12 habits that steal your youth

In the pursuit of youth and beauty, resort to radical methods, sometimes people forget that it is the little things form a way of life. We collected 12 bad habits that slowly but surely steal your youth and health. Hurry, before it can make a difference.

In the pursuit of youth and beauty, resort to radical methods, sometimes people forget that it is the little things form a way of life. We collected 12 bad habits that slowly but surely steal your youth and health. Hurry, before it can make a difference.

1. Hot pose "foot to foot"
If you have a sedentary lifestyle, avoid this posture. It forms a grid of varicose veins in the legs and can lead to varicose veins. To avoid stagnation of blood in the pelvic area, controls how sit, or buy a good computer chair. In every possible situation, try to lift your legs higher.

2. Do you often rub the eyes from fatigue
Work at the computer, and in general fatigue, is the reason that you are part of the third eye. Because of this, the cilia eventually lose its beauty, and the skin under the eyes no longer look young. Experts advise to develop the habit of doing gymnastics eye every 20 minutes.

3. Pereuserdstvovanie with makeup
Girls often, trying to be beautiful, or succumbing to fashion trends, overdo makeup. Remember that facial pores get clogged, which causes irritation and leads to premature aging of the skin. By the way, is now in the trend nonturing and maximize natural complexion.

4. Running every day - it is evil
Not all experts are 100% agree with the opinion that the movement - is life. They believe that excessive physical activity leads to accelerated skin aging. All is good in moderation, most importantly, listen to your body.

5. Do you drink a lot of fresh juice
No one denies that eat mostly fruits and vegetables - good for health because they are rich in the elements that fight free radicals. But abused fresh juices and drink them every day is not necessary. The fact is that they have too much fructose, which under certain intracellular compounds leads to the appearance of wrinkles. Instead of juice, nutritionists recommend drinking a smoothie of green vegetables: their action rejuvenates the body.

6. You comb wet hair and dry hair dryer too hot
Hair - an indicator of health and youthfulness of the body. If you comb them wet, and then hot-dried - can forget about beauty. Since hair is made dry, thin and brittle. It should set the thermal protection and dried at a temperature range average.

7. Do you drink a lot of milk
Milk is rich in calcium and other nutrients, but again, you need to control the amount if you want to look young and beautiful for years to come. The milk has androgens, because of which the sebaceous glands are working hard. So the person becomes tired, and the pores of the skin become clogged. It benefits the appearance it is not accurate.

8. You wear too often "tail"
If you have medium or long hair, you, of course, often wearing a "tail." It should change your hairstyle as tight tightening will cause bald patches, if not impartial baldness. Try to collect hair in a bun instead of the "tail".

9. You forget about sunscreen for hands and body
Not only the person in need of protection from ultraviolet radiation. Need to be protected from the sun year-round, but you need to apply the cream not only on the face, but also on the hands. It hands more often give women age. Under the influence of sunlight on the hands appear dark spots and wrinkles. In the summer do not forget the neck and décolleté.

10. Do you remember the resentment
For your youth it is important to get rid of long-standing grievances. It is proved that there is a connection between forgiveness and physical health. Resentment accumulate in body weight, increase blood pressure and blood sugar levels. Not peretruzhdaetsya organism unnecessary ballast.

11. Women's handbag - a bottomless well of the "right" things
About the capacity of women's handbags already legendary. There you can find anything you want, and its weight is sometimes just horrified. Often, there is half of the unnecessary things that their weight spoil your posture and the condition of the spine as a whole. It should carry a bag less, and if you still need for it has often outweigh it from one shoulder to the other.

12. You are too often touching her face
Absolutely unconsciously people too often touch his face, but it is fraught with consequences. Microbes and continuous stretching of the skin from wrinkles and leads to infections. In this case it could save only self.

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