17 immune boosters better than Emergen-C

Ditching the powder ...

It's time to split the powder! Associated with healthy lifestyle habits, a diet rich in germ fighting food can help keep the sniffings ...

When you have a cold, it's natural that you would like to believe that a small pack of Emergen-C would be enough to chase sniffings and bring you back to your feet. Of course, it is packed with 1000 milligrams ofvitamin CAs well as vitamins of zinc, manganese and b, but the truth is, Emergen-c is far from being cure - everything - and I should know, I am a nurse authorized, after all.

How can this be, you ask? Since this is not a cold drug approved by the FDA, Emergen-C does not necessarily have to move to rigorous testing to support the demands of its box before it strikes your pharmacy tablet. So, just put, you really do not have any way to know what is inside these small packages. Not to mention, the high doses of vitamin C still need to be conclusively proven to reduce the risk or duration of colds. AlthoughCochrane review The study revealed that supplementation could help eliminate the cold in marathon runners, skiers and soldiers working in undercontract climates, this has not yet been proven in more general population groups.

In addition, the body uses dietary sources of vitamins and minerals more efficient than supplements. So, the best way to flood your system with protective nutrients for health consists of eating an intelligent diet andImprove your immune system naturally. Associated with healthy lifestyle habits such as frequent hand washing, a diet rich in immune food can keep these coughs, sneezing, pain and pain to eliminate this cold and influenza season. Read on to find out which nutrients will strengthen your immunity and what daily habits can help make your system even stronger, always. And if you usually get brown headaches when a disease continues, do not miss our special report,20 best and worst foods for headaches.

First, nutrients ...




Find it in: Oysters, black meat turkey, legumes, yogurt, mushrooms, spinach, broccoli, nuts, seeds

Harvard University has recently identified five essential micronutrients to maintain a healthy immune system. And zinc overlooking a nutrient that helps strengthen the immune powers of vitamin C, makes the cup. Since your body does not produce the nutrient of its own nutrition, you must get it in your diet. The merchandise is that you do not even need mega-quantities to enjoy the immune benefits. Men aged 19 and over need 11 milligrams of zinc a day, while women the same ages need 8 milligrams.



brazil nuts

Find it in: Yellow tuna, beef nourished with grass, turkey, chicken, walnuts of Brazil

Not only does your body use selenium to help the thyroid function and keep your immune system strong, it can also help your more efficient influenza shot, according to the Medical Center at the University of Maryland. Harvesting benefits by adding foods rich in selenium such as yellow tuna and turf beef (which can be used to make delicious, juicyhamburgers) to your diet.


The iron

red, green, & brown lentils

Find it in: Kale, broccoli, beans, lentils, chicken, turkey, seafood, pumpkin seeds

The iron helps transport oxygen throughout the body, which makes it vital for an appropriate immune function. Without nutrient, your body can not get enough oxygen, which can leave you tired and more susceptible to disease. Fortunately, many iron-containing foods are also good options, such askale and broccoli. Sautés them with olive oil, garlic and earth pepper to keep the sniffings at the bay through the colder months.


The copper

raw cashews

Find it in: Cashew nuts, sunflower seeds, hazelnuts, almonds, lentils, dark chocolate, asparagus

While the idea of ​​eating a metal may seem a bit odd, copper is actually an essential essential element for a healthy immune system. Copper people with disabilities often have fewer white blood cells, according to the Institute of Pauling Linus from the State University of Oregon, which increases their susceptibility to infection. You will find the nutrient in a number of tastysuperfeument, including dark chocolate and lentils. Yum!




Find it in: Edamame, spinach, artichoke, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, lawyer, beans

Not only has the folate deficiency has been shown to a negative impact on immunity in animals, it is associated with increased susceptibility to human infection. Load on the nutrient to keep your body safe and without illness!


Vitamin a

eggs different colors

Find it in: Soft potatoes, carrots, kale, spinach, red peppers, apricots, eggs

Vitamin A allows the body of something called T cells. These red blood cells are special because the power to hunt not only down cells infected with germs, but destroy them too. Although the immune system of your body can help keep you healthy, T cells make more efficiently it is important to keep them fueled health as with names carrots, eggs and sweet potatoes. (We are great fans of these deliciousSweet potato recipes!)


Vitamin B6

banana bunch cms

Find it in: Chicken, bananas, yellow tuna, potatoes with skin, pork loin

Without vitamin B6, your body can not produce a number of its major immune fighters, including lymphocytes, a type of white blood cells.


Vitamin C

weight loss smoothies pineapple

Find it in: Pineapple, curly cabbage, cauliflower, strawberries, brussels sprouts, red pepper, guava

Vitamin C is in abundance in a number of healthy foods. For this reason, most doctors say that taking a supplement, like Emergen-C, is completely useless. Instead, respect your daily quota by mixing a smoothie with spinach and strawberries, or enjoying a tasty omelette with peppers and curly cabbage. All theseMust-do Brussels Sprout Recipes are powerful sources to stimulate the immune system of nutrients, too!


Vitamin E

peanut butter in heart shaped bowl

Find it in: Sunflower seeds, almonds, sunflower oil, hazelnuts, spinach, peanut butter

Vitamin C can get all stimulate the glory immune system, but vitamin E plays an important role to keep you free from germs, too. Liposoluble antioxidant lurks the body and fights free radicals that can weaken your immune system, according to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Sounds like a good reason you should focus on eating yourself, if you ask us!


Vitamin D

soft boiled egg toast

Find it in: Egg yolks, pork net, wildSalmon, Swordfish, tuna, shiitake mushrooms, cod liver oil, enriched milk, enriched yogurts and enriched cereals.

You may know that vitamin D stimulates the absorption of calcium and helps regulate hunger, but did you know that people with a low level of nutrient taking more colds or the flu than those who have the highest amounts? It's true! Scientists have found that vitamin D is essential to activate our immune defenses. Without sufficient intake of vitamin, T cells can not combat serious infections as effectively. While things like egg yolks and tuna contain nutrients, it is more readily available in fortified sources likeGreek yogurt, Milk, cereals. Although it is always better to reach a natural source of a nutrient, if you are not someone who eats eggs or tuna on the REG, are fortified names the best thing.



quinoa salad

Find it in: Whole grains, legumes, seeds and nuts

Magnesium is another from Harvard University recommended micronutrients and immune stimulant for good reason. Eating foods that contain the mineral has been associated with an improvement in the operation of the immune system. It is also thought to reduce inflammation in the body. No wonder nutritionists call this "magic magnesium! »




Find it in: Bananas, onions, leeks, asparagus, soy, whole wheat feeds

It is not exactly just that the probiotics of healthy intestine (which stimulate immunity and fight against infections) receive all attention. Because without prebiotics, these healthy bugs can not stay alive long enough to do their job. Instead of skipping a pill to get your filling, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics recommends eating prebiotic-rich dishes such as bananas and soy, which happens to be one of these25 The best food foods for muscle definition.




Find it in: Yogurt, kefir, cheese, miso, tempeh, sauerkraut, kimchi, non-dairy yogurts with living cultures

Also known as living or active cultures, probiotics promote healthy digestion and immunity. While dairy products like yogurt and kefir, contain live cultures, there are also non-dairy options, too. Miso, tempeh, sauerkraut and kimchi (which happens to be one of these if14 fermented foods to adapt to your diet) Adapt the whole mold.

Now, good habits ...



reading in hammock

Stress and depression not only do daily tasks feel impossible, they also seriously affect your immune system. In fact, people who are under a lot of stress have fewer T cells and gamma interferon (an antiviral protein that regulates the immune response) in their system than those who do not feel, according to the American Psychological Association ( APA). To bring more calm in your life and keep the diseases in Bay the APA suggests to meditate and reach out to good friends to speak through your stress. Looking for even more ways to relax? Do not miss our report,10 ways to relax if Healthy Works Food.


Stop smoking

well dressed man smoking

Kicking Your habit of cigarettes for the sidewalk is an immune stimulation stop that could save you tons of money! Smoking removes the immune system, destroys immune protection structures in the body and makes you all around more likely to catch an infection, according to a newspaper studyIgnition search. If you like the idea not only to breathe, but also have much less cold each year, give up the fumes.


wash your hands

washing hands

Wash your hands regularly is one of the simplest ways to strengthen your immunity and avoid colds, stomach viruses and flu. Yet it's something 40% of Americans do not, according to the American society of microbiology. To preserve diseases, challenge yourself to becoming a better washer by hand. Keep your hands covered with water and soap for at least 20 seconds and be sure to scrub the front and back of your legs and under your nails too! For even more ways to kill dangerous bugs, do not miss our report20 food combos that prevent common colds.


Cook with more garlic

pressed garlic

Who needs Emergen-C when you have garlic? In addition to its ability to scare vampires, the hot tasting bulb has been demonstrated to reduce the likelihood of catching a cold. It has also been shown that the material has also shown the severity of the symptoms of the flu, according to a study published in the newspaper.Nutrition.

Courtyard image of: Flickr

Categories: Healthy Eating
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