Drink that these many cups of coffee are bad

A doctor shares the maximum amount of caffeine you should have every day to avoid side effects.

Sipping on a cup ofCoffee is a focal part of the morning ritual many people. Some may even require some cups of coffee for their day to go. Nevertheless, as is the case with most drinks and food, consuming too much of one thing can wreak havoc on your body.

Todd Sontag, do, a family medicine doctor withOrlando Health Associates, gives its context on the point of drinking too much that a stimulant can cause problems to arise in the body - and interestingly. In addition, be sure to refer to5 side effects of drinking too much coffee For more reason to monitor the number of cups you drink every day.

Is it possible to have too much caffeine every day?

"The recommended maximum caffeine dose that has proven to be consumed safely by adults is 400 milligrams daily," says Songtag.

For the context, 400 milligrams are about four ounce coffee cups. More than this can cause insomnia and even heart problems. He adds that drinking more than has been shown thatconvulsions. However, for pregnant women, Sontag says that the cup should be 300 milligrams. Gil Weiss, M.D., OB / Gyn Partner of the Women's Health Care Association declaredEat this, not that!Before pregnant women should drink even less than that.

"Most experts agree that consuming less than 200 milligrams of caffeine should have no impact on fertility," he said.

What are the potential side effects of drinking too many coffee cups?

"Have 400 milligrams of caffeine, or 4 cups of coffee or a little more energy, you can cause an anxiety, insomnia and fast heart rate," says Songtag."In pregnant women, consume 300 milligrams, or three cups of coffee, or 10 chocolate bars, or an energy drink, has been linked to an increased risk of miscarriage."

For breastfeeding women also encourages the reduction of caffeine because large quantities of stimulants are associated with problems of sleep, intestinal problems and irritability in babies.

It also emphasizes that chroniclecaffeine Consumption can lead to developing a tolerance, which means you could become more likely to increase the number of coffee cups you drink. This could, in part, lead to psychological dependence.

"There are many other potential side effects, and as with any medicine or medication, you will not know how it affects you until you try it," says Songtag. "The threshold of 400 milligrams is considered standard, but for some people, it may be much higher or lower doses that lead to undesirable side effects. It has also been shown that it interacts with interacting with many drugs and supplements. "

At the end of the day, everyone has its own respective limit for caffeine consumption. Listen to your body and know that if you are taking medications, make sure to check with your doctor if caffeine affects it negatively.

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