27 tiny daily mistakes that you probably do but I do not know it

From laundry to basic hygiene, here are all things you are doing hardly badly.

When you make an error in the presence of others, they are usually prompt to point it. Our bosses correct us, our spouses correrect us, our children correct us, and even the target cashier who breaks the news that our coupon has expired us corrects. And while theseFlubs can be embarrassingThey are far from the only ways we are playing regularly. In fact, behind closed doors, we all do a global litany of things incorrectly, minorErrors in the kitchen ToMajor errors This could seriously harm our overall health. Read it to discover the daily mistakes you do and how to quickly edit them from your life.

Wash hands for less than 20 seconds

man washing his hands at the sink

You are probablywash one's hands with a relative frequency throughout the day, according to theNational Cleaning Institute, 50% of adults wash hands more than 10 times a day. However, 73% of these people wash hands for less than 20 seconds and a 2013 study conducted atMichigan University revealed that only five percent of the monitored people were laid properly their hands.

If you want to get rid of your hands of potentially harmful germs, wet hands first, foam with soap, spend at least 20 seconds wash them together, rinse with clean water and turn off the faucet with your elbow to be very sure.

Brush your teeth after eating

Woman looking in the mirror and brushing her teeth, ways you're damaging teeth

Many people brush the teeth twice a day - once when they wake up and once before going to sleep. But if you are one of those people who drossing meals after meals, you do not make your oral health a favor. According to a 2004 study published in the journalCaries search, Brushing directly after eating can erode dentin, the layer under the enamel of your teeth, faster than if you have blocked only at the beginning and end of your day.

Use the mouth bath too often

Man gargling mouthwash by his sink

While using a mouthwash from time to time and then can help keep your mouth healthy, use it too often could have the opposite effect. In addition to washing beneficial bacteria, a 2017 study published in the journalNitric oxiderevealed that frequent use of rinse-mouth can actually increase the risk of a person's developmentType 2 diabetes.

And take too many showers

middle aged man soaps up hair in shower

You might feel good after a long hot shower, but spend an extended time period under this hot tap can have a deleterious effect on your health. Not only can the shower too much wash some of the good bacteria of your body that allows you to keep you in good health, but from 2014 research published in theAllergy and Clinical Immunology Journal Suggests that this can also lead to skin problems, such as eczema.

Cool your drink in an ice bucket

chilling drinks things you're doing wrong

Not necessarily a "daily" error, but a common mistake is not part of a bottle of champagne, wine or other types of drinks directly in an ice bucket so you can enjoy cool. If youreally You want to cool these drinks quickly, however, you will better use a combination of salt and ice water.

"It brings the water temperature below a normal ice bath and contact with water assures the entire surface to be hit," saysMack Zach, an expert from a beverage industry and owner ofAlphabet City Beer Co. At New York. "If you can handle it without spoiling, stir the bottle in the ice bath is even faster."

And if you fear that you do not have enough time for a suitable ice bath, do not be afraid to place this bottle in the freezer for a few. "If everything fails, 10 to 20 minutes in the freezer is the best option," says Mack.

Holding a glass of wine with your palm

woman holding wine glass, mistakes everyone makes
Shutterstock / Andrey Cherkasov

If you hold glass of wine through the bowl, you make a common mistake: the heat of your hand can alter the flavor of your drink. "People do not realize how fast they warm their wine or beer by holding glass light bulb with their palm," says Mack.

Instead, hold the glass by the stem, which can feel precarious but it is really useful. "Hold glass by the stem also allows to swell or shake the wine or beer for more oxygen in the glass and aerate the wine, as well as to get high and out of glass aromas," Mack notes .

So, what is the technique suitable for the rod exactly? Pinch the stem between your thumb and your index and you will keep the optimum temperature for your drink while maintaining the expected flavor.

Store your wine glasses upside down

things you're doing wrong

While placing wine glasses on the shelf rim can prevent the dust from entering them, it could also make them more prone to break. Since the rim of a wine glass is its thiniest and delicate part, storing a glass rim effectively increases its risk of developing pressure cracks over time, says Mack. Instead, hold them and you will increase not only their longevity, but reduce the risk of getting trapped moisture inside the cup.

Loading your dishwasher without a strategy

woman loading dishwasher,

If you think all parts of your dishwasher are created equal, think again. Specific areas are more suitable for cleaning specific dirt. For example, aStudy of the University of Birmingham I revealed that dirty dishes with heavy carbohydrate foods will become a cleanser placed closer to the center of the machine, while those who remain high protein foods are better off on the perimeter of the lower rack.

Put eggs and dairy products in your shelves of the fridge door

eggs in the fridge

The door of your refrigerator can have an obvious place for these cartons of milk and eggs, but store them there can do more harm than good. According to a 2013 study published inExamination of hospitality, the door of your refrigerator and its upper shelves are warmer than its lower shelves, which means that the foods likely to spoil quickly must be placed on the lower tablet and back, where it is cold.

Pour the laundry detergent on your clothes

Mother and Son Doing laundry, worst things about the suburbs

Keep your clothes clean is a more precise business that you could imagine. First, if you pour a detergent directly on your clothes in a high-end loading washer, it's time to end this behavior statistic. Instead, fill the drum with water and pour your detergent so that it will uniformly distributed on all your clothes.

In addition, just because the machine is frequently full of soap does not mean that things become clean. In fact, a 2015 study published in the journalBorders in microbiology Discovered that washing machines often have a crowd of harmful bacteria, from Staph to various gram-negative bacteria - a category including E. coli. So make sure you give your machine a thorough erasure if possible and run a hot water and bleach cycle at least once a month.

Clean your jeans too often

denim folding tips, get rid of kids stuff

Ask any jeans-carrier and they will tell you: there is no better way to ruin the shape and color of your favorite denim than washing them after each wear. In fact, there is scientific evidence: in a 2016 study published in theInternational Journal of Consumer StudiesFrequently washed jeans lost four percent of their total fibers during the search - twice that of a fewer frequently washed pair - but did not have a much lower bacterial load.

Eager to make your jeans a little less rude?Try to glast them instead Kill this persistent bacterium. Seriously!

Do not change the direction of your seasonal ceiling fan

ceiling fan things you're doing wrong

Although you can onlyUse your ceiling fanDuring the hottest months, it can also be an essential tool to stay warm in winter - if you know how to use it, that is to say. In the spring and summer, you will want to run your fan counterclockwise to push the cold air to your body, which makes you feel colder. In the fall and winter, you will want to rock the switch based on your fan so that it turns clockwise, pushing the hot air down, keeping the entire room more Hot.

Clean your blender in the dishwasher

woman using blender, things you're doing wrong

If you have just rinsed your mixer when you're done or on the boost in your dishwasher, odds do not get it as clean as possible. Instead, fill your blender with a little hot water and dish soap andrun it for a few seconds To get the sparkling interior before rinsing.

Waiting for food cool before refrigerating

leftovers in tupperware

One of the most surprising things you aredo not in the kitchen? While waiting for hot food cool down before putting it. Although many people believe that it is a safer way of storing these remains, the opposite is actually true. In fact, according to theUSDA Food and Inspection Security Service, the food should never spend more than two hours outside a refrigerator because it is more likely to enter the so-called danger zone - above 40º Fahrenheit for cold foods and less than 140º for hot ones. And be sure to separate large lots of food into smaller containers, it cools quickly, then appear in the refrigerator as soon as possible.

Immerse a sink with a toilet piston

woman plunging sink
Shutterstock / Andrey_popov

If you have already wondered why dive your dirty sink never gives results, it's probably because you use the wrong tool. For this task,You should use a piston of the cup, a wider piston with a uniformly distributed bottom capable of affixing correctly at the bottom of your sink. For a toilet, you will want to use a flange piston, which is slightly narrower and has a longer plunging mechanism in the center.

Brush the background

natural bristle brush things you're doing wrong

Although you can see that you have more entangle in your hair down, if you do not brush up, you are doing a bad service. The brushing of the scalp down makes it possible to distribute some of the oils produced by your scalp, which makes your hair brighter and help you keep your scalp from looking greasy.

Use a Bobby Pin with the corrugated side up

bobby pins

If you have already wondered why your bobby pines are never put, the answer is simple: you use them badly. Instead of putting the corrugated coast, make sure it faces your head when you secure your hair.

"I learned the right way to use Bobby Pins and I felt like my mind was blown," Blogger BeautyMichelle Phan. "Apparently, you are supposed to push them in your scalp with the corrugated side oriented down. The chop is actually designed to grab your hair and prevent it from slipping Now, use bobby pins only thecorrect How to change your life - I promise you that you will notice a difference! "

Rely on stretching before doing exercise to avoid injury

a couple stretching in a park before exercising

Your high school gym teacher may have told you that stretching before a workout can protect you from injury related to exercise. But, according to science, it is not necessarily the case.

A 2013 meta-analysis published in theBritish newspaper of sports medicine revealed that stretching before exercise does not reduce the risk of injury. "Our data does not support the use of stretching injury prevention purposes or before or after exercise," has clearly declared researchers.

Recycle bad items


Although you follow your recycling regularly, are chances among the things you do not do properly. According toEnvironmental Protection AgencyPeople regularly recycle non-recyclable objects, including bottles, plastic bags, colorful paper, aerosol cans and grass pizza boxes. We couldall do better when it comes to recycling just, seeing like a tiny8.4% of all plastic In the United States are recycled.

Composting scraps of harmful foods

composting things you're doing wrong

Get a composting basket is the first step to make the planet a healthier place, and we applaud! That said, ratings think you add things to the mix that you probably should not.Remnants of common cooking, like citizens of citrus and onions (which can be harmful for the level of acidity of the compost), the bread (which can attract vermin) and the nuts (which contain jugglass, a compound that can stop the growth of Other plants or kill them entirely), should not be thrown at all.

Use the heating drawer of your oven for storage

oven door, easy home tips

Keeping your dishes warm by covering them with an aluminum foil or heat them again in the microwave - is hardly the most effective way to maintain their temperature. Instead, use the warming drawer located under the door of your stove. That's right: it's not just about storing extra cooking leaves and muffin mail!

Unfalled aluminum sheet without securing these tabs

roll of aluminum foil in box
Shutterstock / BW Folsom

Speaking of aluminum foil, do you still find it dedicated before getting a complete sheet of the box? If that is the case,Simply push the tabs In one end of the package and you will observe the roller, which makes these sheets shredded down a thing from the past.

Soften ice cream in the microwave

softening ice cream things you're doing wrong

You want to make sure your ice is so soft that you can scooper effortless at any time? Stop putting this container into the microwave to warm it up. Instead, pop on it in a sealed and secure plastic bag in the freezer and it will not stop you as much as you keep the cold.

Start your meal with any fork

Person eating eggs and toast for breakfast

You are hungry. You are sitting in a restaurant. You catch the range closest to your plate. OMSOPS! You doA common mistake It's time to get out of. Watch your place, fork and knife on thefar on the left andfar On the right, respectively, the utensils you should start your first course with. For subsequent courses, get closer to your plate.

Waiting until your food happens to use your towel

napkin Things You should Never Do at a Fancy Restaurant

Although it may seem to say that your food arrives when your food arrives, it's actually afalse fake.Karen Thomas, founder ofKaren Thomas Label, says that "not put the towel on your lap immediately after being sitting" is one of the mistakes she sees most often.

Focus on keep your head hot

man ready for winter

We often hear that most of a person's body heat is lost throughout the head. However, if you try to keep your whole body warm only by loading comfortable hats, you make a mistake. According to a 2008 report published in theBritish medical newspaperOnly seven percent of a person's body heat lose themselves through their head - much less than the range of 45 to 50% reported. Instead, focus on aFull body warming solution.

Do not use enough sunscreen

Black woman applying, spraying sun protection cream on her legs, habits after 40
Ruslandashinsky / iStock

Do you think about relaxing with a small sunscreen is enough to keep burns at the bay? Well, in a 2018 study published in the journalACTTADERMATOVEEOLOGICAThe researchers found that most topics applied their solar screen too finely to provide adequate protection. So, how much should you use? TheAmerican Academy of Dermatology Recommends using an amount of glass size to cover your entire body. And timing also has - for maximum effect, it is important to apply your sunscreen at least 15 minutes before you start.

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