Low nutrition on the popcorn

Are splashed things good for you and can you eat it if you are on a specific diet?

Popcorn has a reputation for being an indulgent midnight snack for drug addicts and movie stays. But (surprise!) As long as you do not turn it out in butter and caramel sauce, the popcorn is actually a low calorie snack in fiber and antioxidant. Investigate the Nutrition Profile of Popcorn.

Wait, Is the popcorn healthy?

You probably already know it, but the popcorn comes from corn. Heat the corn kernels and thanks to their water content, the golden nuggets explode in the swollen and succulent snack.

Corn is considered a whole grain - and it's true even after his appearance. And guess what? Whole grains are healthy enough! Unlike refined grain snacks (such as white bread and crackers) that have had the entire grain seeds removed, whole grain snacks still contain seeds, which is where a lot of vitamins and minerals (like the Iron, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium) are stored. This makes whole grain snacks like popcorn (!) Seriously nutritious-dense.

In fact, a consumption of whole grains has been linked to a series of health benefits, includingreduced inflammation, Decrease in the risk ofcardiopathy andcerebral accident,Improvement of digestion,Reduced cholesterol, and more. Amusing!

So,is a healthy popcorn? In the end, it comes up toHow do you prepare it. As a rule, popcorn appearing in the air, which is made using air and heat is healthy. But the popcorn prepared with oils, ingredients filled with grease and / or sugar is less healthy (Duh!).

For example, most microwave popcorn corn are made with partially hydrogenated oils, which are full of trans (read:bad for you) fat. (For healthier choices, check out our list ofBest and worse popcorn micro-wavable Brands.)

And, most cinema cinema cinema are loaded with salt, butter and sugar, which transform the collation usually low calorie and low to calorie into a fatty caloric bomb.

If you are a FEEN aroma, the healthiest option consists of adding cinnamon, a pinch of salt, parmesan cheese, coconut oil teaspoon, or spices dried with a servant in the air.

What is the distribution of popcorn nutrition?

popcorn nutrition profile
Rachel Linder / Eat this, not that!

Nutritional statistics on Popcorn tell you everything you need to know. Here is the nutritional content of a 3 jumped air portion cup (no added sugar, grease or salt) from popcorn, according to theUSDA:

  • Calories: 93
  • FAT: 1.1 g
  • Sodium: 1.9 mg
  • Carbohydrates: 19 g
  • Fiber: 3.5 g
  • Sugar: 0.2 g
  • Protein: 3 g

Basically, there is not much to popcorn, with the exception of a few protein, a little fat and a moderate amount of carbohydrates.

The benefits of the health of popcorn

The main shower of the popcorn is what the fill can be filled. Although most low fat foods are not very satisfied, the popcorn is surprisingly. It is because it contains 3,5-large grams of insoluble fibers (about 14% ofRecommended daily fiber socket For women and about 12% for men), which helps you feel full, longer. To the love of comparison, it looks like the amount of fiber you get to eat alarge banana WhereRed Apple.

For people trying to lose weight, consider this: a 2012 study published in theNutrition log I found that 15 popcorn calories were as satisfying as 150 calories of potato chips. Pretty wild, right?

Beyond being high in vitamins and minerals, a 2019 study published in the journalAntioxidants I showed that Popcorn contains superb amounts of antioxidant called polyphenol - even more than most fruits and vegetables. The main pretension of antioxidants is that they help neutralize something in the body called "free radicals", which, in excess, accelerating aging and increase the risk of illness. Can the popcorn replace your anti-aging creams? Probably not. But that can not do badly.

I'm on a diet . . . Can I eat popcorn?

It depends. Popcorn, which comes from a grain, is not allowed on grain-free regimes likepaleo WhereTout 30.

But with only 19 grams of carbohydrates - and only 15 grams of Net-Popcorn carbohydrates are allowed on theKeto The diet and integrates easily in most other low carbohydrate regimes. The two exceptions on this subject are the south beach andAtkins The regimes, which both prohibit the snack during the first phase.

The popcorn is also not an animal product (lol, duh), can vegetarians and vegetarians collapse freely.

As to whether those with celiac disease or gluten intolerance can eat popcorn? It is complicated. Popcorn technically contains zero gluten. But thisIs contain a protein called maize premins, which has been demonstrated to cause an inflammatory response in people with severe gluten intolerance. Sigh.

Those who are wheat allergic, soy and rice can also be atrisk of having an allergic reaction to popcorn. The only way to know if you have a maize / popcorn sensitivity, it is to ask your health care provider to perform an allergy test.

Prevail over the popcorn

The popcorn may seem and cruncher like an unhealthy snack, but it's actually good health so long that you opt for the splashing type of air.

From time to time the worst thing in the world is judging on an entire bag of movie cinema cinema? No, but it's not the kind of snack you want to deliver every time you plant on the couch.

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