The facts of food that blows the most spirit you have never known

There are algae in your almond milk and your peanuts in dynamite. Discover exactly what you eat.

Whether you consider food only as fuel or you eat to taste each flavor and texture, everyone needs food to survive and perform one's daily tasks. In fact, every American eats on1,996 pounds of food a year. How is it wild? If you want to crowd Hershey kisses or joining a plate of carrots, here's100 Fun Facts on Food It could surprise you. And for more, do not miss these15 classical American desserts that deserve a return.


Arachibutyrophobia is a real thing

peanut butter

Do you hate that things stuck on the roof of your mouth? You're not alone; You could have an arachibutyrophobia. Arachibutyrophobia is the fear of gettingPeanut Butter glued on the roof of your mouth and be stifled.

But if you are a peanut butter lover, you will want to check these30 delicious things you can do with a peanut butter pot.


There is a spam museum

spam on shelf

Even though spam is a popular Hawaiian treatment, Spam's house is in Minnesota. There is even aspam museum.

RELATED: Sign up for our newsletter for daily recipes and new foods in your inbox!


Pennsylvania houses the "mushroom capital of the world"

Shiitake mushroom on wooden table

The"Capital of the mushrooms of the world" is located in Kennett Square, Pennsylvania. These are the largest mushroom exporters, followed by California.

RELATED: Your ultimate survival guide and supermarket is here!


Pound Gake has a very good reason for his name

sour cream pound cake

The book cake is called cake of books because there was a book of each ingredient in theoriginal recipe.


Hot chocolate is older than you think

hot chocolate with marshmallows and cinnamon in a blue mug

Maya and Aztec cultures were the first to do "hot chocolate". This precursor of hot chocolate has been used for religious ceremonies, including future celebrations and weddings.

RELATED: Learn to deposit your metabolism andlose weight in the intelligent way.


Honey is regurgled by bees

Honey dripping from honey dipper in wooden bowl

Honey is basicallyTo vomit. Some bees are "flowing" bees, which collect the nectar of flowering plants. The drifts drink the nectar and keep it in their "belly of honey". When the forerger bee takes the nectar to the hive, it reggters the nectar in the honey stomach of the "processor" bee near the entrance of the hive, which regurgges it on the hive and allows it to mature.


Sweet potatoes are not yams

sliced sweet potatoes

Igamy and sweet potatoes are not the same things.Here is the difference between the two root vegetables.

Now that you know the difference between them, put these sweet potatoes with good use with these25 healthy and delicious recipes of sweet potatoes.


Carrots come in many colors

Purple carrots

Although most carrots are orange, it turns out that it was not always like that. Theoriginal carrots were purple and yellow.


There is a reason for students to give apples to teachers

apples and pears

Never curious to know why students have always giftedapples to teachers? This is because of the 16th in the eighteenth century, teachers 'salaries were so weak, students' families would offset that by providing apples, which were a joint harvest during this period.

Put these apples with good use with these19 Apple healthy recipes.


The bugs could be hidden in your food

dark chocolate

Your favorite foods containFragments of bugs! The FDA allows a trace of bug parts in everyday items.


Wasabi is not true Wasabi

grated wasabi root

When you have Wasabi with your sushi, it's not always true Wasabi! Sometimes it is flavoredHorseradish.


Jelly beans are brilliant because of the Bellac

rainbow jelly beans

Have you ever wondered what brillies frozen beans? It's the same thing that makes your gloss manicure gel:shellac. It will appear on your food label under the pretext of "Glaze of the confectioner".


The nutmeg can cause hallucinations


Too much of a spice can be a bad thing, andNutmeg is not an exception. If you have two teaspoons or more of the spice, it can actually cause hallucinations!


Cucumbers are mostly water

Cucumber slices

The next time you feel dehydrated and you do not feel like drinking water, try wimming on acucumber; It's 96% water.


Gelatin is not vegetarian

Red jello

Products with gelatin in them are not exactly vegetarian or plant. Why?Gelatin is made from boiling skin, cartilage and animal bones such as pigs, cows and chickens.

If you do not mind its origins, however, the rich amino acid gelatin makes Jello one of the8 best snacks after training.


There is a reason for the lemons float

Lemon water

If you make your daily lemon water, you will notice thatlemons float. They float because they have a density similar to the water!


Almonds are not nuts

Tetiana Bykovets / Belvins

Almonds are seeds, not nuts. According toVegetable information center,The nuts are "a one-shake, dry and undeshemetric fruit with a hard pericarp, usually derived from an ovary to a locolate", but an almond is actually a "drupe". The plant information center defines adrupe like "a fleshy fruit with a stony endocarpe".


The peanuts are used to make dynamite (somehow)

roasted peanuts with salt in brown bowl

Peanut are actually an ingredient in dynamite. They have oil oil called glycerol that uses nitroglycerin, a key ingredient of dynamite.


American cheese is really "cheese product"

American Cheese

American cheese Has been available since the 1950s and has been manufactured by James L. Kraft. But unlike true cheese, American cheese slices are actually a "pasteurized cheese product". (In fact, that's why they are marked as "Americansimple"Instead of" American cheese ".) By the definition of FDA, cheese products have at least51% cheese-The rest is milk and additives.


Cranberries will bounce if they are fresh


You can make sure that yourcranberry are always good by throwing them on the counter and seeing if they bounce back to you.

Looking for more fresh product tips? here is27 subtle signs that you should not buy this product.


Olives were once a warm goods

olive oil

The documents in Syria imply that approximately 2,000 B.c.e.,Olive oil was five times more precious than wine and twice and a half times seed oils.


Balsamic vinegar is not always the real problem

Balsamic vinegar

A majority of balsamic vinegar sold in the United States is not legitimate because it's not about"Modena" (Yes, the Italian city ofMaster of no), even if the labels could suggest it. The real balsamic vinegar "must be at least 12 or 25 years old, and most importantly, it is done with Trebbiano grapes, thanks to the optimal weather conditions of the city, so it has a thick consistency."


Tea bags were created by accident

Person pours tea from a kettle close up shot

Although the British are famous for their tea obsession, it was an American who finally revolutionized the leafy beverage. New YorkerThomas Sullivan is credited to create tea bags. He would send samples of the product in silk bags and people started throwing them in the teapot. And that's how the tabs came to be. The rest is the story.


Flavoring vanilla has frightening ingredients

bowl of vanilla extract with rolling pin and cookie cutter

Be careful next time you cook or buy something vanilla-flavored, because artificial vanilla containsChateau, which is a product that comes from a gland in Beaver's buttocks.


Les Pins get their color from an interesting source

Holding mms in hand

Carmin is what gives red spoons or candy their ruby ​​hue. Carmin is made with boiled and cochinear bugs, aka beetles.

And for more facts about food, do not miss these33 Foods "Facts" you have always believed but are not true.


Ranch vinaigrette has a scary ingredient

ranch dressing

The closed vinaigrette by everyone's favorite has a strange ingredient. Ranch, for example, containsTitanium dioxide, which is what is used in sunscreen to give it its brilliant white color.


Froot buckle all have the same taste

Froot loops

Although Froot buckles come in many colors, they are all, in fact, the same "football flavor."


There is an ice cream of $ 350 Sundae in New York

vanilla bean ice cream in white dish with spoon

The most expensiveSundae ice creamCan be found in Serendipity 3 in New York. The Sundae has Tahitian vanilla cream with a gold leaf 23 karat, almonds, caviar and an orchid encrusted with sugar. It takes eight hours to do and come to a $ 350 baccarat crystal cup (with more gold leaves) and a golden spoon of 18 karat.


The pretzels were once a symbol of love

soft pretzels with cheese and mustard

During the 17th century,pretzels came to symbolize eternal love. According to Lore, in 1614, a Royal Suisse couple used a pretzel in their wedding to seal their link, and some historians believe that this is where "tie the knot" came from.


Mageirocophobia is a real thing

Chef placing meal on dish

Afraid to whip a meal? You could havemageirocophobiaAlso known as the fear of cooking. Although it seems superfire, it is quite common.

RELATED: This 7-day Smoothie diet will help you lose these last books.


Ketchup was formerly considered a great cure

French fries with ketchup on dark background, top view

In the 1830s,ketchup has been said to have medicinal properties. People thought it would heal diarrhea, indigestion, jaundice and rheumatism.


The M & M are named for good reason

bowls of m&m candies

M & M'sStands for Mars & Murie, who created the famous candy.


Popsexticles were invented by a child

Popsicle variety

Popsexticles were invented by 11 yearsFrank Epperson When left a mixture of powder soda, water and a mixture stick during the night in freezing temperatures.


Appleauce was the first food consumed in space

bowl of applesauce

The first food forever to be consumed in space wasApplesauce. (No, it was not the lyophilized ice cream!)


Candy cotton was created by a dentist

cotton candy

Quite strange, cotton candies were invented in 1897 by aDentiste. He has associated with a confectioner and has created cotton candies, which was called "Fairy Floss". Finally, another dentist has created a similar fairy machine in 1921 and called the "Candy Cotton" making that blocked better than the previous name.

Unfortunately, Candy cotton is probably one ofThings you will not see with the fairs of the state this summer.


White chocolate is not a real chocolate

White chocolate pretzels
Jasmine Waheed / Beldshshshsh

Latest news: White chocolate is not reallyChocolate. White chocolate does not contain black chocolate cocoa solids, which means it's not chocolate. However, it contains a ton of cocoa butter.


Tootsie Pops can take hundreds of escapes to go to the center

tootsie pop halloween candy 100 calories
Ann Marie Langrehr

Everyone knows that emblematic advertising on the number of blows it takes to get to the center of aPOP Toots. The truth is that it can take anywhere from 144 to 411 lots to go to the center.


"Pez" is short for a German word

Pez candy
Graceful pez

The name ofPez Candy From the German word for peppermint, "pfefferminz". Pez originally marketed as an anti-smoking device. In fact, the 1920s slogan was "forbidden smoking, perforated."


3 Musketeers had at the origin of Napolitan flavors

3 musketeer halloween candy 100 calories
Ann Marie Langrehr

This candy was originally called this because they have pieces of vanilla, strawberries and chocolate candies in them! WhileThe Second World WarDue to the rations, they converted it to the chocolate.


Yubari King Cantaloupes is really expensive

wooden bowl of sliced cantaloupe

Yubari King Cantaloupe is the most expensive fruit of the world. They have been auctioned for $ 275.


Grenada seeds vary


AGrenade can actually have a number of seeds.


Apples can stay cool for a long time

organic apples in wooden box

Someapples You buy in the supermarket can be more than a year! They are always fresh because they took place at cold storage.


Carrots can turn your skin orange

organic carrots on wood

Unfortunately, carrots do not really improve your night vision, but if you have too many carrots, your skin can transform orange. (Yes, it is like thatMagic school bus episode.)


The potatoes have been planted in space

variety of potatoes

Potatoes were the first vegetables never planted in space. They were first brought into space in October 1995 and aboard the Columbia spatial shuttle in its microgravity astroculture laboratory.


The radishes were once used as a form of payment


In ancient Egypt,radishes, as well as onions and garlic, were given to workers as wages. These were provided to the workers because they contributed to infectious diseases.

RELATED: Learn how to exploit the power of tea to lose weight.


The asparagus goes wrong enough

jewel osco asparagus

Asparagus loses his fastest flavor of all vegetables; Therefore, it is better to eat it on the day of purchase.


Hershey kisses could have been covered with caramel

Hershey kisses

BeforeMilton Hershey Created his famous Hershey chocolate, he owned the Lancaster Caramel company. He started covering his chocolate caramels and the rest is the story.


Poupage fish can be dangerous

Puffer fish

Polishing fish is a delicacy in Japan, despite the tetodotoxin it is. If the fish is not prepared correctly, it can easily kill the emotional eatery. Because it's so dangerous, the leaders are required to train more than two years, and then take an extremely difficult review (one-third of the candidates failing) before being able to cook it.


Fries are not France

hamburger and French fries

French fries were created in Belgium, not France!They are called French fries because of the way they are prepared; They are Juliens.


Gum acute originally birch bark


The first gum was from Europe more than 9.00 years ago, but it was far from the gum we know and love today. People were originally birch bar at chewing!

And if you like gum, here isThe 25 best and most worst chewing gums.


Twinkie Cream is not really cream

wrapped hostess twinkie
Shutterstock / LensCap Photography

The cream in the middle of aTwinkie is not the cream at all. In fact, it is a shortening especially of vegetables. Note that only one Swinkie has 37 ingredients!


Oreos used a different name

oreos classic
Graceful of Oreo

The Oreos were originally called "Oreo cookies"When they were produced for the first time. The Oreo cookie we know and we like today comes in countless flavors, but when these cookies have made their debut, they launched the original chocolate cookies and a flavor Lemon meringue.


Algae is used to manufacture dairy products

seaweed salad in bowls

Even if you do not order Nori, you always enjoy some algae in your food.Carragenaenan(A type of seaweed) is commonly used as a thickening and emulsifier agent in dairy and non-dairy products, such as chocolate milk, cheese, ice cream and cottage cheese.


"Dorito" is a Spanish word


WordDorito means "little golden things" in Spanish.


Honey walnut cheerios has changed recipes over time


Do you see nuts in honey walnut cheerios? We neither. The current recipe is actually a change in the formulation of origin 1979. Thefirst recipe Keep real almonds until 2006, but the nuts were replaced by a "natural almond flavor".

And if that does not ring appetizing, here is the10 best healthy cereals.


The pumpkin pie is hundreds of years

Pumpkin pie

The holiday holidays were introduced to the second Thanksgiving in 1623.


The lollipops have a lot of history, too

Lollipop stick

Lollipop have been about thousands of years! The rumor has the caves invented them by collecting honey honey with a stick and licked the stick to eat them.


Figs are manufactured by wasps

raw figs

Fig are made by wasps of the fig that rise inside the fig, dropping the flower.


Pepper lobes have signed something

Sliced red bell pepper

pepper Have different amounts of lobes, which can help determine their use. Four lobes are sweeter and are the best wines, while three-lobe peppers are better cooked.


Corn can be used just about anything

corn cob

But is one of the most versatile crops. In fact, there are more than 4,000 different uses for corn. You can find in anything from your animal's food to the artifice.

We recommend using corn in these20 corn recipes that crush it.


Canned white tuna has a high mercury content

Canned tuna light

White canned tuna Spread three times Mercury as the piece light.


Decaf coffee is not really decaffe

Dark roasted coffee

Most of the Café Decaf still has a caffeine.


Oranges often have the same number of pieces

orange slices

When it comes to eating an orange, there are usually 10 segments in a fruit!


Blueberries used a different name


Blueberry Have been called "star berries" by Native Americans, for the flower at the end of the berries looks like a five-point star.


Leeks have an old background

Prebiotic foods

The leeks were a favorite of the Roman Emperor Nero because he thought he had helped strengthen his voice.

Put these leeks with good use in thisFrittata recipe vegetable.


Strawberries are not technically bays


Strawberries It's not real bays because the berries have only seeds inside and strawberry seeds are outside.


The pineapples have been named for their appearance


When the first explorers sawPineappleThey thought they looked like pine cones, which is how tropical fruits had his name.


Mango inspired a fabric pattern

mango chunks on a plate

The popularpaisley pattern is actually based on mango!


Ice cream has old roots

ice cream

Ice cream has been around for a very long time. In the fifth century, B.C., the Greeks enjoyed a dish similar to ice cream and from there that the love of ice cream grew up.


Chocolate chip cookies have been created by accident

pile of chocolate chip cookies

According to the legend, theCookie with chocolate chips has a ton of original stories. Some say Ruth Wakefield (the Creator) unexpectedly missed nuts for ice cream cookies and used chocolate pieces. Another theory is that the pieces of chocolate fell into the industrial mixer, but none of these rumors are confirmed to be true.

However, they were invented, you can not go wrong with these25 best recipes from chocolate chip cookies on the internet.


The wedding cakes were once tasty

Wedding cake slice

The first onewedding cake was actually tasty. The recordings of the wedding cakes date back to ancient Rome when a groom has sealed his wedding by crushing a barley cake on the bride's head.


Margherita Pizza was named for a queen

Margherita pizza

King Umberto I and Queen Margherita visited Naples in 1889, while the story goes. They bored fancy food and askedPizza, who was a food for the poor. The Queen loved the "Pizza Mozzarella", a tart with soft white cheese, tomatoes and basil. From there, this combo became known as Margherita.


Thomas Jefferson is responsible for your love of pasta

variety of pasta

Thomas Jefferson is credited with popular pasta manufacturing in America. He brought the firstMacaroni machine In the United States after spending time in Paris. He even created the design itself. He was also the first person to introduce Mac and the cheese to the Americans.


Pasta have old roots too

Cavatelli pasta

The pasta go all the way back to theEtruscan civilization (between the third and eighth centuries B.C.). Their "pasta" were made of griding cereals, grains and water.


There is a turn to revive the stale bread

White bread

If yourbread Shassime, there are two simple ways to revive it. One is to execute it under water and the other is to heat it at the oven at 300 to 325 degrees Fahrenheit for six to seven minutes.

Do you want to make your own bread recipes at home? here is3 breakdown recipes that you will love.


Edible oysters do not have pearls


The oysters you eat are a different species from those carrying pearls. The types that are consumed are called OSTRIDS and pearl producing oysters are called Ptaroid.


Lobsters were once a common food

Lobster tail

Once upon a time, lobsters were served as a penitentiary food and considered food for the poor because they were so many.


Broccoli is here because of Thomas Jefferson, too

frozen broccoli

Thomas Jefferson was quite the gardener. He introduced pasta to the United States as well asbroccoli and other vegetables from France.


Peas are some of the coolest frozen vegetables

frozen peas

Frozenpea are frozen in the two and a half hours of harvest.


Green beans are covered with small hair

Canned green beans bacon onion

Green beans Having tiny hairs on them that can trap bugs.

Try VEGGIE in one of these17 recipes of healthy green beans.


The files were formerly thoughts to treat the scurvy


The limes were one of the cures ofscurvy, A disease caused by vitamin C deficiency. Although lemons and oranges are fruits rich in vitamin C of origin to cure the disease, doctors thought that lime juice would be more efficient because they have more acid than lemon juice.


Cauliflower comes in four colors

Purple cauliflower

Cauliflower is not just white. Veggie comes in four different colors, including orange and purple. The next time you shop, choose one of the colorful cabbage to enjoy nutrients and extra benefits.


The lima beans contain cyanide

Lima beans

Lima Crus beans contain a large amount of cyanide, which is deadly for humans; However, beans are safe to eat as long as they are carefully cooked.


The rhubarb leaves are not cautious to eat

organic rhubarb on cutting board

Rhubarb is not toxic, but its leaves are. They containOxalic acid, which can lead to stomach and kidney problems.


The cashew nuts are not nuts

spiced cashews in a white ceramic bowl against a grey background

Unlike popular belief, cashew nuts are not nuts; They are actually seeds. They can also be toxic because ofanacardic acid, which can cause damage to your body.

Try to use cashew nuts in thisBlackBerry Chia Pudding Recipe.


Chile's pepper flesh is the hottest part of the plant

bowl of chili peppers with chili pepper sliced in half

The hottest part of thechilli pepper is not the seeds, but the flesh.


Kiwi is healthy for more reasons than a

kiwi in bowl

To eatKiwi Helps your body treat the protein.


Parsley will get rid of the onion breath

onion, garlic, shallot

Nobody likes breathtaking onion. How can you get rid of it? Biteparsley.


Aubergines are not vegetables


Eggplant are not vegetables; They are actually bays. However, they are classified, they are perfect in one of these21 delicious eggplant recipes.


Bananas are clones

banana bunches

The Banana Cavendish is without bird and can not reproduce, so each banana is a clone.


Papaya allergies and latex allergies go by hand


If you have a latex allergy, you are probably allergic topapaya.


There are more varieties of pear than you think


There are more than 3,000 varieties ofpears In the world, and America produces 84% ​​of them.


Greek yogurt is rich in protein

Bowl of greek yogurt

MoreGreek yogurt Doubles the amount of protein as a regular counterpart.


Coconuts are the Pacific

raw coconut halves

Coconut come in areas close to the Oceans of the Pacific and Indian. Pacific coconuts were probably grown in the Philippines, Malaysia and Indonesia, while Indians were grown in Sri Lanka, Maldives and Laccadives.


Watermon is the vegetable of the official state of Oklahoma (no fruit)

sliced chunked watermelon

Watermelon is Oklahoma's official vegetable. Yes, Oklahomans considers that the watermelon is a vegetable (another amusing fact: it's part of the cucumber family), but if you ask for a botanist, they will tell you that summer products are a fruit.

All you call a watermelon is delicious in these25 water melon recipes.


Chickpeas have a lot of names

Roasted spiced sweet chickpeas

Chickpeas, Garbanzo beans, Sanagalu, the beans of this, Chana and Bengal Gram are all the same things. Do not onlyChickpeas Have a ton of names, but they also come in a variety of colors, such as red, black, brown and pale yellow.


Oats is used to do a lot of other foods

rolled cut oats being measured

groats is commonly used as a stabilizer in foods such as ice cream.


Sugar is good for more than mere food

Sugar on background

If you addsugarFor a freshly cut flower vase, it can help prolong their lives.


There is a world record for the largest tomato

halved cherry tomatoes with knife on cutting board

The heaviest tomato In the world weighed 8.61 pounds and was cultivated in Washington State.


SODA contains frightening chemicals

man and woman drinking soda in a restaurant

Some soda Use an ingredient called sodium benzoate, which can react with acid in the soda to create benzene: a compound that has been associated with cancer .

And when you cook at home, do not miss these 52 hacks of changing cooking of life that will be happy to cook again .

Categories: Healthy Eating
Tags: Facts
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