These baby foods contain lead, arsenic and other toxins, declare

Seven baby food brands are mentioned in a new report from the House of American Representatives.

Baby food products from seven different companies contain significant levels of toxic heavy metals, including arsenic, lead, cadmium and mercury, according toA report from the Subcommittee on Economic Policy and Consumers in the House of American Representatives.

The report, published on February 4, names baby food brandsHappybaby, Beech-Nut, the best bio, Gerber, Campbell's Plum Organics, the choice of the Walmart Parent and the Organic Foods of Sproutand presents results showing that their products have significantly higher levels oftoxins that is authorized by the regulations.Specifically, baby foods analyzed contained 91 times the level of arsenic, 177 times the level of lead, 69 times the cadmium level, and 5 times the mercury level. (In touch:Vitamin doctors exhort everyone to take right now.)

"Exposure to toxic heavy metals results in a permanent decrease in Qi, a decrease in future economic productivity and an increased risk of future criminal and antisocial behavior in children," said the report. "Toxic heavy metals endanger infant neurological development and long-term cerebral function".

Four of the companies responded to requests for documentation on ingredients and test policies. But three,WalmartCampbell and pushes organic foods, did not do it. The report says it could mean that their toxin levels can be even higher than expected.

In the past, Hain, who sells the best organic of the earth, said that its products contain ingredients based on "theoretical calculations" and underestimate. To prevent this from happening again, the subcommittee calls for mandatory tests, the labeling of changes to toxin levels, and for companies voluntarily eliminate the toxins of their products.

It also calls for FDA to define maximum levels of heavy metal toxins allowed in baby foods. Finally, it warns that parents should be vigilant and pay attention to the brands they buy.

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