Stop drinking this bottled water now, says the FDA

People suffer from serious symptoms like "fever, vomiting, nausea, loss of appetite and fatigue".

Abottled water The company is under fire after a group of children in an American state, all have all descended with scary cases of non-viral hepatitis. The situation resembles this could mean real problems for the real water of the mark after parents reported that their infants and their young children had suffered serious symptoms like "fever, vomiting, nausea, loss ofappetite and fatigue, "according to the report of the administration of food and drugs.

The issue was launched last November when Nevada families all noted inexplicable symptoms in their children (as well as other members of their households), which would have been treated for acute non-viral hepatitis. This type of hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver capable of causing scars, liver cancer and in the worst cases, even death. Fortunately, despite such extreme health threats,Yahoo! New reports that children have all recovered. Yet it has left parents and federal investigators with big questions about what has been brought to all that.

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The only thread connected to each case is that the children have all been told to have consumed real alkaline waterthe water.The FDA warns consumers against drinking real water from an individual bottle, a five-gallon pot-citizen, or a real water concentrate. While the FDA has not yet officially thorny of real water as the fundamental cause of all these cases, the Deputy Commissioner of Food Policy and the Administration's reaction is encouraging residents of Arizona, of California, Hawaii, Nevada and Utah should not drink these real water products.

Alkaline waters Experts believe that some experts have been on the radar, because some experts believe to balance the pH, acidity, levels. It is said that a healthy level of acidity can reduce the risk of diseases such as cancer, diabetes and arterial hypertension. However, while enough hydration is an essential element of good health, questions around the real water show how important it is to discern about everything we buy ... yes, even water .

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Categories: Groceries
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