Popular foods that can lead to a heart attack

Cut these foods from your diet could now help protect your heart in the future.

Cardiac disease is theMain cause of death in the United States, Claiming more than 365,000 lives in 2018, more than all types of cancer and a combined chronic lower respiratory disease - according to the American Heart Association. While some people can beMore susceptible to heart disease Among the others because of their genetics, there are innumerable modifiable factors that can help reduce your risk of heart attack in the future, including changing your diet. If you want to reduce your risk of cardiac attack, it is time to reduce these foods from your meal plan as soon as possible. And if you want to do on your diet in no time, checkThe 7 healthiest foods to eat right now.


Fried food

fried chicken

Although it's probably not surprising thatfried food, fried chicken with French fries, are not exactly friends at your waist, it can surprise you how bad they are for your heart. According to a 2014 study published inThe American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, fried food consumption wassignificantly associated with the development of coronary artery disease (CAD), a common risk factor for cardiac crises. Among the study topics that have consumed french fries between four and six times a week, the 23% corpse risk of 23% compared to those who ate french fries lower than once a week.

And if you want to reduce your risk of heart attack, check these20 foods that can help reduce your risk of heart disease.


A soda


The soda is undeniably bad for your teeth and your bellies, but you may not realize how much it can also damage your heart. A 2019 study published in the journalTraffic foundDrink two sodas or more sweet sweet One day has increased the risk of death of cardiovascular disease by 21%.

RELATED: For healthier new foods delivered to your inbox,Subscribe to our newsletter.


Red meat

steak and potatoes on a plate

If you want to protect your heart, limit yourRed meat consumption is a smart place to start. A 2020Bmj Study that followed 43,272 adult men without cardiovascular disease at the appearance of the study over 30 years have found that consumeA portion of any type of red meat a day was associated with a 12% increase in the risk of cardiovascular disease.

If you want to add a healthier protein to your diet, start with the35 best sources of vegan protein to help you crush the desires and to feel fully.



bacon slices closeup

Processed meat, such as bacon, can be a treat for your taste buds, but it could make serious damage to your heart.

A 2020 study published inJAMA internal medicine found that among 29,682 adults, those who were eating meats twice a week, with a portion of two tranches of bacon, two small laisons of sausage, or a single hot dog - the risk of heart attack was up toSeven percent higher that in those who have consumed any processed meat. Looking for healthier ways to increase your protein consumption? To verifyThe 35 best high protein snacks at the supermarket.

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