What happens to your body when you eat fruits

Is the really healthy fruit for you? We asked the experts.

What you should not lovefruit? These are basically nature candies - offering the perfect cup for your breakfast cereals, a convenient snack when you are on the race and ahealthy dessert You can feel good to eat. That you appreciate a banana decided with yourNight oats or berries in yourGreek yogurtYou may be wondering how your habits affect your health - and what happens to your body when you eat fruit is actually enough amazing. As they say, an apple a day is moving the doctor and there is definitely a ton of benefits to eat these foods. However,The experts say that the key to reap the benefits without any negative effects is grasping the old mantra "all in moderation".

"In the short term, when we eat fruit, we immediately ingest dietary fiber, vitamins, minerals, water, electrolytes, phytochemicals and antioxidants," says Brooke Glazer, RDN, nutrition consultant forRSP Nutrition. "In the long term, sufficient fruit consumption is linked to a reduced risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Fruits are also associated with weight management and risk. Reduced obesity. "

Quite impressive, right? But that's not all that eats fruits to your body. Here's what you need to know.


Your blood glucose will increase.

man eating fruit

According to the certified nutritionistPaul Claybrook(MS, MBA, CN), fruits can increase your insulin levels because you digest thecarbohydrates It contains, your blood glucose naturally increases.

"Do not worry, it's not a bad thing," says Claybrook. "Most fruits have at least one moderate glycemic index, which ultimately means that it is a more gradual increase in blood sugar followed by a constant decrease - how it is supposed to be."

This is because the sugar found in the fruits is not the same thing that you will find in a donut or soda, which is absorbed almost instantly. Claybrook explains that sugar chains in fruits must be broken down by your digestive system before you can enter your blood, which takes time, thus preventing a sudden tip.

However, this assumes that you eat a moderate amount of fruit. The ideal amount of fruit to consume depends on your age, sex and level of physical activity - but the Glazer recommends aiming for about two to three servings of whole fruits a day. If you do it too much in one session, Claybrook says your blood glucose can do too much blood glucose.

"When you consume a lot of fruit, you get a constant stream of a lot of sugar rather than a constant flow of sugar as you would with a normal portion size," he explains. "As an event. Unique, it's not a big part of a problem, but that binging on fruits could frequently be a problem. "


You can get (temporarily) bloated.

Woman with fruit in kitchen

Do not be alarmed if you feel slightly bloated immediately after eating fruit. Although it is one of the most unpleasant side effects, experts say it's quite common.

Nutrition Founder Andres Ayesta (MS, RD, LD, CSCS, CSSD) Indicates that you are more likely to experiment bloating and indigestion when you eat excess fruits, so it emphasizes that moderation is the key. However, you can always notice a soft bloating even after eating a normal portion size.

"This is due to fruitsfiber-rich Content and can also cause bloating for people who have difficulty decomposing a particular fruit, "says Glazer". But remember that bloating is not equal to gain and eating whole fruits are not associated withweight gain. "


You will get a heavy dose of antioxidants.

washing raspberries with water in strainer

Now you have probably heard aboutantioxidants- These substances have long been salaried for their anti-aging advantages against cancer and anti-aging benefits. Well, many fruits are full of them. In particular, Ayeta stated that citrus fruits are high in vitamin C, mangoes are packed with beta-carotene, watermelon is loaded with lycopene and berries and apples offering many other important antioxidants.

"Antioxidants act as chances in the body to clean free radicals," Glazer explains. "Free radicals (are molecules that cause damage and lead to the development of diseases and advanced aging. So eating colorful fruits rich in antioxidants prevent us from staying healthy and young."

Claybrook adds that antioxidants also increase both your immune system as well as decreased inflammation.

"They help the immune system by eliminating a lot of free radicals that the immune system would normally treat," he explains. "Your immune system can only do many things at a time and if it can not follow all free radicals and some end up reacting with, say that DNA, you might find yourself with cancer."

Since each type of antioxidant has health benefits, Glazer recommends the passage in which types of fruits you eat on everyday life.


You will probably feel complete.


While fruit really has minute quantities of protein, it can still be surprising satiated. According to the experts, this is because it is raised in the water andfiber.

"Fiber creates" in bulk "and therefore slows down the digestion of a food," says Claybrook. "When fiber aspires the water, it is much larger and once your stomach extends enough, you feel satiated. »

Ayesta adds that both fiber and water content contribute to a lot of volume in the stomach, which gives you the feeling of satiety without providing a ton of calories.

"A cup of pineapple contains about 80 calories and can be a satiating or" dessert "after a meal feel you satisfied while providing hydration, fibers and vitamins and minerals. »


You will have hydrated.

Apple slicer

Did you know that an apple is 85% water? Or that strawberries are composed of about 92% water? Since the fruits are rich in water content, they can certainly help hydration - especially varieties such as melon and pineapple, according to Ayesta.

"As you usually eat fruit, you get a lot more water than anything else," says Claybrook.

It makes an ideal fruitPost-training snack Or fast pick-me-up on a canicular summer day.


You will help your body execute basic functions.

Fruit bowl

Your body is based on certain vitamins and minerals to function properly and fortunately, the fruits is loaded with a lot of essential nutrients.

"Fruit offers a variety of vitamins and minerals that help the body in hundreds of metabolic processes," says Ayesta. "For example, potassium in bananas help in nervous signals, muscle contraction and fluid equilibrium. »

The essential? Eating fruit helps your body work more efficiently.

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