25 healthy vegan snacks that you can follow

Yes, vegans can also enjoy portable snacks! Here are some of the best options.

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One of the most difficult parts of any diet is sticking, especially when you are hungry. Falling from the wagon is easy when you are hungry and you are not unsoemental treats in the reach of the arm. And if you follow a factory-based diet, it can be difficult to findvegan Snacks, even more healthy veganssnacks. But never fear, this list of 25 good options will help you stay on track.

These snacks are easy to throw in a purse, sports bag or backpack and eat on foot. Even if you are not vegan, these snacks are perfect to help curb your desires and make up to the next meal.


No evil "no cheese" in french paleo poledoffe

bag of lesser evil paleo puffs snacks

The cheese "no cheese", the puffs of paleo of less evil could easily be compared to a breath of healthy guet. It will make you ask you how they had cheese flavor without cheese.

These bags of an ounce sound only in 130 calories. In addition, these puffs are not only vegan, but also gluten-free, so they are an excellent snack for those with food restrictions. If you do not feel cheese flavor, no evil also has a variety of other salty and sweet flavors.


Popcorn of sea salt boomchickapop of angie

bag of boomchickapop popcorn

These Individual Boomchapop Boomchapop Salt Porcorn Porcorn bags are only 80 calories a bag. And each bag is a large part, with about two cups of popcorn and a half. These crispy and salty treats are ideal for eating during a movie or on a trip on the road.


Black chocolate and dark chocolate bar

kind strawberry and dark chocolate fruit bar

This real treat, recalling strawberries covered with chocolate, comes with half a portion of fruits per bar. It also contains apple and chia seeds that makes it a good source of fiber. If the strawberries covered with chocolate are not your jam, the entire fruit bar is also available in a variety of flavors such as Chia apple mango or Banana Banana Kale spinach bars. If you can not decide what flavor to get, try the variety box with an assortment of all flavors!


Love corn

bag of love corn kernel snacks

Vegan, without dairy products, gluten-free and kosher, love maize is available in several guilty varieties that are all an excellent source of fiber. These crunchy corn nuclei are in sea salt, smoked barbecue and habanero. Eat them by the handle going or up your salads with them for a fun crunch.


Bakery bars of nature

The bakery bars of the nature of nature come in a variety of flavors of fruit, such as raspberry, apple cinnamon and blueberry. And the hearty and delicious blueberry bars are 100 calories each. Gluten free? The nature bakery also has a range of gluten-free bars. All bakery bars of nature are vegan, with the exception of those containing honey.


Variety Pack 100-Calories Emeraude NUTS

Emerald Natural Almonds 100 Calorie Packs

Dry roasted almonds, roasted cashew nuts and a mixture of nuts and almonds include packs of 100 practical calories in the Nuts emerald variety pack. These are the perfect snack on the Go when you want something salty. The nuts also have the extra bonus to be a good source of protein and containing healthy greases.



thrive market larabar in box

Minimally treated treated and no more than 9 ingredients, Larabars is an excellent staple plan to have on hand. We recommend the blueberry wheel bar, which contains cashew nuts, dates, apples, blueberries and vanilla. Or, if you enjoy something more pie, try the cherry tart, which contains only three ingredients: dates, cherries and almonds.


Stretch Island Fruit Leather Variety Pack

With a quarter of fruit cup per serving, Stretch Island leather fruit is available in simple servings of a practical maid. Get the variety pack to try all the different flavors of fruit leather: cherry, apple, strawberry, grape, raspberry and apricot. As a bonus added, these bands are delivered with 100% fruit ingredients and no added sugar.


Madifood Granola Bars sweet and salty

made good granola bars
Madouille courtesy

All bars and granola products made in nutrients equivalent to a portion of vegetables. Their sweet and salty granola bar is perfect for when you can not decide between the two. This bar, made with oats, tastes similar to peanuts, but it is free of peanuts, so it is perfect for teachers of a peanut and a walnut-free location.


MamMachia Chia Squeeze

mamma chia squeeze packet

This fun and tasty snack is sure to be a success with children and adults. MamMashia Chia Squeeze mixes chia seeds and delicious fruits and vegetables, to make a convenient and practical snack that is easily portable. Chia seeds are a superfood conditioned omega-3, protein and fiber. This snack includes a variety of flavors: Blackberry Bliss, wild raspberry, green magic, mango coconut, strawberry banana and cherry beet.


Hippeas Chickpeas Puffs Sarriaca Sunrise

Hippeas sriracha sunshine

For a spicy kick, puffs of Chippes Hippeas peas in Sriracha Sunrise, taste like a paver of paprika. A portion of an ounce of these puffs is only 130 calories and each portion contains proteins and fibers. If you can not handle the heat, puffs of Hippeas chippery peas also came in vegan white cheddar flavors and bohemian barbecue.


Sabra Snackers Classic Hummus with pretzels

sabra snackers hummus and pretzels

Hummus and Bretzels, do we need to say more? Probably not, but we are going: this convenient snack-pack is a delicious mix of chickpeas, garlic and sesame seeds on the ground with pretzel chips to soak on the side. This hearty and small filling container, perfect for any bag, has five grams of fiber and 10 grams of protein.

RELATED: The easy way to make comfortable foods healthier.


Wonderful pistachios roasted and salty pistaches

Take a bag of these roasted pistachios to stay in your desk or handbag for a plant-based protein boost during the day. The nutrients found in the pistachios are perfect for overall health. They are also a good source of fiber and healthy fat.


Snacks Brami Lupini

brami hot chili pepper
Courtesy of Brami snacks

If you have not heard of Brami beans, you missed. The Brami bean is naturally high in the vegetable protein - it has 50% more protein than a chickpea. It is rich in fiber and low in the things you do not want: grease, carbohydrates and sugar. And it has 80% fewer calories than almonds. Get the multi-pack and try all their flavors of sea salt, garlic and grass, chili lime and hot pepper. Eat them alone or in a salad.


Bobo's Blueberry Lemon Poppyseed pastry

bobos blueberry lemon poppyseed toaster pastries

Perfect for on the race, the Bobo's Blueberry Lemon lemon toaster dough is the interpretation of the brand of a coffee favorite. Delicious cold or hot, these pastries toaster are also gluten free and full of tasty blueberry jam, while maintaining a low blood glucose index. Eat them directly out of the bag or enjoy the escape if you have more time.


Rhythm Superfoods Chips Kale

Rhythm Superfoods kool ranch kale chips

Your busy day does not have to prevent you from making healthy choices using Kale Superfoods chips. These bags of snack-size chips can satisfy most ginges. They come in packets of originals, Zesy Nacho and Kool Ranch flavors. In addition to being delicious, this superfood is also a good source of fiber and protein.


Primary spirit without a jerky vegan meat

primal spirit vegan jerky

Beef Serky has always been a great option on go-go for meat eaters, but there are now Vegan Serky for vegetarians and vegans. This alternative of jerky meat is made from healthy herbal proteins, which gives you a meat indulgence without the meat.


Cal-Organic Baby Trolley Trolley Packs

cal organic baby carrots in snack bags

In precipitation and does not have time to fill a bag with your favorite vegetables? Fast and healthy snacking is much easier with these packed baby carrots individually. Carrots are an excellent source of beta-carotene, fibers, potassium and antioxidants as well.


Mottle sliced ​​apples

motts sliced apples in bags

If you like apples, but do not go through the apple, sliced ​​potatoes are the snack for you! These sliced ​​apples are available in re-sealed multi-server bags and packages at a single servition for busy days. A portion of mott apple slices contains more than 100% of your daily value of vitamin C!


Annie's organic fruit snacks

annies bunny fruit snacks bag

Not only these fruit, biological, vegan and gluten-free snacks, but they also come with adorable rabbit shapes. These scrubs are packaged with 100% of your daily vitamin C value. Another advantage for these scrubs is that they are made with 100% fruit juice and no artificial flavors, synthetic colors or preservatives. The most difficult decision you will have while sticking there, you must decide between the patch of the summer cutter and the bay.


Sensitive Foods Crunch Dried Fruit

box of sensible foods crunch dried fruit snack packs

Try these naturally sweet and crunchy dried fruits that are a healthy way to satisfy your desires for snacks. Sensitive foods use a single drying process to maintain all the flavor and nutritional value, without compromising natural sweetness. Eat them at the outlet of the bag, or when you have more time, try it as a yogurt trim. And if it does not impress you, they are made from 100% fruit.


Organic Gimme Roasted Algae

gimme roasted seaweed snack packages

Toasted to crispy perfection, gimme harvests the highest quality, an organic alga producing their roasted seaweed snacks. This does not just taste, but also has a strong density of vitamins and minerals compared to other vegetables (fun facts: algae are a vegetable). Eat this crunching treat for a healthy and salty potato chip substitute.


NOKA Superfood Pouches

Noka superfood smoothie organic sweet potato goji

Smoothies can be delicious and packaged with nutritious ingredients, but collecting all ingredients and throwing them into the mixer can consume time when you are precipitated. NOKA Superfood pockets help with this dilemma. These smoothies do not require refrigeration and you can drink them directly from the pocket. Each pocket has fruits, vegetables and vegetable proteins. The six-flavored variety pack is delivered with flavors like Blackberry vanilla or GOJI soft potato.


Pack Munk Coconut Coconut Fruit Pack

munk pack oatmeal fruit squeeze

Did you seek easy night oats that are also easy to transport? Look no further than Munk Pack is ready to eat oatmeal. They do not even need a spoon or refrigerator! We recommend the flavor of raspberry coconut. With fresh brothers and coconut flaps, this oats will be sure to protect you during your long day.


Purely Elizabeth Vanilla Almond Butter Old Granola Barreau

box of purely elizabeth vanilla almond butter granola bars

Vanilla notes with creamy almond butter make this purely elizable granola bar, delicious and sweet treatment. The purely Elizabeth bars are unique because they use a patented strain of vegan probiotics called Ganedenbc30. Not only will you have this beautiful crunchy bar, but also a good gut-health with the help of the probiotic! They also use coconut sugar, so their bars have a low glycemic index.

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