10 surprising things mint make your body

Mint juleps. Chocolate desserts with mint. Mint flavored tea. Detoxification water with mint. The easy-to-grow grass has so many uses for food and drink - but its health benefits also deserve love.

We do not suggest that you go on a chocolate rod diet, but here is a fun search: when the participants in a study sniffed peppery mint every two hours, they lost an average of five pounds. This allowed us to think about how we tend to consider mint (and children, peppermint, menthemint, etc.) as an ingredient of recipes or as a way to refresh your breath, but there is There are so many others to these properties of the plant.

Used in folk medicine for centuries, a ton of modern research has confirmed many of these benefits for the alleged health of the aromatic plant. Below you will find ten tangible problems for which mint can be an ingenious solution, and not just for the limitation of your appetite. If you are wondering why you can not lose weight, make sure to checkDiet and fitness experts explain why you do not lose weight!


Loss of weight to mint help

weight loss success

True Story: Mint can be your secret weapon with weight loss. It works by stimulating digestive enzymes that absorb nutrients of food and consume grease and transform it into usable energy. It's a clever herb!

In 2003, researchers wanted to test the influence of 14 herbs and spices on the activities of digestive pancreasis enzymes and small intinesses of rats. They found that mint was one of the spices that reinforce these activities, transforming energy more effectively. If you read this, it's unlikely that you are a rat, but your digestive system works in the same way. By adding mint to yourdiet, more than the fat you eat will be used, as opposed to what your pants are restricted.


Mint helps with indigestion and gas

stomach pain

These two are some of the least attractive evils we can suffer. This double act can be uncomfortable for us and, uh, uncomfortable for those around us. The ancestors, living in the years before Beano and Pepto-Bismol, used mint leaves to facilitate their discomfort and prevent their redness. Mint is thought to improve the flow of bile through the stomach, which helps accelerate and facilitate digestion. For this reason, peppermint tea is a cure for the common house for flatulence and can also relieve the pain and discomfort of gas andblocker.


Mint increases mental vigilance and memory

mentally alert

The next time you plan to pick up a breathtaking refit package, choose mint on any other flavor. A recent study that has examined the effect of chewing gum on vigilance and has found that people who frequently use mint-based chewing gum, had higher levels of memory conservation and mental vigilance than Those who did not do it. Your move? If you feel less than brilliant, put something mint in your mouth and see if your brain gets a boost!


Mint calms seasonal allergies

seasonal allergies

Mint plants contain aantioxidant called Rosmarinic acid. It is a chemical compound found in a variety of plants (but most of them are not as pleasant and versatile as mint). Rosmarinic acid has been studied for its effectiveness in relieving the symptoms of seasonal allergy and it has been shown to be a promising treatment because of its anti-inflammatory properties.


Mint Issies Pain relief

head and neck pain

The next time you encounter headaches or other pain in your body, try to go to herbal garden before making a trip to the pharmacy. Chewinging Some mint leaves could only be as effective as conventional painkillers, according to researchers from the University of Newcastle. Scientists testing the pain relief of the properties of Hypetis Crenata (otherwise known as the Brazilian mint) on mice found that this intriguing plant transformed into tea and consumed could be as effective as the synthetic aspirin style drug indomethacin . Try to add mint to a smoothie, as we did in these56 Best Smoothie Recipes for Weight Loss!


Mint fights the symptoms of colds

common colds

Having a cold is never fun and two of the least fun symptoms are an accumulation of phlegm and mucus. While you may need to need a frost-free pill to help you move this phlegm and mucus, mint can be effective for breaking part of this hazel. Bonus: If you have sore throat, mint can be combined withtea Provide effective relief.


Mint helps nausea

dizzy and sick

Feel a little green around the gills? Pince some green mint leaves, tear them in your hands and hands. The strong and refreshing aroma of mint is a quick and effective remedy for nausea.


Mint makes breastfeeding more comfortable

mother with baby

The jury is always on the benefits of breastfeeding for babies. But the jury is however in the role of Mint in the reduction of nipple discomfort that women can experiment with breastfeeding. Peppermint water is effective in preventing nipple cracks and nipple pain in the fight against primiparous women, has reported a study published by the International Breastfeeding Journal. Pregnant? To findThese 6 bad habits You must avoid.


Mint soothes rashes

woman checking skin

Mint can be great for you, too! When MINT is in an ointment or lotion, it has a calming and cooling effect on the skin that has been affected by insect bites, rashes or other reactions.


Mint helps relieve IBS

stomach pain

If you suffer from IBS, you are not alone. It is estimated that it fully affects a fifth of the American population. In 2011, Australian researchers showed for the first time how peppermint can help relieve irritable intestine syndrome. In their study, they describe how the peppermint activates an "anti-pain" channel in the colon, soothing inflammatory pain in the gastrointestinal tract. In the treatment of IBS, it is important to know the peppermint oil must be delivered to the colon to absorb. Ordinary gelatin capsules release it into the stomach, which can cause gastric acid reflux. Super not fun. Do not miss the37 IBS remedies that will change your life!

Categories: Healthy Eating
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