Drink a single energy drink has these immediate effects on your body

It's more than just an increase in energy you get what you can.

If you crash open a box of your preferenceenergy drink To go in the morning or pass through this mid-afternoon crisis, you are not alone. According to a 2018 analysis of the research published in theAmerican Journal of Preventive Medicine,Beverage energy consumption in adolescents and adults In the United States, the United States increased by seven times between 2003 and 2016.

Although you get the energy you are looking for when you drink energy consumption, you will also get a number of side effects that you may not have negotiated for-many from where you can do the Experience as soon as you have finished a box. Read it to discover the experts of energy energy side effects want you to watch. And if you want to improve your diet in no time, checkThe 7 healthiest foods to eat right now.


You can find your cardiac campsite.

Woman having chest pain and coughing while lying down on sofa at home.

A bit like a cup of coffee or other highly caffeinated foods, drink a drink of energy canMake your heart beat As if you just run a marathon.

"Increased heart rate and cardiac palpitations ... are caused by the large amount of caffeine found in a single energy drink," saysSandy Younan Brikho, MDA, RDN, ofThe dish on nutrition.

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You can rush into the bathroom.


It's not just your heart that can support the weight of your energy consumption - you can also find your bladder feel the impact of these heavy caffeine drinks.

"As caffeine acts like a diuretic, it makes you urinate more frequently," says Younan Brikho.


Your body temperature can increase.

Lady Holding Thermometer Having Fever Measuring Body Temperature Sitting On Sofa At Home

Is it hot here, or is it just that the energized drink you just piloted?

Citing a 2014 study published in theBiological rhythms, Younan Brikho notes that the energizing drinksMay cause a temporary increase in temperature Shortly after consumption. "This results from high caffeine content and has been associated with increased vigilance," she says.


Your blood pressure can increase.

Nurse is taking blood pressure in the pharmacy

If you have reason to worry about yourarterial pressureYou may want to keep your energy consumption at a minimum or to avoid them completely.

"Caffeine in energizing drinks can cause a short and spectacular increase in blood pressure," saysAllison Gregg, RDN, LD / N, a nutrition consultant toMom loves better. "People with already high blood pressure should use extreme caution before eating energizing drinks." And if you want to get your blood pressure in a healthier range, check out the20 healthiest foods that lower blood pressure.


You can experience an energy accident.

woman lying on sofa having fever

What goes up must go down - and this includes yourenergy level after having energy consumption.

"The two main ingredients of the energizing drinks are caffeine and sugar. Although these two are temporarily increases energy, it is short-lived. After the boost of energy, a sharp drop in energy and Fatigue potentially fatigue and lethargy, "says Gregg. And if you want to keep your energy high all day, check the30 best foods that give you an energy all day.

Categories: Healthy Eating
Tags: Drinks / Energy / Unhealthy
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