8 side effects of eating lawyers daily

These are the advantages supported by the science of eating this fatty fruit.

Man does not live alone by bread; He needs toast. And, apparently, not just toast toast-lawado. Americans are obsessed with the lawyer. Consumption has tripled over the last 20 years according to the USDA, and now we eat the fruits of butter up to 7 pounds per person per year. Some of us eat much more, like every day. You?

Here's what happens to your body when you eat lawyers every day. And for more information on the benefits of regularly eating healthy foods, checkWhat happens to your body when you drink a smoothie every day.


You can lose weight

Avocado toast egg spinach tomato
Katja Grasinger / Desclash

Because lawyers are raised in healthy fibers and moinsaturated fats such as those found in olive oil, they are very satisfied. A half-counsel contains 10 grams of monounsaturated fats and 5 grams of fiber. Overweight adults who added half a lawyer to a lunch reported increased satisfaction of his 26% meals and a decrease in the desire to eat 40% during the three-hour period after the meal. compared to people who did not have lawyers with lunch, demonstrated a study inNutrition log. A warning: adding a lawyer to lunch contributed to 112 additional calories at the meal.

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You can end up eating more fruits and vegetables

Plant based vegan salad bowl

A 2013 study inNutrition log Determined that people who regularly consume lawyers tend to have vegetables, fruits, food fibers, monounsaturated fats, vitamins e and K and lower consumption of added sugars than those who do not have ate lawyers. Eating a lawyer regularly is not enough to guarantee that you eat enough fruits and vegetables. To make sure you encounter the recommended amount, see9 warning signs that you do not eat enough vegetables.


You can reduce your risk of metabolic syndrome

Mature woman with her doctor in ambulance talking about healthcare

We are talking about "metabolic syndrome", a group of cardiometabolic health problems (bomb a few: a large size, high triglycerides and blood glucose, high blood pressure, a "good" cholesterol HDL) which puts you to Much higher risk for diabetes, heart disease, cancer, renal disease, arthritis and even schizophrenia. Metabolic syndrome affects about one-third of US adults, depending on disease control and prevention centers. You attracted your attention?A great study With more than 17,000 adults revealed that the risk of metabolic syndrome was 50% lower in lawyers relative to people who have never eaten them. Did you know that the metabolic syndrome is aA major risk factor for the death of coronavirus?


You could pilounce your hunger pains

woman scooping out avocado with spoon

In a study published inNutrition logParticipants who have eaten a fresh half-lawyer with lunch reported a 40% decrease in the desire to eat for hours. Only 60 calories, a 2-soup goriacamole portion can provide the same profit of satiety with an even more flavor punch. Have we just made guac your weight loss application Go-to weight loss? here is50 other foods that will help you lose weight.


You can reduce your blood pressure

checking blood pressure

You probably know that potassium regulates fluid in the body and can help reduce the collection effects of the arterial pressure of the dietary sodium. You probably know that bananas are a good source of useful minerals. But did you know that 1 cubic cups cubes 728 mg of potassium, 300 mg of more than average banana? In addition to helping rinse body sodium, potassium relaxes the walls of blood vessels, lower blood pressure. "People who do not eat a lot of potassium-rich foods are more likely to develop high blood pressure and have a stroke," says Anthony L Komaroff, Mr.D., Chief Editor ofHarvard Health Letter. If you are hypertension prone, check these14 errors that make your hypertension worse.


It can lower your "bad" cholesterol and protect your heart

Older man and woman holding hands in shape of heart for good heart health

"A lawyer a day, can keep the cardiologist away," could become the new "apple a day" saying for the toast of lawyer. Ato study By researchers from the Penn State Nutrition Sciences Department of the University of Penn State linked to eating a daily lawyer at lower levels of LDL, the "bad" cholesterol, and specifically the type of LDL the most serious, called small particles of dense LDL. When 45 obese or overweight adults have been awarded three similar cholesterol diets for five weeks, researchers found that only the diet included reduced LDL levels of lawado, according to the report ofThe Journal of Nutrition. "When you think of bad cholesterol, it is packed in LDL particles, which vary in size," said one of the authors of the study, Penny Kris-Etheron, a distinguished nutrition professor. "All LDL is bad, but small, dense LDL is particularly bad. An essential conclusion was that people on the lawyer regime had fewer oxidized LDL particles. They also had more lutein, which can be the bioactive that protects the LDL of being oxidized. "


He will load you with plant sterols

Avocado sliced in half
Charles Deluvio / Modern

The lawyers have a cultivation of vegetable compound bumpers that are supposed to have a positive effect on cardiac health. The lawyers contain almost 20 times more soluble phytosterols than other fruits, according to research in the newspaper.Critical examination of food and nutrition sciences. Phytosterols are known to reduce LDL cholesterol levels.


It can prevent type 2 diabetes

Man taking blood sample with lancet pen indoors

There may be something special inside lawyers who could make it particularly effective in preventing type 2. diabetes in an animal study of the Ministry of Food Sciences at the University of Guelph In Canada, researchers have found that a fat molecule called Avocatin B (AVOB for the Court) found only in lawyers who can restrict the cellular process that can cause diabetes. "The treated mice have shown greater sensitivity to insulin, which means that their bodies have been able to absorb and burn blood glucose and improve their response to insulin," wrote the author of Paul Spagulo study in the newspaperMolecular nutrition and food research.Ready to eat more lawyers? Make sure to read about7 secrets to buy the perfect lawyer before hitting the grocery store.

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