Drinking this for 10 weeks can reduce body fat, a new study suggests

Inside the laboratory, this juice "has significantly reduced" the grease can lead to diseases related to obesity.

If you have concerns about beingOverweight, developmentDiabetes, or yourrisk of heart diseaseNew research has identified a type of singular juice that could potentially reduce the chances of the three. What is very fun is that if you are a smoothy drinker or a home gardener, it is very possible that you have already heard of this little but powerful.

A studypublished Last week in theEuropean nutrition newspaper Was directed by a research team on food science and engineering of the University of Finance and China's China's University of Nanjing and the Agricultural University of Nanjing. Scientists started feeding a diet in bold with mice. They administered the broccoli microge meters juice for 10 weeks to the experimental group, while administering a drug to the control group intended to operate in the same way to human drugs used to treat type 2. Diabetes the wait was that the drug The control group would increase insulin sensitivity, which helps the body decompose sugar and use it as fuel instead of storing it as a fat or increase blood sugar levels, similar to Many type 2 diabetic drugs for man.

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Amazing, the mice that received the broccoli microgreens juice saw awesome results.Consume the microgene juice "significantly white adipose tissue, or" white grease ". White grease is the worst of both types of body fat as, in humans, it can increase mainly around the median and increase the Risk of heart disease, diabetes, even shot, and more. In addition, say that researchers, the juice "improve glucose tolerance, the level of insulin reduces ... and resistance to attenuated insulin."

This could prove to be a great insight when it comes to diabetes, but there was even wider involvement that this one: the research team also indicates that the microbiota composition of the mouse gut has changed, resulting in an "anti-inflammatory" and antioxidative effect ". . For the liver, the broccoli microgene juice "can improve the antioxidant capacity of the liver and reduce the accumulation of hepatic fat".

The study in its entirety has not yet been published, but here's how you could break down what its summary explains: if a similar study was a day on the man to find that the effect of the broccoli microgens juices was similar, that is to say that the accumulation of fat has helped in people, it could also suggest that the broccoli microgene juice could potentially combat the levels of obesity that put individuals at risk of diabetes. and those with other risk factors related to obesity.

In other words, if microcrens already grow in your cute kitchen garden cook, or if you have already made a practice of dropping a handle in your juice press or a spoon of the powder supplement in your smoothie morning ... doing sostrength Promote healthy body weight and help prevent certain diseases.

If you are curious about learning more about the micrographes, consult more of its benefits in7 healthy food changes that improve your memory.

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