Drinking this 30 minutes before doing exercise for flame fat, says a new study

Here's why scientists say that a "strong" coffee cup will help you achieve your fitness goals.

If you believeOne of the most popular doctors on Tiktok, the two best moments for drinking coffee every day (for reasons of vigilance and cognitive function) are for 10 hours from 10am to noon and from 14h to 17h, when your hormone cortisol is not at its peak and that You could really do the most of your caffeine jolt. But if you are a regular exerciser and you seek to make the most of your workouts, especially a new study of the entirely male subjects published in theJournal of the International Society of Sports Nutritionsuggests another time you should drink coffee: before doing exercise. In addition, which is a great news for coffee lovers - it should bestrong Coffee.

Learn more about what scientists say about connecting between your coffee and your fitness - and when you should drink it. And if you are on the market for a new new fat workout, readThe rapid 10-minute drive melting belly fat, according to a superior coach.


Fuel exactly half an hour before working.

moka coffee

"The results of our study have shown that acute ingestion of caffeine 30 minutes before performing a aerobic exercise test increased maximum oxidation of fat during exercise, regardless of the time of day, "noted Francisco José Amaro-Gahete, professor of physiology of the University of Spain of Granada and the main author of the study.

For the study, researchers at the University of Granada have decided to investigate the effects of coffee on exercise and determine whether it is really helpful to improve sports performance. They experienced 16 men with an average age of 32, who finished "the exercise tests four times at seven-day intervals". Participants drank a certain amount of caffeine or placebo. And for more good fitness advice, checkThe simple morning workout that melts fat all day, for example experts.


Here's how much your coffee should be strong.

black coffee

The study indicates that about 3 mg of caffeine per kg of body mass is the amount that increases the fat burning speed. For reference, it means that a 170-pound man should drink 231 mg of caffeine half an hour before exercise, which reflects aMix of high Starbucks Pike Plac.

Researchers note that there are limits to the grease benefits of the Caffeine. "Very high doses of caffeine (for example 9 mg / kg) are associated with a high incidence of side effects and do not seem to be required to generate erganic effect," said the study. (For record, 9MP / kg for the same man of 170 pounds would be 693 mg of caffeine - or more than 30 ounces of Starbuck blonde roast, roast the strongest.)


The effects are more pronounced at this time of the day.

Man drinking espresso

Scientists also concluded that the effects of caffeine consumption on your oily burning are "more marked" when the exercise is done in the afternoon, as opposed to the morning. For more benefits to work later in the day, see whyThis is the perfect period of the day to exercise, says a new study.


It basically helps any exercise.

Woman sprinting

According to the study: "The tiny benefits of the use of caffeine include, but is not limited to: muscle endurance, motion speed and muscle strength, sprint, jump and performance lifting, as well as a wide range of aerobic and anaerobic sports. Specific actions. "

The study also notes that caffeine can improve performance in some sports such as basketball ("increase of the skip height ... frank throws manufactured ... Increase the number of total and offensive rebounds") soccer (" Increased total distance covered during the game "), volleyball (" increase the number of volleyball shares and the decrease in the number of imprecise actions ") and cross-country skiing (" reduced time to complete a defined distance " )

Related: This workout leads 29% extra fat loss, says science


So remember ...

drinking coffee

"In summary," concludes the study ", the conclusions suggest that the combination of acute caffeine and an aerobic exercise carried out at a moderate intensity in the afternoon provides the optimal scenario for people seeking to Increase the combustion of fat during physical exercise. " And for more amazing training tips, do not miss Fouling popular walking training that works totally, say experts .

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