This supplement can help you protect yourself from obesity, a new study says

New research suggests that selenium could be longer and healthier.

Many Americans takeVitamins and minerals in the form of a supplement on a daily basis. Whatsoever to helpImprove skin health Or maintain the immune system in an optimal condition, there are many benefits of taking a supplement. At the moment, the spotlight are on such a mineral for its potential capacity to protect against obesity.

According to new research published ineLife,Adding Selenium to your diet can help protect against obesity-At less, it was the case for the mice. The results of this study may result in interventions that reproduce many anti-aging effects associated with a dietary restriction solely without eliminating any of your favorite foods from your diet. It sounds like a dream, right? (In touch:The 7 healthiest foods to eat right now)

A proven method for increasing a healthy life limits the consumption of an amino acid containing sulfur called methionine found mainly in eggs, chicken, beef and dairy products. Avegan diet can be the best way to avoid overconsumption of methionine; But this lifestyle is not reached or desirable for everyone. The researchers therefore aimed at creating an intervention likely to obtain similar effects as a low methionine diet without the need for change of power model.

Previous research in rats had indicated that selenium could decrease an energy regulatory hormone called IGF-1, such as a reduction in methionine. This led the team of researchers to test if Selenium supplementation could offer the same protection against obesity as the restriction of methionine.

To test their theory, they nurtured young female mice and older one of the three high fat diets: a diet containing normal amounts of methionine (it was the control group); a restricted diet of methionine; and a power supply containing normal amounts of methionine, as well as a source of selenium.

The authors found thatSelenium supplement Fully protected mouse of any age and sex against dramatic weight gain and grease accumulation experienced by mice on the control regime. In fact, it was just as effective as the diet restricted to methionine.

They also discovered that the mice treated with selenium supplementation had significantly reduced IGF-1 levels in addition toA reduction in leptin, a hormone that controls food consumption and energy expenditure.

Thus, is it possible that the taking of selenium supplements can protect you from chronic disease like obesity? Currently, the research has been made only on mice that clinical trials would be needed before all conclusions can be drawn.

In the meantime, why not take a selenium supplement? The mineral (which is rich inBrazil nut!) has antioxidant properties that help reduce oxidative stress and inflammation in your body, which can increaseimmune function. Make sure you delete the supplement with your doctor to make sure it will not interfere with any other medicine.

For more, be sure to check80% of Americans are deficient in this mineral that controls sugar desires.

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