What you need to know about mineral traces

The 7 amazing things you need to know the stars that support the most basic needs of your body.

In partnership with halo sport

Any warrior of well-being today can tell you the fundamental principles of a healthy diet.Crab Are outside, healthy fats are in. (Check.) You should guide a pint of first-things water in the morning. (Check.) But even the most seasoned fitness buffs that speak a tongue including words like "macronutrients", "Keto"And" supplements "- do not know one of the most important things that their bodies desperately need to stay healthy and peak shape: mineral trace.

"The traces of minerals are elementary compounds found in the foods that the body needs in just small quantities," said Michelle Dudash, RDN, author ofEat Own for busy families.

Mineral trace, ortrace elementsWork to support the body by growing and childhood transitions in adolescence, then adults in adulthood. Regardless of your age, they play a vital role in keeping bones and strong cartilage, and they even work to facilitate nerve impulses throughout the body.

If your muscles are beyoncé, these trace minerals are all important backup singers. Your body still needs them to keep you healthy and go strong in all aspects of your life. If you are deficient in them, it leads to a series of unpleasant health problems such as fatigue, muscle cramps, the inability to concentrate and slow, just to name a few. Keeping your body in buzzing, you will want to integrate traces of minerals into your diet and you can do it by eating certain foods and drinking things likeHalo sport, an organic hydration drink that is packed with traces of minerals to help you recover after training.

We talked with two dietitians registered to better understand what are the traces of minerals, as well as the health benefits they provide to the body and how you can integrate them into your diet. Once you see how important they are, you will never think about minerals in the same way.


You need traces of minerals to survive

Property functions can be severely embarrassed by a lack of mineral traces. For example,A lack of magnesiumMay cause chronic fatigue, loss of appetite and cramps. Besides,a lack of calciumCan lead to muscle cramps and pain, lack of energy and osteoporosis.The most famous traces The minerals you are likely to include iron, copper, iodine, chromium, zinc, fluoride, cobalt, selenium and manganese."Mineral trace helps with significant body functions, including hormonal production, metabolism, muscle contraction, oxygen transport in blood and nerve and thyroid function," says Dudash. As you can see, traces of minerals are great enough to maintain essential parts of your overall health.


You can get them if you drink this

Halo sport is the newest "it" product of sports drinks. Why? First of all, Halo Sports Packs haswide rangemineral ionic traces. Ionic simply indicates that the mineral is bioavailable, which means that it is actively ready to beabsorbedby the body. The idea of ​​a sporty drink is to reconstitute your muscles quickly, right? Traces of minerals are part of the equation. You can recover your body in TipTop-shaped statistics with sport halo sport. In addition, it is a moisturizing and elegant electrolyte beverage that contains only 10 calories and two grams of sugar by a 16 ounce bottle.

Courtesy of sport in halo


Orthographic minerals are not a single size - all

As in the case of the four major macronutrients (carbohydrates, grease, protein and water), your body does not require the same amount of trace minerals every day. Dudash says that men and women need 8 to 18 milligrams of iron a day, respectively, and by contrast, the body only needs about 2 milligrams per day of manganese. Yes, even this small quantity can make a difference in your body and your overall health!


Some groups of people are at higher risk of deficiency than others

Gender levels, activity and eating habits can affect the quality of the body's needs of each respective trace mineral. For example, "Vegetarian and vegan, pregnant women or women with heavy menstrual cycles can be deficient in iron, "said NYCNatalie Rizzo, MS, RD, so that they can need to stay closer to their consumption to make sure they reach their daily requirement.


Americans consume most of these trace minerals

"Most Americans consume a lot of manganese, copper, cobalt, fluoride and selenium," says Rizzo. This is because these minerals are flourishing in daily foods. However, for a more dynamic range of mineral traces, the entry of a halo sport can help you make stocks on other important spelling minerals that you might miss, like magnesium, copper, iodine and zinc.


There is a good chance that you already consume traces of trace minerals on a regular basis

Foods rich in at least one mineral trace include almonds (manganese), milk (cobalt) and brown rice (selenium) and a bottle of this hydration drink could help you get more trace traces than You do not get your daily diet, especially if you sweat them in the gym.


Magnesium is the mineral you missed on

The magnesium is not found in everythingsports drinksBut Halo Sport understands it in his list of trace minerals. This is one of the most essential electrolytes for hydration, and it helps your muscles recover after training. You can lose magnesium through the perspiration (hello, hiit class), so that your velocity magnesium stores are essential to your recovery mode.

In the end: if you are looking for a low sports drink in sugar and calories, but rich in electrolytes and spelling, halo sport is your superior option. The traces of minerals are so important for your body, especially if you work and sweat them with each race or fitness course you are taking. Halo Sport offers an assortment of impressive speech therapy for only 10 calories and no added sugar, so you can rebuild and refresh your body when you need it the most. Now it's an incomparable sports drink, we want to enter our gym bag.

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