Have low levels of this nutrient can shorten your life, a new study says

But research has noticed to eat more of this can "slow down the aging process" and enjoy your overall health.

In recent years, many studies have examined the relationship between eatinghealthy fats and hiscardiac health. However, a new paper has been set to zero on how a particular fatty acid has an impact on cardiovascular health, but also general well-being and longevity. From the conclusion of researchers - and their approach to analysis - the effect of this plan upgrade seems clear.

A meta-anlysia by fatty acids and research results (Force) has been published this week inNature Communications. This article summarizes the results based on 17 previous studies that have examined Omega-3 fatty acid levels in the blood.

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The researchers left the lifestyle, on purpose.

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Researchers of the Force recognized that Omega-3 data over the years have often shown the benefits of the presence of fatty acid, but the critics of these previous studies have pointed out that the factorsoutraged The presence of omega-3GRAS ACIDS could also contribute to well-being and longevity.

Thus, in the current analysis, the researchers examined previous studies that had examined blood levels of omega-3 fatty acids (since blood level data can be used as objective metric), rather than allowance. wider lifestyle variables possible.

They have reduced omega-3 fatty acids.

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The authors of the new document examined the blood levels of OMEGA-3 of 42,500 human subjects over 16 years, nearly 16,000 inhabitants were dead. The researchers broke the causes of death in three categories:heart disease,Cancerand all other combined causes. Scientists have found that the risk of deaths of these causes reduced between 11% and 15% for people with higher levels of omega-3 in their blood.

The conclusions of the study delivered new conclusions.

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OfPress release:

"[Study] has shown that these people with omega-3 higher [blood levels] have lived longer than those with lower levels. In other words, these persons deceased with levels of omega -3 relatively low are dead prematurely, that is, all the rest being equal, they could have lived longer if their levels were higher. "

The abstract of the document also notes that people with a high omega-3 index are 13% less likely to die prematurely compared to those with low omega-3 levels.

It means an omega-3 presencemay General aging slow.

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This analysis reveals that omega-3 fatty acid serves not only efforts to maintain cardiovascular health, but like abstract states: omega-3 "can have a beneficial impact on overall health and thus slows down the aging process" .

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If you are sold, get our list of the26 Top omega-3 foods.

In addition, besides the regime, making an impact when it comes to living long and staying healthy? ReadTotally surprising things that affect your life, according to science.

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