Laid side effects of drinking coffee, according to science

Only you will know if you have to give up your Joe cup.

Coffee is not just one of the most popular drinks on the planet, its stimulating compoundcaffeine is probably themost studied psychoactive substance.

The effects of caffeine on the body have been put on thousands of scientific studies and most of the recent research suggests that reasonable consumption is relatively harmless and can even make your body well. A recent meta-analysis of 40 studies involving more than 3.85 million people published in 2019 in theEuropean newspaper of epidemiology, for example, an association between drinking two to four cups ofdaily coffee (Considered as moderate consumption) and reduced rates of death of all causes and specific death by cause compared to any daily coffee consumption.

A large number of research has linked a moderate daily coffee consumption with a reduced risk of type 2 diabetes, certain cancers, heart disease, depression, bile calculations, Parkinson's disease and possibly dementia late. In addition, caffeine increases vigilance, focus and even sporting performance. Moderate consumption is generally defined as 3 to 5 cups of eight ounces per day or an average of 400 milligrams of caffeine, according to theDietary guidelines for Americans. An examination of 112 meta-analyzes of observation studies published in theAnnual examination of nutrition Concluded that "coffee can be part of a winsome diet".

So what does not want to love coffee? The answer seems to be very small for most people. But some human beings are more sensitive to caffeine at café than others and consuming coffee can lead to serious negative side effects that deserve to keep in mind. Here are some of the ugly side effects of coffee drinking regularly that you should be aware, and for even more useful alcohol tips, make sure you check out our list of108 most popular sodas classified by how toxic they are toxic.


Bad sleep and adverse effects.

black coffee

The reason your 3-hour coffee takes you enough to make you go through the rest of the work day to see with the chemistry of the brain. Caffeine, the stimulating compound that provides that the vigilance jerk, does its job by temporarily blocking the receptors in your brain to detect a chemical called adenosine, a central depressant of the nervous system. The adenosine levels increase in your brain more you are awake, removing vigilance and ultimately promoting sleep. But caffeine prevents this from happening, that's why you may have trouble falling asleep if you drink late in the day.

The half-life of caffeine is about 5 hours, according to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, which means if you had a cup of coffee containing 100 milligrams of caffeine, there will still be 50 milligrams in your body five hours later. Drinking coffee in the six hours after bed reduces sleep time by a full hour, according to a study of theClinical Sleep Medicine Journal.

That's why most sleep physicians recommend not to drink caffeine afternoon. The remaining caffeine in your bloodstream can reduce the amount of slow wave and the di sleep that you get, steps that are essentially important for physical recovery and consolidation of memory. And it is well documented that the poor quality sleep and an inadequate sleeping time are associated with weight gain, higher obesity rates, type 2 diabetes and cardiac disease.

Is caffeine really so bad for you? here are theSide effects of caffeine to drink, according to science.


Panic attack.


People who suffer fromanxiety And the disorders of panic may want to avoid drinking caffeinated coffee unless they have built a tolerance for this, studies suggest. Such an experience controlled by the case inDepression and anxiety found that 48% of patients with panic disorder diagnosis experienced a panic attack if they consumed 400 to 480 milligrams of caffeine.

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JITTERS, increased blood pressure and increased heart rate.

coffee pot pouring into two mugs

The search is not final on the effect of coffee on arterial pressure. Some studies suggest that it has no effect or may even lower blood pressure by relaxing blood vessels and improving blood flow, while othersstudies show that too much caffeine can trigger anxiety,Hypertensionand increased heart rate in some people. Many of you have probably experienced the "caffeine jitters" after having a few coffees on an empty stomach.

"While the effects of low dose caffeine are the standby state, a little excitement, and a slight euphoria, the high-dose effects are anxiety, irritation and discomfort of a general mining kettle completely different of Fish, Bertil B. Fredholm, Professor Emeritus of Pharmacology at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden saidNew Chemical & Engineering.


The heart attack and cerebral vascular accident.

drinking coffee

Because drinking coffee raises blood pressure and homocysteine, an amino acid associated with arterial lesions, there may be an increased risk of heart attack and stroke, especially in people who do not drink coffee regularly , according toHARVARD HEALTH LETTER.

But most studies, newsletter notes, a moderate consumption of coffee on a decrease in risk. However, theEuropean Review of Preventive Cardiology Was the first to link the type of brewing method for heart attacks and longevity.

"Unfiltrated coffee contains blood cholesterol substances are increasing," says Dag Thelle, Senior Professor at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden, in aDeclaration of the European Cardiology Society. "The use of a filter eliminates them and makes heart attacks and less likely premature death. »

substances called Diterpenes are fat mainly present in the infused coffee in aFrench pressAnd in Turkish coffee, and other hard cafes that are not filtered. Studies show that paper or cotton-nylon filters are the most effective for trapping cholesterol collection ingredients.


pregnancy problems.

woman drinking coffee while pregnant

Consuming a lot of caffeine has been shown a day to be associated with slow fetal growth, a decrease in birth weight, and an increased risk of miscarriage.

"Caffeine can cross the placenta and affect your baby's heart rate," says Jennifer Ashton, MD, medical officer for ABC news and author ofEat this, not that! When you wait. Small amounts of coffee have been revealed safe; The College of American Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommends that the caffeine limits women to 200 milligrams a day, which is about two 8 oz cups of coffee.

However, a new study published this March inJama network open suggests that even lower quantities of caffeine a day during pregnancy can impact the growth of the fetus. The research that came out of the National Institutes of Eunice Kennedy Shriver of the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development examined the association between self-reported caffeine consumption, as well as blood concentrations and body measurements Newborn. The study found that women who said they consumed the caffeine equivalent of about half a cup of coffee a day had children who were smaller and lighter than babies born from women who did not drink No caffeine.

The answer is that it is yours. Overall, the wealth of research on the health effects of caffeine suggests that drinking coffee is very good for most people and perhaps even for health. However, in certain circumstances, it may be in your interest to limit the amount you consume. If reflection on your coffee habits gives you the boss, tryThis One Trick that help you Cut Caffeine consumption for good.

Categories: Healthy Eating
Tags: coffee / Health Tips / tips
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