7 Nutrients to fight against chronic inflammation

Here's how to know if you have this medical condition and how to fight with the best nutrients.

"Inflammation" is a health health word these days, but do you really know what it means? Here is a simple way to watch:

When a bee makes your hand, you have redness, swelling, heat and pain. It is an acute inflammation. It is the natural defense of your body, your immune system going to the attack in response to the venom of the bee. Symptoms of acute inflammation are short-lived. The swelling of your hand finally declining and the pain disappears.

But there is another type of low quality chronic inflammationinflammation, which is caused by food and mediocre lifestyle choices. These symptoms stick, and that's what makes them dangerous. As a poor diet and a sedentary lifestyle are chronic, the body continues to react with inflammation. Over time, chronic inflammation can damage tissues, especially arterial walls around yourheart And the endothelial mucosa of your veins.

Can I diagnose chronic inflammation myself?

The short answer is no. Blood tests are the only way true for the moment, but you can answer some questions that can give you an idea that you have chronic inflammation at a level. Answer "yes" to one of these people, and you should relax with your doctor for formal tests and make key changes in lifestyle, like those described in our new book,The 14-day anti-inflammatory system, Cool the internal fire.

  • Am I overweight?
  • Do I wear much of my excess weight around my environment?
  • Do I eat a lot of junk food and ignore fruits and vegetables?
  • Do I spend days at a desk and evenings on a sofa?
  • Am I tired all the time?
  • Am I unhappy, angry and stressed a lot of time?
  • Do I smoke, drink alcohol to excess or use drugs?
  • Did my doctor tested me for insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome or type 2 diabetes?

How to fight against chronic inflammation

Improving your diet can do wonders to reduce chronic inflammation in your body. It begins by getting to know the good guys of inflammation, the most beneficial actors of the inflammation game.

Omega 3


The "good" fatty acid. Omega-3 have always been demonstrated to have anti-inflammatory powers and can be protective against our worst health problems. Fish is the most common food source of omega-3s. If you choose to take a surcharge, make sure you choose a "prescription grade" labeled for quality.

Unsaturated fats

Avocado salmon nuts and chia seeds

Generally considered healthy greases (as opposed to saturated and trans fat). It has been shown that monounsaturated greases (olive oil, lawyers and walnuts) lower the risk of cardiovascular disease, while polyunsaturated fats (fish, linen and oils) include omega-6 and omega-3.


Oats and berries

An indigestic carbohydrate. The soluble fiber (oatmeal, beans and blueberries) dissolves in the water and can help regulate blood glucose and cholesterol. Insoluble fibers (whole grains and legumes) do not dissolve in water and AIDS for digestion and regularity.FiberAlso nourished your bacteria Gutes to help reduce inflammation.



These are nutrients commonly found in fruits and vegetables that help prevent cell damage by oxidative stress. There are hundreds of types, but well-known examples include vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, lycopene and selenium. The30 best anti-inflammatory foods Will show you how to play your diet with antioxidants.


Steep tea bag

A group of phytochemicals found in plants that have been demonstrated to have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Examples that you may have heard of: resveratrol (wine and grapes), catechins (tea, apples andbays), Quercetin (onions, broccoli and bays) and curcumin (curcuma).


Whole grain bread

An effective fatty acid produced by fermentation of the fibers in the intestine. Butyrate helps preserve the intestinal barrier and inflammation.


Granny smith apples

Found in the plants pigment, rutin offers an antioxidant power and helps your body use vitamin C. Apples, tea, citrus and bananas are common sources.

Extract of The 14-day anti-inflammatory system By Mike Zimmerman and publishers eating this, not that!

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