40 ways to make your weight loss efforts twice as effective

Maximize your weight loss efforts with these simple tips.

It is not uncommon to gain weight. In fact, it's natural. However, if you have identified that your weight gain is beyond what you think you are healthy, there are simple ways, you can reduce the lean - without having to make massive changes. Better yet, you can actually lose weight in half the time as long as you integrate some of the following tips that really double on yourWeight loss efforts.

Read it for some pointers really easy to lose these unwanted books once and for all and that you will be armed with the ability to make your weight loss efforts more than twice as efficient. If you are looking for more, consult these15 underestimated weight loss tips that actually work.


To weigh

woman on scale weight loss

According to the post Huffington, a two-year study at Cornell University found that people who have weighed daily and recorded that these results have lost more body weight and have better maintained fat loss than those that did not do it. Looking at your body weight frequently reinforces weight loss goals and makes it more difficult to deceive your diet. The study focuses on the extent that measurement and tracking can enhance rapidly and the loss of durable fat, even doubling the amount of weight you could otherwise lose without keeping the track. And for more weight loss tips, see20 ways to overcome a weight loss tray.


Do not jump meal

Woman sitting down eating at a table

It's a common misconception that skip meals leads to weight loss. You speculate technically fewer calories in the moment, but more often, omitting a meal causes a hungry off control and erratic eating habits that are not conducive to your metabolism. Just put: try to reduce calories to lose weight does not work. There are too many other factors in play. And for a better idea of ​​timing your meals, seeThis is the best time for dinner, according to RDS.


Eating three balanced meals a day

Healthy snack meal prep with cut carrots celery hard boiled eggs apples grape almonds and rice cakes

Each of these three meals (plus a snack) must contain an energy protein (chicken, lean meat, fish, etc.) a flat belly fat (olive oil, lawyer) and a source of fiber, like lentils , beans or quinoa. This will guarantee optimal weight loss, partly because it will keep you better and will prevent you from making bad food choices. And for a good week meal ideas, see20 quick and easy dinner recipes.


Watch your sugar intake

sugary foods

If you are looking for one thing to blame for these unwanted books, you can point a finger with sugar, which shaded it in everything from tomato sauce to calets. The American Heart Association and the World Health Organization do not recommend more than 25 grams of sugar added one day - about six sugar packages - for optimal health, but most people ingest much more than that.

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Add more fiber to your diet

high fiber bowl of bran cereal with blueberries and bananas

This crucial nutrient helps you feel more complete, which means that the more fiber you integrate in your diet, the less likely you are to reach these tokens or middle-afternoon biscuits. If you are looking for a hassle free way to quickly lose books, lower your sugar intake and eat more fiber than sugar. This simple change to your diet will make you lose belly fat almost immediately and start quickly. Need some ideas? See20 easy ways to add fiber to your diet.


Know how to really read a nutrition label

looking at label

When you buy packaged foods, it's very easy to take note of the number of calories and little else, but simply because something is low in calories does not mean that it will be good for your long-term size. In fact, many low-calf foods are packaged with added sugar, which means they really push you to gain weight. Look for more fiber foods than sugar if you want to lose weight. High protein foods are good too. For more expert advice, see these20 Tips for the Final Understanding of Nutrition Tags.


Act quickly

tying sneakers

If you start theZero sugar dietYou will see results on only days. And although we have been led to believe that fast weight loss is damaging, according to a 2013 study in theInternational Journal of Behavioral MedicineYou are more likely to succeed in your long-term weight loss goals if you start getting out of the door by dropping books quickly. And for more tips on the fall of books, see40 nutritionist tips say you have to follow to lose weight.


Pack on the protein

wild salmon

Like fiber, protein is also an important component to a balanced diet, especially if you are looking to lose weight. Research has shown that doubling your protein consumption can help you deposit books without losing muscle mass, so make sure all your meals are raised in protein (think of lean meat, fish and soybean) and to fiber, but with fiber and sugar. Here's all you need to know aboutHow to eat protein for maximum weight loss.


Know your food combos

cayenne pepper on wooden spoon and table

Once you have the full size of the fiber / sugar, it is important to know what food combos can help your size stay shrinking. Cayenne Powder and Chicken, for example, combine together, because high protein foods can significantly increase post-meal calorie burns, and pepper peppers are perfect for belly fat. Another excellent combo is peppers and eggs. We feel an omelette of Veggie in your future!


Get your antioxidants

mixed berries

Not only does antioxidants minimize the appearance of wrinkles and help you look younger, but they can also stop fat to form. Eat foods rich in antioxidants such as berries, artichokes and kidney beans (which are also high in fiber!) Double your weight loss.

Read more:15 The fruits and vegetables of most antioxidants are classified!


Nuts for walnuts


Nuts get a bad shot because of their high number of calories, but research really shows that eating pistachios instead of snacks based on carbohydrates can accelerate weight loss. Almonds are also beneficial if they are consumed before a workout, as they contain amino acids that help fry belly fat. Store6 best nuts for weight loss.


Know the good fats


Eating fat to lose weight may seem counter-intuitive, but if you know what fats to eat, you can increase your weight loss. To deposit books, eat foods rich in monounsaturated fat, such as lawyer oil, macadamia nuts and black or green olives. They will help keep hungry and keep you thin!


Find the foods that work for you and paste them to "

Woman reorganizing her fridge to put fresh fruits vegetables healthy snacks in front

Like David Zinczenko writes inZero sugar dietThere is something to say to eat foods you love again and again, assuming you do not stay on the ice cream sundaes and chicken nuggets. When the researchers examined the diets of 6,814 people, they found the more diverse diet, the more likely it was to experience a weight gain. In fact, those who have eaten the widest range of foods have shown a larger 120% increase in waist circumference compared to those with any diversity. In other words, people who have the best success in weight loss choose a defined number of foods and tend to glue them. Choose from theseEssential foods to lose weight!


Drink responsibly

Friends eating a pasta dinner at a restaurant

The mixed and / or frozen drinks are usually packed with hundreds of empty calories, so if you are looking for a buzz, opt for a glass of red or white wine. Just try to limit yourself to a glass of 5 ounces a day. After all, alcohol has healthy benefits!


Smart snack

healthy snacks

Believe it or not, the snack and weight loss go from the hand. Studies show that people who are consciously absent from eating meals can reduce more calories overall during the day, often because their energy stores are low, and that leads them to make bad choice. When you snack, make sure to do so responsibly. Commit to high grade fiber and high protein treats, such as a popcorn and air-lit hummus. Check these50 best healthy snacks to buy to lose weight for more!


Use smaller dishes

Small dinner plates

Whether you are ringing or preparing a meal, you use smaller plates and bowls is an easy way to reduce the size of your serving and make sure you do not eat too much. Feel free to fill smaller dishes with fibers, proteins, etc. without feeling guilty.


Get a good night's sleep

man sleeping well

According to Wake Forest researchers, diet people who sleep five hours or less a night have set twice twice as much belly fat, while those who sleep more than eight hours are only slightly less than that. But when you have a regular bed and paste it, you will prepare the weight loss of the day and the day. Pull an average of six to seven hours of sleep per night - the optimal amount for weight control. The regulation of your sleep schedule could reduce 200 calories a day.


Know the importance of the formation of force

woman in sports clothing at home, doing domestic fitness and training abdominals on swiss ball in living room

Force workouts lead to strong muscles and offer many other health and weight loss benefits. They also increase your energy level, which will facilitate daily tasks. And the more energy you have, the more you have to stay active instead of parked in front of the television with a junk food.


Cardio Training Training at Complete Intervals

woman on treadmill

Cardio workouts are another great way to strengthen your burning metabolism and improve your health without sacrificing muscle. But instead of jumping on the treadmill and stay at a rate, alternate short gusts of faster activity and high intensity with less intensive "recovery" periods of less intensity. Many studies have shown that this type of exercise is very effective for weight loss and targeting of belly fat, but avoid these12 worst cardio errors for weight loss.



fast food hamburger

"Meals" is a current gadget Many diet plans to help people cope with the challenges of sticking to a strict diet program, but they break your weight loss momentum and can also damage your health. In a 2015 study inThe FASEB newspaperThe researchers took blood samples of volunteers who are fighting with obesity and those who were lean and healthy. Of course, the samples showed different readings in terms of cholesterol and blood glucose. Then the two groups received a high calorie shake. When the blood was taken from them after the jolt, those whose readings had been in good health previously showed the same type of high risk factors for heart disease and diabetes as the unhealthy group.


Do not look too much television

man watching tv on couch holding popcorn bowl

A study by the University of Vermont has found overweight participants who have reduced their television time worth of 50% of 119 additional calories per day on average. It's an automatic annual loss of twelve books! Maximize these results by multitasking while you look, even light cleaning tasks, further increase your caloric burning. And if you have to snack watching the television, nibble these7 best foods burning fat.



Ice water with lemon

At a university at the University of Utah, participants in a diet responsible for drinking two cups of water before each meal losing more than 30% more weight than their thirsty peers. Part of the reason: If you do not drink loose water, your body may have to store carbohydrates like grease. Your body can not effectively change energy carbohydrates without loose water. To increase the burning effects of H2O calories, add ice. German researchers have found that six cups of cold water per day could invite a metabolic boost that incorrects 50 additional daily calories. You will also want to seeHow much water you need to drink to lose weight.


Order first in the restaurants

Group of business people ordering their meal at the restaurant.

If you want to support your weight, take care of your restaurant order. A study by the University of Illinois revealed that groups of people tend to order in the same way, especially when they are obliged to say their order aloud. (Here's how you will eat at any restaurant and lose weight.) Conversely, the search forNew England Journal of Medicine Indicates when a friend becomes obese, it increases your chances of obesity of 57%.


Avoid eating stress

Eating pizza and social networking with a laptop.

A study by the University of Alabama found emotional eaters - those who had admitted eating in response to emotional stress - were thirteen times more likely to be overweight or obese. If you feel that the desire to eat in response to stress, try chewing a piece of gum, scraping a glass of water or walk in the block. Create an automatic answer that does not involve food and you will prevent you from overloading on calories.


Get out every morning

woman in sports wear jogging against industrial city view with sunrise

In studies, sun exposure between 8:00 and MIDI is associated with an increase in higher fat combustion and BMIS significantly, regardless of exercise, caloric intake, sleep or even from age. One of the reasons people tend to gain weight in winter are because they are not outside so much. If mornings are hectic, open at least the blinds of the Am., Especially at work. Employees with windows near their offices receive 173% more white light exposure during working hours and a forty-six-minute sleep per night that employees who do not have exposure to light natural. And those without windows get less physical activity.



red ruby grapefruit

Grapefruit has a particularly powerful effect on weight loss. A study printed in the newspaperMetabolism I found that eating half-grapefruit before meals can help reduce the levels of visceral grease and reduce cholesterol levels. Participants in the six-week study that ate a Rio Red Grapefruit fifteen minutes before breakfast, lunch and dinner have seen their size shrinking to an inch and LDL levels fall from 18 points. Researchers attribute the effects on a combination of phytochemistry and vitamin C in grapefruit. Check these20 grapefruit recipes for weight loss here.


Embrace casual business

Man thinking at a computer

A US Council study suggests relaxing clothing, as opposed to conventional affairs, can increase levels of physical activity in our daily routines. The study participants took 491 additional steps and burned 25 more calories, the days when they wore jeans only when they wear a traditional costume wear. It may seem trivial, but calories are added! Researchers say it covets to remain casual once a week could reduce 6,250 calories during the year-enough to compensate for the average annual weight gain (0.4 to 1.8 pounds) experienced by most of the Americans.


Leave encouraging notes for yourself

person writing in notebook

If you try to lose weight, subtle, even subliminal, messages can be more efficient to help you get you stick to a healthy diet that even permanently, conscious, has found a 2015 study in theJournal of Marketing Research. The study discovered people who receive reinforcement notes to eating themselves to eat healthy were more likely to make smarter choices than those who have tried to keep their goals in mind at any time.


Say no to bread basket

bread basket

Dinner during the diet is difficult, but a way to make sure you stay on the right track consists of refusing the start of the basket of meal bread. Bread spots, cookies and chips and salsa can be free in some restaurants, but that does not mean that you will not pay them. Whenever you eat every time you eat a free Olive Garden break or Red Lobster Cheddar Cheddar Bay cookies, you add 150 additional calories to your meal. Eat three during dinner and it's 450 calories. It is also about the number of calories you can expect from each basket of tortilla chips in your local Mexican restaurant. And here20 best and worst buns purchased in store.


Put your fork between punctures

girl eating salad

It takes twenty minutes for your stomach to tell your brain that it had enough, which means it can be difficult to rank exactly when you are full. A study in theNewspaper of the American Dieetic Association I found that slow eaters took 66 calories less calories per meal, but compared to their peers to eat fast, they felt like eating more. What are the 66 calories, do you ask? If you can do it at each meal, you will lose more than twenty pounds a year! A simple turn to slow down your pace: Just place your fork on the plate after each bite.


Get away from combos and value meals

Fast food combo value meal

A study in thePublic Policy and Marketing Journal Shows that compared to the à la carte command, you take a hundred additional additional calories by opting for the "combo" or "Value meal". Why? Because when you order grouped items together, you are likely to buy more food than you want. You will better order your food suddenly, and when you do, opt for100 healthiest foods on the planet.


Do not drive to work

man walking

Those who lead to work earn more weight than those who take public transport, according to a study of theBritish medical newspaper. According to the study, the car shuttle slaps from 5.5 pounds extra on your body, whether or not you exercise.


To go for a walk

Woman with office standing desk

We sit on average by seventy-seven hours a week, nine o'clock a day, eight hours go to bed, and only seven hours of twenty-four actually moving. Our sedentary jobs now bring us to burn 100 calories less calories a day that we have been fifty years fifty years ago. This only translates to earn ten extra pounds a year. But a recent study in theClinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology I noticed that taking a two-minute walk every hour can compensate for the effects of too seated. Make a habit of never calling a colleague when you can also easily stop at his desk to talk. Check moreWays you can lose weight at work!


Let go

woman working

When delays stack, add hours of work at the beginning of your day, not the end. When you work later, you also eat later and will you sleep later, both lead to unwanted books. A study in the newspaperNutritional research I found that those whose last meal was closest to bedtime bedtime took more calories throughout the day as those who gave their bodies the time to recover before going to bed.


Wet carbohydrates

Modern diet gurus have made carbohydrates seem so frightening, but new research shows that your fat combustion system works really better when you keep guessing it, so do not let yourself be caught in a rut. Eating a variety of carbohydrates is really desirable, at least for athletes, according to the newspaperEssential training and packaging of the force. Remember that this is not an invitation to gorge on Froot Loops. Instead, try to focus more on carbohydrates "wet", especially at night. A wet glucidement is one that naturally a lot of water in cucumbers, tomatoes, salad greens and asparagus. Wet carbohydrates allow you to maintain relatively adequate water levels at night because you can not drink while you sleep. Staying hydrated overnight means that your body will continue to get the food he must reveal your abs, even while you're dreaming of a distant beach.


Avoid eating family style

Pasta on big plate

You know how the dinner in a fancy restaurant it is served with a nice composition and a small sprig of parsley on the side? Do it at home, instead of just throw everything on a plate and fix the mob to reach. A study by the journal Obesity found that when the food is served family style, people consume 35% more during the meal. When an extra helper requires leaving the table, people are reluctant to come back for more.


Drink tea

chai tea

Coffee and tea are particularly potent weight loss drinks. What else? Different varieties of tea make you lose weight for different reasons. Green tea, for example, acts as a metabolism booster because it unlocks your fat cells, while white tea prevents new fat cells from forming. Stay away from sweeteners and choose a lemon pressure in your tea instead. Lemon can actually enhance weight loss powers of the drink. Learn more about the5 best teas for weight loss!


Avoid artificial sweeteners

Artificial sweetener

We have said that you should not put artificial sweeteners in your tea, and if we are honest, they have no place else in your diet either, especially if you're looking to lose weight. Artificial sweeteners cause belly fat and lead us to seek additional calories, plus they earn havoc on your teeth, your heart and your health.


Tampez your dreams

woman mirror weight loss

It's good to dream big, but when it comes to losing weight, you may be better to dream of yourself. A study in the newspaperCognitive Therapy and Research I have found that obese women who fantasminèrent on losing weight and showing their new hot body lost an average of 24 pounds less than those who harbored negative thoughts - like how they might be afraid to eat wrong. The researchers assumed that the negative fantasies about weight loss have prepared dieters to overcome the bumps they encountered on their way to becoming healthy.


Be independent

Man meditating outdoors

A study in 2012International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity I found that if you feel self - in other words, as if you have total control and you do not need to rely on a diet, you are more likely to see health changes sustainable. And for more weight loss guide, seeThe best and worst diets for weight loss.

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