly useful on busy days because they can be simply heated in the bag and served. "

-Kasia Burton MS, RDN, Principal Nutritionist, Research and Development of Conagra brands


Do not skip meals or "save calories"

small portion

"Eating snacks and balanced meals throughout the day can help you stay energized and avoid overeating too much. Try eating every three to four hours and avoid spending long periods of time without fuel."

- Minagawa


Listen to what's right for you and your body

happy woman laughing

"Silence all the noise. There is a lot of information and misinformation there. Remember what works best for you."

- Cuisines


Do one point to try new recipes

snacking while cooking

"Challenge yourself to learn a new recipe per week. Rotate between healthy and indulgent recipes to strengthen your confidence in the kitchen and count less on taking take away."

- Greene

For more useful tips, make sure to check7 healthy eating habits for women, say dietitians.

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