Top 3 things to do before receiving your vaccine, says doctor

A competent immune system is essential, explains this naturopathic doctor.

Dr. Andrew Myers, co-author of the next book"Simplify Covid-19 puzzle,"With Dr. Grace McComsey, is a naturopathic doctor, in private practice since 1993, with a unique ability to take complex health problems and simplify them. Acting as a coordinator for several clinical trials, he evaluated the effectiveness of natural products in the treatment of obesity, prostate diseases and cardiovascular concerns. So we asked her what we should do before getting theirCOVID vaccine. Read it to see what it says - and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss these Signs that your illness is actually coronavirus in disguise.


Recommendation # 1

Mature fitness woman tie shoelaces on road

It is often a neglected fact that the real advantages conferred from any vaccine require a competent immune system. In reality, the immune system of a reinforced individual, the more they are reactive to a vaccine. This obvious interactive relationship between the vaccine and the immune response is my first recommendation: Make sure your immune system is as healthy as possible before receiving vaccination. The relative health of your immune system will vary depending on any number of factors, but the basic principle is important independent of your age or state of health.


Recommendation 2

Woman holding a slice of cucumber

To accomplish Recommendation # 1, you need to add additional nutrition to immune support (and eat a healthy diet). Additional nutrition is the most direct way to affect your immune health and short-term function, and the following nutrients are essential as part of your immune stimulus efforts. Vitamin K2 (as MK-7), vitamin D3, vitamin C, zinc and omega-3 concentrated fish oil or vegan sources such as the AHI flower. Adding additional nutrition Before being vaccinated (and continue after receiving your vaccine) will stimulate and support your immune health from a natural perspective.


And speaking of vitamin K2

white capsules of vitamin K (phylloquinone) in wooden spoon

Recent research, as supplemented by my co-author, Dr. Grace McComsey, indicate that insufficient levels of vitamin K2 (and vitamin D3) are directly related to our susceptibility toCOVID-19 [Feminine And the severity of the results should you host yourself. Vitamin K2 and vitamin D3 work in synergy to improve the ability of our body to mount a robust immune response and to adjust healthy inflammation. Vitamin K2 is very difficult to install in the standard American diet (SAD), and vitamin K2 supplementation (such as MK-7) is absolutely critical everyday.


Recommendation 3

Two women with black face masks sitting on bench in park

This one is personal for me and concerns my own conservative approach to vaccination. It's not because you receive the vaccine does not mean that you have to ignore and give up the logical choices we know about well-documented global research to protect us from COVID. This means, from a public / social perspective, we should continue to wear masks, practice social distance and maintain hygiene habits that prevent the spread of virus and its variants. What you do at home with your family, who can all be as vaccinated, can be a different question. However, the large public position should be that we stay the course and we follow these things that we know how to keep us safe.



Woman put on medical protective mask for protection against coronavirus.

"I certainly hope that these simple but effective and research-oriented recommendations are useful and beneficial for long-term health!" said Dr. Myers. As always, talk to your own doctor if you worry about your well-being. And follow the foundations of public health and help put an end to this pandemic, no matter where you live:facial maskwhich adapts perfectly and is double layers, do not travel, the social distance, avoid the big crowds, do not go inside with people you do not go with (especially in the bars), practice a good hand hygiene, get vaccinated when it becomes available to you, and protect your life and the lives of others, do not visit these35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

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