Cut sweet food can protect you from COVID-19

Here is an overview of a doctor, as well as the most popular foods of sugar, you should also avoid eating.

While everyone spends most of their time at home, there is good luckyou are more inclined to nibble something sweet. Hey, nothing says comfort as a biscuit, a bowl of cereals, or a spoon of ice cream, which are all treats that arepacked with sugar. And during this period when you can not go to your local gym andmake healthier catering choices Is not it as easy, maybe lowering your sugar consumption is not so serious of an idea? According to an expert, eating fewer sugar foods could just help you in the chance of youCOVID-19 contract.

See,Lowering your blood glucose through a diet and exercise can be protective against COVID-19, suggestsAdam M. Brufsky, MD, PhD, an expert in breast cancer and professor of medicine at the University of Medicine of Pittsburgh Medicine. "Sugar is not only something that softens our food. It is also an essential part of the proteins that make up our body," he said in theACADEMIC NEWS JOURNALThe conversation. This led him to believe that the best control of glycemia by the diet and the exercise, as well as the best control of blood glucose in diabetics, especially when it is sick with Covid-19, "may possibly Help control the severity of the disease and even its spread. "

Other researchers believe high blood glucose andType 2 diabetes are risk factors for those who catch coronavirus. Scientists from Germany, the United Kingdom, Switzerland, Italy and Singaporerecently concluded inNature Opinion Endocrinology which controlling high blood glucose, lipid levels and blood pressure can potentially prevent or decrease the severity of the side effects of coronavirus. According to disease control and prevention centers, patients with type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome (a group of conditions comprising high blood glucose, high high blood pressure, high cholesterol and excessive abdominal fat) can be up to 10 times more likely to die when they contract COVID-19 compared to people without metabolic disease.

How can you reduce your risks?

If you are one of88 million Americans with high blood glucosethe coronavirus epidemicmakes it more imperative than ever to take a look at your dietAnd make sure you do everything you can to avoid developing type 2 diabetes. Two of the best ways to significantly reduce your risks are byEliminate hidden added sugars from your diet and losing weight-And, it's not forced to be all that weight, either. And eliminate the sources of added sugars hidden in your daily diet can quickly help you drop these books!

We have therefore gathered a list of the most common foods that pack the lion's lion and added sugars - some containing 20 grams or more, you know what to avoid eating.

RELATED: The easy guide to reduce sugar is finally here.




Remember that no one has ever said, "An apple of potatoes maintains the doctor." You will better eat an apple than to go for the puree version. A sweet booster cup contains 36 grams of sugar but only 3 grams of fiber. A medium-sized apple, on the other hand, has 4 grams of fiber and, although still soft has only 19 grams of sugar and apples are rich inAntioxidants fighting cancer. And apples are one ofBest fruits for weight loss, approved by a nutritionist, too much!



banana bunches

Banana A good source of magnesium, a nutrient that facilitates the synthesis of proteins, which increases, in turn, increases lean muscle mass. Magnesium also helps stimulate lipolysis, the process by which the body frees fat from its stores. And, of course, it is one of the best sources of potassium, which lowers blood pressure. The bananas are good for you, but they are rich in carbohydrates at 31 grams by big fruit. So have a banana, but not an entire tas at a time!


Barbecue sauce

Barbecue sauce

SeasoningCan be delicate and the size of the measurement part is not always an option. The next time you order ribs, keep in mind that two tablespoons of barbecue sauce can contain up to 11 grams of sugar. In a restaurant or take-away command, you can expect more than four tablespoons to be covered with a rib portion.




Many people think of fruity and fiercon candies such as Twizzlers, children patch acids and gummy bears like sweets, but the truth is that they are also packed with carbohydrates and sugar as chocolate counterparties - and in some Cases, they actually wear more carbohydrates. For example, a pack of M & M is carrying 35 grams of carbohydrates, while an 8-oz acid patch package, children are packaged with 216 grams. If you are looking for a sweet lower fuel, take some grapes or fraramots. Try them frozen!


Canned fruit cocktail

boulevardier cocktail in tall glass with orange peel garnish

Fresh fruit have natural sugars of fructose, so they are the most beneficial when you need an extra burst of energy. However, there is no good time to eat canned fruits, which are often packed in high fructose corn syrup. A portion to a cup of canned peaches, for example, can contain upward 39 grams of sugar. If you need your fruits to last longer, head to the freezer and reach the varieties without sugar added to the top of their maturity. here are the15 best frozen fruits and vegetables to stay on hand!



Canned soup

You probably know beware of sodium in canned soup, but you may not know that many varieties are also screened with sugar. The slow tomato bisque of the kettle of Campbell and the soft basil bisque, for example 25 grams of sugar added by cup! It's a lot of sweetness toDunk your grilled cheese in.


Chocolate milk

Chocolate milk

While its high carbohydrate and protein content often inspires personal coaches to call chocolate milk the perfect recovery drink, it is still high in sugar. "The dairy naturally contributes to lactose, but many brands add sweeteners with chocolate flavor," says Cara Harbstreet, MS, RD, Street Smart Nutrition. "Unless you are very active or committing intense exercises, these added calories may not provide many benefits." So that the daily sipitation, accumulate a glass of simple milk from fat or at all and associate it with a small piece of dark chocolate to satisfy your sweet tooth. And make sure you avoid one of these50 drinks with more sugar than the bar of Hershey.


Cranberry sauce

homemade cranberry sauce with cranberries outside the bowl

Come the day of Thanksgiving, all promise to make this gelatinous sauce, gelatinous, too sweet. A half-cup of portion contains 56 grams of carbohydrates and 48 grams of sugars. Turkey's day would not be the same, you say? Try to take a tablespoon only!


Energy bars

chia seeds energy bars

Since carbohydrates provide energy, it should not surprise that energy bars are loaded with carbohydrates. Always, many peopleThink about these impostors of health are actually good for you. Not that. On average, they contain up to 45 grams of carbohydrates - and are also full of sugar and frightening chemicals. They are basically a triple threat to your health.

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Energy drinks

Energy drinks

Most of these so-called performance drinks are loaded with sugar and caffeine. Example: A can of Red Bull contains 27 grams of sugar. No thanks!


KEFIR flavored

milk kefir

While drinkingkefir is a good way to boost good intestinal bacteria for you. But glue to the impregnated type while the fruity flavors are - you guessed it - very, very sweet. Some contain up to 22 grams of sugar per serving! And unsweetened Kefir contains less than half of these grams of sugar.


Flavored teas

Honey citrus mint tea

Sweet tea and other flavored sugarsed teas in a bottle are not better than soda, just because they have a "tea" in their names. Many of them contain nearly 46 grams of sugar per bottle!


Graceful scented cafes

Iced coffee

These can also pass liquid candies. A bottle of Starbucks Mocha Frappuccino contains 37 grams of carbohydrates and 31 grams of sugar, providing 200 calories per serving.



French fries

While most people know that potatoes are rods, fries are extremely engraved with 63 grams per restaurant serving. It's twice as many carbohydrates that a bowl of pasta in a standard family-style maid! And it worsen: fries with vegetable oil such as fries contain high levels of something called inflammatory advanced glycation end products, which cause inflammatory compounds caused when some foods are cooked at temperatures high.


Fresh fruit juice

Biological and pressed juices might seem innocent, but do not depend on them for health benefits. Travel just a single glass and you drink a sugar bomb with up to 26 grams. And although you get entire fruit juice, you do not get thefiberall the fruit. Without the fiber of the plant, the juice is not much better than drinking a cup of sugar water.

"Healthy" dinners frozen

Frozen dinner

When you are in a pinch, look for a frozen meal might not look like a bad option, especially when this meal is labeled "healthy". Nevertheless, pay attention to nutrition labels. Pineapple vapor chicken of healthy choice coffee, for example, from grilled white meat of white meat and rich protein among its ingredients, but has a large grams of sugar in a bowl, 16 grams of protein and 45 grams of carbohydrates.


Low fat yogurt

yogurt in wooden bowls

It should not come as no secret so that low fat yogurts are exceptionally high in sugar. You can expect the fruit-filled yogurt to be raised in Sannon's fruit-on-bottom blueberry, which contains 21 grams, but "healthy", "healthy" yogurts also pack the sweet stuff. Instead, opt for clear Greek yogurt and add your own berries.


Maple syrup

Maple syrup

You know that maple syrup is packed with sugar, but that would have thought that organic formation could be even worse than the raw, false type. Madhava organic maple agave pancake syrup offers 30 grams of sugar in just two tablespoons. The only advantage? The flavor of organic syrups is stronger and more concentrated than high fructose-made syrups, so you do not need to use it as much.


Cocktail frozen Margarita

margarita frozen cocktail

While whisking a jelly margarita at home is not just as serious as getting it from a bar (400 calories vs. 700), it's always theworst cocktail for your size. Made with a mixture of neon and tequila with the sugar headdress, it overload your system with far too much sugar. Instead, go to a glass of sparkling wine with confused strawberries and lemon slices to get your fruity solution for a fraction of grams and sugar calories at the waist. Why not try none of theseImmunizing cocktails that peach vitamins and antioxidants!



blueberry muffins

Just a muffin of blueberry prepared in the trade has as many carbohydrates as not one, not two, butFive slices of bread! It is also a mine of fat and calorie, wearing more than 520 calories and one third of the day of the day in a dough. And eating half now and "save the rest for later" is almost impossible sometimes, because foods rich in carbohydrates, fat and sugar are instead of an addiction. Do not think you can solve the problem by controlling a branch muffin, the minimum fiber inside is not a match for the flood of sugar.



pizza on top of pizza stone

If you can not live without pizza, hey, we understand, but you will want to make smart choices. If you really like a pizza, at least your slice with lots of vegetables to reinforce the fiber profile. At 36 grams of carbohydrates, each slice is like eating a bowl of penne pasta.


Gras Salad Vinaigrette

Vinaigrette dressings for salads

Products that claim "low fat" or "fat-free" claims are usually code "high sugar". When manufacturers take the fat out of the food, they compensate for the lost flavor with extra salt and sugar.


White bread

White bread on wooden cutting board

The packed white bread can have 4 grams of sugar per slice. This means that you would eat 8 grams of sandwich sugar. To aggravate things, it is often sweet with high fructose corn syrup, one of the largest forms of sugar in the market in the market. And the envelopes are just as bad because they can have the same number of carbohydrates as two slices of white bread. Instead, go withEzekiel without sugar, pushed sugar grain bread. The millet, the speller, the lentils and barley of lowering cholesterol give a natural sweetness and help to increase the fiber of bread, a nutrient element that subjected to hunger. In addition, the germination of grains breaks down the enzyme inhibitors, which helps your body to digest better and absorb healthy nutrients.



Pistachio smoothie

Bottled fruit smoothies seem healthy, but if you are doing a survey on nutritional facts, you will see that they are almost as calorie, fuel and sugar-heavy as a milkshake. Instead, opt formake your own smoothies with protein powder.

RELATED:This 7-day Smoothie diet will help you lose these last books.


A soda

Brown soda in a clear glass against a white background

You already knew that 12 ounces of Soda were filled with chemicals and about 10 teaspoons of sugar, but did you realize that it contains more carbohydrates than a whole pasta bowl? It's true. A 12 ounce bobbin of sprite has 38 grams of carbohydrates, while a classic cola has about 39 grams. And that's not all! Check these105 most popular sodas classified by how toxic they are toxic.


Whole wheat pancakes


When it comes to eating a pile of pancakes, you may know that you are preparing carbohydrate overload, but the sugar does not always fit. After all, if you do not know the butter and the fruit compote, you should go well, right? Not always. A stack of four harvest grain floods' n pancake pancakes I JUMP Perhaps healthy buttermilk, but they actually contain 20 grams of sugar. Add on a light maple syrup and you look at 30 grams of 30 years in your morning meal.

Categories: Healthy Eating
Tags: Coronavirus / News / tips
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